Spirit of the Glass

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"Hi Jenny!" Ben, the 8 years old boy approached his friend on the neighborhood. "Hello Ben!" Jenny replied with a 7-year-old voice.

"What'ya doing here Ben?"
"Just rolling by."

"Hey Ben! Hi Jenny!" Here comes another 7 years old kid named Alexa.

"It's too boring here in our neighborhood. We should play hide and seek around here!" Alexa suggested.

"I can't leave the house. Mother is not home. She'll be back 'till 8 p.m." Jenny sadly answered with her face staring on the ground.

"Why don't we play spirit of the glass? You have a board of it don't you Jenny?" Ben grinned.

"Yes! I have one under the bed! We should play! The three of us!" Jenny happily jumped from the ground she was sitting on.

"Yeah. Besides, there is still sunlight and calling spirit will be fun!" Alexa smiled.

The three little kids went in to Jenny's house and they race onto Jenny's room. They laugh, chuckle and laugh again as they run upstairs.

Jenny opened her room and let her comrades came in. She crouched under the bed and pulled a box full of toys.

"Here it is. Take it." She gave it to Alexa and Alexa comfortly put the board on the floor beside Jenny's bed.

"Okay. I'm gonna go get a glass downstairs in the kitchen." Jenny said. "Right" Ben agreed while brushing the game board with his palm to remove some dusts. Jenny hastily ran downstairs to get a glass.
Alexa glanced at the board with the words, Spirit of the Glass on the top which signified the title of the game. The board contains letters from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 9 arranged in 1 to 0 form. At the upper left side of the letters was labeled YES and on the upper right side was NO. Under the letters and numbers was the word GOOD BYE. The Spirit of the Glass board is a little bit bigger than a chess board with more symbolic figures.

Kneeling on the floor, Ben and Alexa heard some thudding from the outside of the room and then here comes Jenny with one transparent drinking glass in her right hand.

"Here's the glass. Now we should start." Jenny commanded and smiled as the excitement crawls upon to her body and also to the other kids.

Jenny turns the glass upside down and place it on the top of the board. The three little kids touched the bottom part of the glass which is now the upper part of it.

"Are you ready?" Alexa asked.
"Yes. Yes." Ben gladly answered.

The three of them pushed the glass using their fingers and the glass moved round and round on the board while they say some chants.

'Spirit of the glass tell us who you are.'
'Spirit of the glass tell us who you are.'
'Spirit of the glass tell us who you are.'

They made another two repetitions then the glass shifted its direction to letter B then they all whisper the letter as the opening of the glass covered the letter B. "B"

Then slowly and slowly the glass moved to letter E which is three letters away from B. "E" the kids whispered again.

The glass came into a halt as it reach the letter N.

"B... E... N...? Ben?" Jenny asked doubtly. The three little children stared to each other without removing their fingers to the glass.

"You forced it there Ben! You moved the glass! Stop your game!" Alexa blow her mouth to Ben. "Were serious here and you ruin the chanting!" Jenny added.

"I didn't! I didn't forced the cuo to move!" Ben muttered.

"It's not a cup  it's a glass you fool. Come on. Let's start again." Jenny requested.

"What's that sound downstairs? Is it your mom Jenny? I think she's home." Alexa questioned.

"Ooops. We're busted." Ben said then giggled.

"Probably it's just a wind. Because I forgot to close the door before we race here in my room. I should better close it." Jenny stood from the ground.

"My mouth is dry. I want to drink. Do you want to drink too Ben?" Alexa asked Ben
"Yes I'm thirsty too."

"Right. We'll go downstairs together. Come on."

They all went downstairs racing to the end of the staircase.

Jenny went to the door while the two kids went quickly to the kitchen to fetch some water.

Jenny saw that the door was open. She tried to remember if she closes it before they went upstairs. "I think I closed." She whispered in her own ears. "No I didn't. We are running directly to my room! Now I remembered hehehe." She giggled.

She closed the door without turning the lock. She turn her back and face towards the kitchen to look at her friends. Ben and Alexa was already outside the kitchen facing her.

Jenny took 5 steps closer to the two. She stopped wondering why her friends' faces staring behind her.

"What? What's wrong?" Jenny questionally shrugged her shoulder and lift her palms on waist level.

"Is that your visitor?" Alexa asked while pointing someone at Jenny's back.

"What? Who?" Jenny asked.

"That man behind you." Ben stuttered as he focused his finger to the man at Jenny's back.

