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7 minutes after the sun disappeared from the sky. It is already evening--for humans--but not for these ugly blood suckers called the vampires.

Marcos stretched his arms while staring at the window, taking the view of the New York City from the 15th floor of a hotel. It's time to feed. He thought.
The insatiable thirst for blood is one of the things that vampires can't control. Every night, there should at least one neck to hole to. When vampires are hungry, their fangs will flash and elongate to its full potential as we all know.


It really is a horror for humans.

Marcos thought of taking a young girl's blood as he put his eyes on the irritating traffic down the highway. Girls blood is much sweeter than those of male humans. For vampires, a girl blood will taste like the most expensive wine in the world.

Having sharp fangs and claws was not the best things to a vampire. The best thing was the ability to scatter their molecules and transfer them to another place--much like teleporting in fog or dust form. But the correct term was Dematerializing.

Marcos opened the window of his suite and the pressurized wind sucked the room for a moment then it stabilized. He dematerialized down through the open window going to the front base of the hotel.

Hell he was truly dressed like a vampire--red pupil, straight spine, dreadful cloth, sharp claws, and of course shimmering fangs. Marcos lifted half of his lip to smile a bit and walked into the city despite of the people gawking by. He wandered around for two hours finding for the right food. For the right blood. Although it was early, he's hunger was what pushes him to hunt.

8 p.m. and--
A splendid girl walked outside a department store. She was 20 years old at most and he knew it. Those sexy legs and white skin from ankle to. . . neck was so goddamn attractive. This is it, food for the night. I mean day for vampires of course.

He shifted his body.

He stopped himself and put a grimacing stare at the girl. He was twenty steps away and it's enough to get unnoticed.

The girl froze at the edge of the concrete road to catch some cab. Marcos knew she was waiting for a taxi then he stepped back and back and scattered his molecules without anybody looking at him.

He materialized himself inside a taxi beside the driver's seat. The driver was jarringly shocked and hit the brake indecisively. "May I borrow your cab?" Marcos cooed at the driver with his glittering fangs of Dracula. The driver can't speak. His throat was crumpled from the inside and with a word, Marcos bit his dry neck, letting those ugly fangs to burrow under and ripping the veins of the driver.
Poor driver. He gagged and his tongue sagged and blood dripped on his neck to his body.

Marcos snarled and stopped the grip of his mouth on the dead neck of the driver and threw himself outside the cab and carried the poor driver to the trunk of his own cab and threw him in. Then Marcos went back inside the taxi and searched for some blood stained parts of the taxi. There was none. Only his mouth was blooded. It was clear that he didn't drink the blood of the driver, he just let him die with his evilish tooth.

He wipe his mouth with a handkerchief and pressed his palm to the stirring wheel of the cab. He was so smart to choose a taxi -- he selected the one with nobody watching. He then let the taxi throttle towards the waiting girl.

And still there she was. She didn't grab a taxi yet but of course, it was just five minutes after Marcos had found her.

He moved the cab closer to her and when the girl raised her right arm paralleling the ground, he stopped in front of her.

Marcos didn't look at her when she entered the cab. He just waited there and put a gaze through the mirror that reflects the back part of the car.

The beautiful girl entered and comforted herself on the seat. Her sweet scent is so delicious and Marcos can't guess that perfume in spite of his 200 year-old existence in this world.

"16 01 Houston Street please." The girl commanded. "Yes ma'am." The hellish driver replied and grinned.
Houston street was a kilometer far give or take and it was a not a popular street for what Marcos knows but he knew it at all.

The girl began to smell something different, some raw object inside the cab but she neglected it. Maybe it was just the AC of the cab smelling something unusual.

The cab turn on the wrong side of the road and the pretty blond-hair girl seemed to notice it and she undoubtedly asked the driver which our vampire about what he's doing. "Excuse me, may I ask where we're going?"

"It's a shortcut ma'am. Much closer to Houston Street and less traffic." Marcos answered. "Um, okay. You're the driver you know the roads." the girl at the back checked her phone for the time and it was 30 minutes passed 8. She didn't think about what the driver is doing because she trusts him and she trusts all the cab drivers in the city. She didn't think about kidnapping or abduction or something.

Then the cab momentarily stopped at a lonely and silent street with nothing but empty buildings and creepy walls --and that is the time that she think it is kidnapping-- or worse. "Hey, what are you doing mister --" she didn't have time to finish her objections anymore because the driver, Marcos, is looking at him face to face with grin that flashed his unsheathed fangs and worse there's already stain on those teeth.

Her heart thumped suddenly and it heaved her rib cage and battered her lungs. She tried to open the door of the cab but it was closed because the driver had a control on the locks of the taxi. She screamed for help but who can hear her? The place was jarringly terrible and it was the perfect place for raping and murdering scenes.

Marcos got out of the cab and went to her side where she sat. She tried to crawl to the other side. Marcos ripped the door of the taxi with his unnatural strength and dragged Miss Food-Of-The-Night out of it. She shrieked, squealed and screamed while Marcos's arm wrapped her arms to her body.

It is time to bite.

The girl tried to breach his grip but she failed. She had nothing to do about her escape to this abominated being.

With his free left arm, Marcos cleared the hair on the neck of the girl while she continued screaming. He traced the veins with his nose and felt the million dollar wine in there. And then he bit it after a snarl. He slowly drank the fresh blood of the girl, feeling every single ounce of it. "Uh-uk-Uhk-hul-ull." The girl gagged and her life slowly ebbing away. Yes, there's only a little pain to that because the fangs are sharp and it burrowed fast and deep without sagging to any tissue or tendons.

Gush! The bloodletting took almost ten minutes! Marcos sucked the neck insatiably. He didn't let a single drop of blood escape from his scavenging tongue. Ohh. The girl is paling and her skin was losing its color. Her lips dried and her eyes deepened. Her cheek bone was horribly showed and she was already a cadaver -- a dead dead dead cadaver. She sticked her bloodless tongue out and her spindly harms hanged lifelessly while the vampire's mouth was still on her neck.

Then finally, Marcos removed his teeth on the neck with satisfaction and dropped the lifeless body on the ground. The thudding sound was created by her head that cracked in contact with the ground. She's done and so is he.

Marcos wiped his blood stained mouth with the back of his hand. He eyes darkened reflecting the surface of hell. He was energized by what he consumed. The nerve on his face pumped and moved like worms. Probably he was satisfied with the thing but I guess not.

He dematerialized to wherever places he wanted because it was too early and the blood that he'd taken was not enough. He wanted a barrel of fresh blood tonight. He wanted to suck more neck.

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