SwaRon: Crazy Riders

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She slid inside the garage from the creek sized gap between the door and its door frame. She looked at thebeauty shining in the dim moon light. It looked stunning. Dazzled in the garage, it stood with pride right atthe center of the garage. She stood there frozen, unable to take away her eyes off the beautiful man-madecreation.

She climbed the heavenly creation that took her breath away. Sliding the keys from her pocket, she pluggedit in the key-hole. With a twist of her wrist, she turned the key to start. Only to make it ring. It alarmed. Thesiren rang, alerting the devil who possessed the beauty, The Bike. She tried to kick start it. But it didn't helpbecause she found a pair of strong arms holding hers from the back. The sudden touch of the devil made hereyes widen out of terror.

"Could have told me, if you wanted a ride." His effortlessly husky voice fell into her ear making her sensesgo numb. He hoped upon the bike crushing her back to his masculine frame.

"Didn't I tell you about it already, Swayam. I did. In fact, many a times." She managed to complain. "I know!"He exclaimed, continuing, "I just don't want to endanger your life. You know bike riding isn't an easy task,Shar!" His concern was beautifully laced with the words. But that wasn't the matter of concern for her. Hethought her to be delicate, was something that irked her. She was Sharon, his Siren. Nothing wasendangering to her. And with that thought she pushed him a little away, putting forward her question with astern face, "Are you letting me ride it or not?"

"Do I have a choice?" He counter questioned making her smile contently. But before she could do something with the bike, he kick started it. He slid a little front, making her roll over to the fuel tank. She gasped at his attempt. He had no clue what he doing to her. He lowered to her back, resting his chin upon her shoulder. His mere action made her eyelids meet.

"Have an interesting ride. I hope you enjoy it, Love." He purred into her ears, making his way put of the garage on the bike. 

The wind hit her, harshly. Even though she had the leather jacket on, she could feel the chills. And she was thinking to keep herself warm, when an idea struck her.

"You will let me ride, if I make you halt the bike." She asked with a smirk plastered on her face, making himpuzzled. And then he gave his bring it on expression. She rolled onto her hips, turning to his side, facinghim. This amazed him, but she had something more. She wrapped her arms around him while her eyesintently bored at him. "Now face the trouble, you have invited." And with that she wrapped her legs back tohis hips. She knew one thing, if she didn't get to ride the bike her way, she would make it interesting in herown way!

"Shar, you have no idea what you are doing to me.." he replied through his gritted teeth, still trying to controlhimself. She smirked at his irritation to control his urge.. his desire.. Her arms slid along his well built leanchest, over his rugged jacket. It didn't really prove to be a barrier, as she knew every weak pulse of his. Shecan trigger it even while being into deep slumber.

"Sharon.." he cries which more likely seemed to be moan. "Have an interesting ride, Love." She replied back, while her tongue slid out licking the sides of his tender lips. He so wanted to stop the bike and hold her continuing with what she had started. But no, he was equally stubborn. As soon as she realized that he wasn't going to let things in favor this easily, she planned to continue with torture extended to the next level. She got her lips placed on the edge of his, sliding it down to his neck. With the slide, she planted kisses all over the path. She stopped at his pulse point. She knew his reaction for her next step, and with that she bit him there, rigorously. Licking on to the mark she had left, while he lost the only piece of patience, he held. She carried as her finger unbuttoned his jacket and her mouth slid south-wards. He had enough, he wasn't in a condition to survive any further. He applied brakes with all his force.

"Ride is something we will discuss later, but for now pay for the torture you have been serving me, baby."Parking the bike aside on the lonely road, he roughly took her plush lips into his. Kissing her with all hismight. The exerted pressure on her lips by his were just a mean to convey his manly needs. Determined tomake her realize what it was like when she attempts something intimate with him. Her mere attempt, even if not intimate made him aroused and now was the time she would face the consequences. Though she loved this side of his. But the Bike ride was still pending. And she knew the pleasure of meeting his needs was far more better than the crazy bike ride.

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