Under The Cherry Blossom tree||SS||

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"Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura gave a big hug to her boyfriend. "You arrived 3 days earlier from your mission."

"Yeah. I got it done earlier than expected. I wanna see my girlfriend that's all." Sasuke scratched his head and looked away from Sakura.

"That's so you Sasuke-kun." Sakura kissed Sasuke's cheek.

"Oh! Sakura-chan! Sasuke?" Naruto went near them and waved his hands. Naruto saw what they did and being a clueless idiot, he teased them about how Sakura kissed Sasuke and how Sasuke turned really red after the kiss. They are really rivals forever.

NARUTO!! YOU BASTARD!!" Sakura said in rage while Sasuke calmly said "You fvcking idiot."

"Sakura-chan!! N-no! I'm SORRY!! Please not the p-punch!! GHAAAAA!!" He pleaded but it was too late to say that.

Sakura punched him. Naruto flew and landed in the Hogake's office, braking the window. It was clear that Tsunade was having a bad day so she punched Naruto, breaking the window again, flying and screaming then landed in the forest just outside the gates. Poor Naruto.

"That's my girl." Sasuke placed his head on top of Sakura's head. Sakura just blushed and gave an embarrassing smile.

Inner Sakura: HELL YEAH!!

"Sasuke-kun. Do you wanna do something today? Like a date?" She looks at those gorgeous eyes which made her love him even more.

"Sorry Sakura. But I'm really tired. Maybe tomorrow okay?" Sasuke gave her a forced smile. After that S class mission, his chakra is getting smaller and smaller and he knew that he needs to rest.

"Okay Sasuke-kun. I understand. Can I at least walk with you?" Sakura pleaded but Sasuke didn't allow.

"I'm fine. Really. I'll visit you tomorrow. But not now. And I think someone's looking for you." He said while Sakura turned back and saw her master, the 4th Hokage, Tsunade.

"You should be sure that you're okay. Or else. Bye Sasuke-kun. See you tomorrow." Sakura kissed him goodbye and walk away from him.

"Sakura wait!" Sasuke called out to her. "Come here first."

"What is it?" She went nearer.

Sasuke looked at her beautiful blue green eyes then kissed her on the forehead. "Be careful. I know how that Hokage acts. Don't push yourself okay?. See you tomorrow." He patted her head and before you know it, he was gone.

"Okay Sasuke-kun." She said quietly while running towards her master.


After a few hours while Tsunade was stalling Sakura (which was a long story because it's rare for Sasuke to ask some help), Sasuke finally finishes his plan and rests for a while. That mission really got the best of him. It's a S class mission after all.

10 more minutes 'til my plan starts. I should stay there and wait for her and rest at the same time.

"Sakura you're free to go. Oh! And Sasuke gave me this when he reported about the mission. He said to give it to you after our daily training. Here."

"Thank you master."

Tsunade gave Sakura a small pink envelope with a blue note. It says...

Come and find me.. I'm in a place where the river is as clear as my love for you and a special tree that is as beautiful as your character, your hair, and you yourself.

I'll be waiting. Be there by 4:30. I got a surprise for you.

"It seems that your lover boy is trying to take you on a date." Tsunade is acting all mushy while Sakura just stood there, speechless.


"Fine fine! I won't disturb you.. But I only get to do this sometimes y'know. Everything just gets serious when Shizune's around." Tsunade wispered to Sakura. Shizune, who is standing beside the door, was curious of what Tsunade said to Sakura. Little did she know that it was about her.

"Tsunade-sama! Time to work!" Shizune called out to her. Tsunade just smiled at her and told her to wait but as she faced back, she mocked the expression of the maiden making Sakura chuckle.

"You should go now master. You're the Hokage after all." Sakura gave her a devious smile. Tsunade frowned and started to walk going to Shizune.

"Can I retire? It's too stressful. Oy Shizune! Can i get a bottle of sake before doing those paperwork?" The 5th Hokage whined. Shizune sighed and turned grumpy.

"Fine! If you promise to do you work. And you've got tons of it. Now lets go! Bye Sakura." Shizune said while pushing Tsunade.

"Alright alright! Now stop pushing me. Be sure to have fun with you lover boy Sakura! Unlike us." Tsunade mumbled.

"TSUNADE-sama!" -Shizune

"MASTER!" - Sakura

Sakura laughed. She knew the reason why Tsunade and Shizune were both single. Because they were too busy that they forgot about themselves and we all know that it can't be helped. As she remembered what her master teased her about Sasuke, she was absolutely excited, damn excited. But in the back of her mind, it isn't like Sasuke to give her surprises and stuffs like that.

