college life ( ragsan) ep: 2

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Hi guys!! Really thanks for reading and liking this story. It means a lot.. So let's continue it... Now no bak bak.!!

Scene in the evening :

Shekhar went home and directly enter in his room. Sumi was in the kitchen preparing dinner whereas ragini was playing with arjun.

Scene in shekhar room:

Shekhar p.o.v

What I'm doing is this right?? First I send my son to that college and lost him!! Then I'm sending my daughter in that same college. !! I have full faith that my daughter will find the culprits and will punished them. But am I spoiling my daughter life?? Will she be safe there?? I always want my children to be happy , successful and independent. Why?? Why?? I put arjun to that college?? Ragini is taking all the blame on upon herself, but I know that it's all because of me. I still remember that day when I insisted Arjun to study in that college. I'm sorry beta your father is very bad!! Because of me, ragini and sumi specially you arjun, everyone is suffering a lot. Ooh God please save my daughter!! I don't want my second child also suffer like arjun!!...

End of shekhar p.o.v

Shekhar is crying silently in his room and is cursing himself for his son ' s condition. His cheeks are red and tears were full in his eyes. Ragini who is passing through shekhar ' s room, heard someone is crying. She peeps in shekhar room and see him crying silently in a corner. Ragini is just looking at his father, shekhar don't know that ragini is present in his room .

Ragini : I always thought my father is strong but today what happen all of a sudden??

Shekhar quickly wipe his tears.

Ragini : papa no need to hide your tears from me. What happens??

Shekhar : nothing ragini. No who say I'm crying??

Ragini: papa when did you start lying from your daughter?? I see you crying just a few minutes ago.

Shekhar break down and say: beta it's all because of me. I can't see my arjun like that.

Ragini: stop stop crying papa. Your tears are very previous for me and don't you dare to blame yourself!! Okk papa!! Nope let's go and take dinner. Arjun is getting hungry and you know how he behave when he feels hungry?? Haahahahhh

Shekhar : yesss hahahah!! Will trouble his mother a lot !!! Let's go.

Both went to dining table where there are many delicious food. Arjun is sitting on the chair like a saint and waiting for his mother. Ragini is sitting near Arjun and shekhar near ragini. Sumi is still in the kitchen. Everyone is waiting for sumi, when she will come and then they will eat. Arjun is making some noises with spoons .

Arjun in childhood voice : mummmyy please come soon na!! I'm getting hungry!! Mummyyyyyyyyyyyyyy mummmyyyy......

Ragini : arjun clam down mummy is coming !!

Arjun : when didi !! My tummy is making noises . Mummmmmyyy!!

Sumi : Stoppppp shouting arjun!! I come.

Shekhar : Sumi why soo late??

Sumi: actually I was cooking Arjun's favorite dish that's why.

Ragini : mummy I don't remember the day when you prepare my favorite dish??

Arjun : why didi?? Do you have weak memory.??

Sumi is feeding arjun and is talking to ragini at the same time..

Shekhar and sumi laugh at Arjun's answer .

Ragini makes faces.

Shekhar : ragini after two days you will go to college. Everything is confirm and I already book your ticket also.

Arjun innocently says: didi where are you going??

Everyone stopped eating and look at arjun.

Ragini hesitantly say : arjun I'm going for vacation that's it.

Before Arjun could ask more questions sumi fill his mouth with food and say: eat beta !! See ragini is winning..she is eating all the food and you are talking .

Ragini : yes mum I'm winning yeepi !!!

Arjun : no never mummy feed me quickly I wanna win.
Saying this arjun eat all the food and ragini lost .

Everyone had spend a very nice time together. After dinner shekhar goes his room for some office work and sumi is watching tv meanwhile the servants are cleaning the dining table. Ragini and arjun are playing games. Everything is going smoothly when suddenly sumi shouts : ragini!!!!! Shekhar!! Ragini!! Shekhar !!! Quickly come down..!!

Ragini is shocked and arjun is scared...

Arjun: ragini didi why mummy is shouting??

Ragini : wait chotuu!! I will see till then you play..okk don't go anywhere!!

Arjun : nob his head.