Jenny leaned at her back to see the person behind her. She slowly rotated her neck then, in her normal eye view, she saw two legs. Legs of a man full of muscles and at the sides of the legs was  hands full of sole and grease.

Jenny was shocked as if someone gave her a sinister kiss on the forehead.

She raised her head slowly to look at the man's vicious face. Her eyes went to the man's brown old jeans, then to its ragged shirt, then to his athletic chests, to his nerveful neck, then--

Jenny stared at the man's face that was covered with a bull mask with straight and sharp horns and his eyes are both red.

Jenny wondered for 3 seconds. This man came from nowhere. She closed the door without anyone around her then when she turn her back, the man suddenly appear like ghost in the Sinister movie.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" Jenny screamed with the sharpest sound a 7 year old girl can make. Her voice almost breaks the glasses around her house. Then her two friends behind her also shrieked in terror. They continue to scream like witnessing some bloody murder. The man in front of them started to walk towards them. With a single step from the man, the children ran to the stairs to Jenny's room. They are still screaming and crying in a spooking manner.

The girls ran into the room and quickly under the bed. Ben locked the door and followed the girls after. Alexa is crying and so is Jenny. But Ben hushed them and told them to cover their mouth.

Under the lightless room and dark bed, the three little babies held each other's hand like the Three Blind Mice holding together in a sightless condition.

Alexa wondered why the room was dark. It was covered by hazy light when they play but now it has total darkness. Not even a single light from the outside pass the window.

"Who is he?" Alexa ghastly asked. "I don't know." Ben whispered.

They continue to grasp each other's hand and their knees on the floor under the bed. They listen outside and wondered about the masked man.

Then a pounding sound began to shake floor. It was on the stairs climbing up. The kids' hearts beat trice in a second and tears flowed through their cheeks. One step made by the man is equivalent to one galloon of blood rushing through their brains. They didn't crying.

The thumping footstep stopped. It was silent for a moment.

"Boom!" The door was kicked with unnatural forced. The room was now open. The kids covered their own mouth. They cover it with much pressure that almost bruised their lips. They did that so they will never be found under the bed where they are hiding.

The light outside the room flashed at the man's body making his cowboy leather boots visible to the little kids. This chilled their spines.

The boots walked across the room. Taking a trip around Jenny's room.

"I hear you calling my name." The man finally talked in the manner of Frankenstein's voice.

"And you wanted to know who I am." The boots walked towards the corner of the room.

"Come out come out wherever you're hiding."

"My name is Ben. B E N Ben." And who'yo fellas." The man tried to convince the kids. But there was total silence.

"I was comfortly sleeping in hell. But you wake me up!" The man groaned in a monstrous voice. The room was covered by his evil voice. The little kids felt the most terrible goosebumps which they didn't encountered before.

"Now here I am. Stop hiding now. You wanted to meet me right?" The man sounded like convincing someone to jump on a hundred foot bridge.

Ben, Alexa, and Jenny remained silent in their fright under the bed. Alexa is now shaking while Jenny peed in her shorts.

Finally, Ben the devil put his right foot on the bed then his left. He is now on the top of the bed standing. The little kids noticed that the man was already on bed. It made the bed to squeak and squeal. The little kids is now terrified.

There was total silence after the man went onto the bed. The kids thought he was sleeping or gone or whatever.

"Waaaaaaahhhhh!" Alexa shrieked like she was facing death. The man put a cold and death-like grasp on her right foot. It made Alexa cried in agony. Then she was pulled out leaving Ben and Jenny screaming under the bed.

After Alexa has been dragged out under the bed, her screaming stopped. She is now making some choking sound like gurgling some sand. "Blurp. Bruh brup."

Jenny ran for her life. She went to the broken door. But it was late because the man yanked her hair before she can step out of the room.

The man pulled her hair hard and slams Jenny's head on the floor. It cracked her skull and produce rose colored blood around her head. She's dead.

The man lowered his bull-masked face and tried to crouch under the bed.

He saw little Ben there. Silent and facing him.

"Thank you for calling me my child. See you next time." The man grinned and laughed then he disappeared.

Little Ben went out under the bed. He took a glance to Alexa that was choked to death. Then he stepped outside the room passing his dead friend Jenny who dyed her golden hair with blood.

Ben forgot something. He went back to the room and took the glass they use when they played Spirit of the Glass which summoned the devil in the underworld. He put the glass to GOODBYE and went out laughing.

More stories are coming guys.

I think I'll write on crimes more.


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