I wonder what the surprise is? Whatever it is, I'll still love him of course. He's trying his best. That's what matters. Now... Where could that place be.

After minutes of thinking, she finally knows where the place is. (there was actually a picture in the envelope, she was too giddy to notice it •_•).

It's the place where he confessed his love to me... Under the Cherry Blossom tree.

Sakura didn't waste anymore time. She hurriedly ran going to the main northern gate and went to the designated place.

Sakura arrived 5 minutes early and as she arrived, Sasuke was soundly sleeping while hugging a picnic blanket. Sakura stared at him like there was no tomorrow. He was just immensely cute.

She quietly sat next to him, caressing his hair while she whispered "I never knew you were this cute when you sleep."

Sasuke instantly grabbed Sakura's wrist causing her to fall which landed on Sasuke's chest. Sakura's face turned red like a tomato. He burried his face under Sakura's hair, kissing her shoulders from time to time. Sakura was so overwhelmed that she wanted to stay that way forever. Sasuke felt the same but he still has other surprises under his sleeves.

"Hey. You remember this tree?" Sasuke pointed to the bright and beautiful tree. Sakura simply nodded her head and smiled.

"Cherry blossom tree. The place where you confessed."

"Yeah. I was so embarrassed that day. But it was damn right worth it." He said as he patted Sakura's head. "Why don't we eat? Since you just came from training?"

"Aww! I wanted to stay like this Sasuke-kun!" She pouted.

"You still act like a kid Sakura. I made the food myself. You should be greatful." He started to sit straight and opened the basket.

"Sorry Sasuke-kun." She murmured. "HAAA?! YOU MADE THE FOOD? You know how to cook?"

Sasuke just smirked. " I'm a genius after all. Mom and nii-san taught me how."

"Sasuke-kun.. Hmph! As expected. You're my boyfriend after all." Sakura said while getting the cheese burger with egg and bacon then she ate it.

Sakura stayed silent for a couple of seconds.... It was truly exquisite.

"Oi Sakura. What do you think? Hey hey! Forehead girl!" Sasuke teased her. He knew that it taste good that's why she reacted that way.

"It..is....Good. Wow, I never knew you were this good at cooking Sasuke-kun. I'm speechless." Sasuke smirked at her then nodded. "I bet you used sharingan on this burger. It's so perfect, too perfect." Sasuke turned really stiff for a couple of seconds then laughs in embarrassment.

"Okay you got me... I just wanted to cook for my girlfriend that's all." Sasuke sheepishly said while blushing.

"That's so sweet Sasuke-kun. I've never seen that side of you."

"It's a side that only you can see. Be happy." Sasuke smirked.

It's almost dusk. Time for the surprise. Sasuke thought. He signaled Naruto and Hinata who are hiding behind a big tree for his surprise to Sakura.

"Oh! The sun is setting! Sasuke-kun lets stay near the lake!" She said. Sasuke led her to the perfect spot where they can sit on.

And there they were, sitting together, holding hands, enjoying the sunset. What more could they ask for?

"Sunsets and Sunrises really reminds me of you Sasuke-kun." Sakura said out of the blue.

"Why? Because after I'm all warm and kind I turn cold all of a sudden?"

"No! And stop assuming things okay?"

"Then what?" Sasuke's head goes near hers and is now an inch apart... Both hearts pumped violently as they looked at each other's eyes.

"Although you got missions and disappear to who knows where, when you're with me... Everything feels so full of warmth, happiness, and love." She whispered. Sasuke, surprised by what she said, closed the distance between them, giving Sakura the best kiss she had in a long time.

They broke the long kiss, gasping for air. They were supposed to continue but the fireworks finally came right on time.

That moron finally did something right. Hinata was there but i'll consider it.

"I wanted to continue kissing you but the fireworks are too beautiful." Sakura shrieked as she watched the fireworks fly high.

"Are you saying that you're in favor of the fireworks than me?" Sasuke snapped. Sakura just laughed, thinking how cute he is when he's jealous.

"Uhmm yes?" Sakura acted innocently. Sasuke gave out a little smirk.

"How 'bout I do this." Sasuke gently place his hands on Sakura's nape, pulling her into another fairy tale kiss.

Sakura playfully resisted, doing little punches on his buff chest but Sasuke didn't moved an inch.

She gave up and went with the flow. She didn't actually care about the fireworks, the food, and the surprises. The only thing she cared is that Sasuke was there beside her, spending time with her, playing and teasing her, and above all, loving her without restriction or hesitation.

"I will always love you Sakura. No matter what." Sasuke placed his hand above hers, looking directly at her then the fireworks.

"I love you too Sasuke. Always." She shifted her head and enjoyed the last hurrah of the fireworks.


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