AdiYa: Interruption Version 2.0

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This one has been lying in my drafts for pretty long time now (mostly months). I planned on writing more to this but just couldn't at that point of time. Even now I have barely added two words. But yeah, better to share than to keep it lying in the drafts, right?

Anyways this is kind of a sequel to Interruption. Though can be read as a standalone.

And there might be more versions and sequels coming for this. Just giving a heads up.


Lost in her own world of thoughts, Zoya twirled the strand of hair around her forefinger. A gentle smile tugged on her lips and her eyes stayed distant as the far away memory splashed across her mind. The tales were still freshly etched and every time managed to forget her tiresome life. Their tedious schedules wore them off but just the faint thought of that goofy proud smile would fill her with a wave of energy.

"Zoya," she heard the strangled whisper, pulling her back from her world of thoughts. With a frown she looked around. There wasn't supposed to be anyone. Her parents were off to join a family friend for some occasion. They wouldn't be back for the next couple of days, if not weeks. Noor, on the other hand, had been working hard with her new job and had left early. Zoya was all by herself, that is, until she left for Zosh for work. But that was only a couple of hours later.

"Zoya," the impatient groan drew her attention to the nearby window. Throwing off the duvet, she scrambled across and slowly yet cautiously looked out of the window. Startled, she jumped in an instant.

There he was. Aditya Hooda, The man who had the power to beautify her dream or even ruin them. He had the power to make each and every moment they shared a beautiful memory; one that outdid her dreams. However, he also had the power to stir her greatest fears but ultimately he was the one to heal her.

"Aditya," she screamed in panic. He was climbing, more aptly, hanging onto the window as he struggled to enter.

"What is wrong with you?" She fumed clearly enraged by his attempts to planned suicides. "Why can't you ever enter the house like normal people would do? Why do you have to risk your life and give me a minor stroke every single time?" She was on fire. Unstoppable! Scolding him like a teacher, with one hand on her hip while the other pointed firmly at him as she shot daggers at him.

"Oh, woman," he cried out still hanging onto the window. "I know, I have told you that you look absolutely fierce with all that anger," he looked dazed for a second but soon shook his head and pleaded, "but now, might not be the time. You could scold me all that you want but before that, do me a favour and pull me up."

As if just realising that he was hanging on for his dear life, she lunged forward and pulled him with her strength. Finally his foot landed onto the ground while she tried to catch her breath. With one palm resting onto his shoulder while the other clamped across her chest as she tried to get her breathing under control. He couldn't help but stare at her.

"Aditya, what were you thinking there," she gritted each word in a painfully slow manner, as though restraining herself from pouncing at him for an attack. Her eyes were set on fire as she looked at him. "What would you go through if you witnessed me risking my life like that?" Her words were meant to feel outright accusing to him; instead he felt a slight tug on his gut as her voice hinted the pain. Her greatest fear was to lose him. But he also knew, she couldn't withstand the thought of him being harmed, injured or wounded in any manner.

"I am sorry," he pulled her in his embrace. Letting him tuck her under his arms, she let her head rest on his shoulder. He mumbled on top of her hair, "I didn't mean to upset you but I was," his voice trembled. She tilted her head to read his expressions and her eyes softened. "I was restless. I had to see you," the urgency in his voice sent shivers down her spine; not the good ones though. She decided to let it pass.

"But you knew Ammi and Abbu were flying out today; and Noor has always been on your side. Then why did you have to choose this route?" She suddenly looked exhausted but he knew better. She was upset.

"It kind of slipped out of my mind," he muttered sheepishly. "Also, one can never trust your Abbu, he would just come back rushing once he sniffs my presence around you," he shook his head in disbelief. He ran out of luck when it was about a certain Siddiqui. Waseem Siddiqui, that man hated his guts and he was made well aware of it.

"Okay, enough about my Abbu," his thoughts halted in an instant and his eyes drank the sight of raw beauty in front of him.

"Why did you have to see me?" He frowned as she reminded him of his reasons to rush to her. He was desperate to see her. "What is bothering you, Aditya?" Her voiced soothed over him.

"Erm," he chewed onto his lower lip, while she patiently waited for him to speak. His arms were curled around her waist while hers rested on his shoulder. "I will be flying down," had it not been for eerie silence, she might have had the difficulty to hear to his faint voice.

It still did not make any sense to her. He flew a lot. After all, he was a pilot. It was his job. She knew that he flew across the globe and would tour around different cities and countries all across. However, she failed to understand the reference to the current situation. Her nose scrunched up with her eyebrows knitted, she looked puzzled. With the same confusion, she spoke, "Okay?"

"I am leaving tonight, it was a last minute change in the schedule," his words rushed out as he handed her the explanation while she still stood confused. "I didn't know about it until this morning," he went on.

"Aditya," she tried to stop his ramblings but he didn't falter.

"I will be gone for two weeks," he looked equally broken as his words sounded. Two weeks away from her on different continent miles apart, was too much to bear. The moment her eyes met his, she knew, it would do no good to him if she fell weak.

"Two weeks without you," he murmured. She smiled weakly at him. Her fingers dug into the dense of hair at the back of his head, she reminded, "Just two weeks! Time flies away and you will be flying back home. We will get through it."

Unable to contain her overflowing emotions, she crashed into him. The impact made him stumble a few steps but he held onto her. Her head buried into the crook of his neck while she tried to gulp a sob.

"Of course," he tried to sound upbeat for her but failed.

Silently, they stood holding onto each other as they reminded themselves of what they have together and what they were going to live without for the next two weeks.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked after awhile. Nodding her head in response while it still rested in the crook of his neck, she signaled him to go ahead.

"Would you," his words faltered and her heart picked up the pace.

Is he finally making the move?' She thought. The timing would be odd but then who cared. They hadn't even expressed their feeling but their eyes held the emotions, clearly visible.

She waited for him to continue speaking but he had gone numb under her hold. Leaning back, she studied him as he gulped audibly. About to shake him off from whatever had gotten into him, she had barely opened her mouth when his palm clamped shut over hers. His eyes held panic.

Dipping his head close to hers, he spoke, "Someone's coming." Her eyes went wide as she heard the footsteps climbing up the stairs. "I thought, you told me that no one's home," she thought so too.

"It definitely has to be your loving father who might have got the cue that I am with his darling daughter," he huffed annoyingly.

Slapping his hand away, she scowled at him, "Why do you have to accuse my Abbu all the time? It's not that he hates you," she spoke defensively.

"Yeah, because hate would still be a lot more mild as a term to define the expression," Aditya retorted back. The footsteps grew louder. They could make out there were two people approaching towards them. It had to be her parents.

Suddenly, Zoya felt aware of the situation and looked around for an escape. "You need to hide," she pushed and dragged him across the room.

Looking across the window, she glanced back at him and suggested, "Maybe you could just climb down the same route you came." For a second he looked startled. She had always been against the idea of him climbing through the window and diving into her bedroom.

"We were in the middle of a conversation," he reminded her, "I am not leaving until we are done." He was stubborn. She could not fight him with a thought that he would not be around for the next couple of days.

The door to the washroom looked a lot more appealing to Aditya in comparison to the window he had climbed a few minutes ago. He pushed through the doors with Zoya in tow and locked the doors behind.

Her bedroom door creaked open and they heard faint voices. Voices they were familiar with. Their siblings.

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