Ragini go out and go to the living room where sumi and shekhar are already present.

Shekhar : what happen Sumi why are you shouting ??

Ragini : yes mum what happen??

Sumi : shekhar!! Ragini!! Watch tv.... You both will get to know....

On news channel :

Some crying volumes goes up. She was a married lady who was crying ( thinking why crying)..... Then there was headlines but all are about business.

Then a journalist started speaking on this lady:

Hi everyone !! Today the news I wanna tell you all is a little shocking one. That lady had one child who was 18 years old . He was silent and innocent boy. The boy was good in his studies and also a hard worker to understand his studies. His name is Sahil. Sahil joined college and he was in his hostel. It was his first day so seniors told them to give introduction to all. Second day seniors called all new juniors and made them dance. Third day seniors called all juniors and made them to sing but sahil told them that he don't know to sing, then the seniors got angry and forced him to sing, but sahil didn't sing because he was too feared. Then seniors group came near and gave pressure to sing else they would beat him. Sahil just started crying . Then seniors told all new juniors to move to their rooms and prepare for the ramp walk....

On the following day. All the juniors arrived. Then seniors told them one by one for ramp walk. One by one all does their ramp walk n seniors commented and laugh on them. Remaining only ten students. But there was only nine students. Everyone was saying : where is sahil??... Seniors asked about sahil but on one know. Senior told to check his room. There was a shower sound ." Thak Thak" senior knocked..

Sound came from bathroom " who is this" .... I'm your senior "..senior replied. Sahil put off the shower and used a towel and came out. " what are you doing here, don't you know you have ramp class today " : senior burst out. Seniors pulled him and took him on the stage for ramp walk but sahil refused to do that because he was just gone absent from his mind because of fear. Seniors pulled him and moved at the top of the hostel near water tank. They forced him physically and made sahil to get inside... Sahil was continuously saying sorry but they didn't listen a single words. There was half water in the tank and four people can go live inside the water tank. There was a heavy cement with diameter 60 cm to close the tank bit it's very rough to close the tank by one people. 2 seniors just opened the tank door and physically made sahil to go inside the tank. Sahil was crying and telling sorry to them but on one listen. They pushed and closed the door of the tank and warned all the juniors not to say anything to anyone else they would be also punished badly. All juniors went to their rooms and seniors also moved.

5 minutes passed.......
10 minutes passed.......
20 minutes passed.....
1 hour passed.....
2 hours passed.... .

Then a senior reminded all other seniors about a boy inside that water tank. All rushed to that water tank. They opened that door of that tank. A body was floating with no movements of hands. Yes it's a dead body of sahil. Due to shortage of water in water tank, someone put " on" the switch to fill water.....

How much he suffered?? How much he cried for help?? How much he tried to call someone?? How much he tried to open the door?? ....

The seniors because of whom sahil is dead are rich people so they won't be in jali. The police is saying that due to stress and mentals problem.... He was dead.. Is the police doing their job properly..?? Are they trying to cover the seniors?? Will sahil get justice?? Is ragging to juniors legal?? No its an illegal. Then why seniors do this to that dog?? Just to show their power?? No... Ragging is a crime and who ever do this crime, they should be seen as criminal. And government failure this happen to juniors.. There was no mistakes of sahil then why he lost his life?? How much pain he faced??

Before ragini and sumi could see more information, shekhar switch off the tv. Ragini was boiling in anger. She didn't say anything , just tears are forming in her eyes for that boy sahil.

Sumi: shekhar please don't send ragini to that college .please!!! I don't want to loss my daughter .I'm getting scared.

Ragini: no maa !! Not now!! Please don't stopp me!! After two days I will go to that college and that's final.!! I don't want any more discussion.

Shekhar : sumi relax!! Our ragini is strong ...!!

Sumi: I know shekhar but...

Ragini: no maa not again... !! Enough is enough .I will go to that college and that's final.

Saying this ragini went to Arjun's room where arjun is playing with a small car... Ragini is seeing arjun and at the same time she is remembering the accident which had happened with sahil. She is very sad but still there is anger full in her mind.

Ragini think :

enough is enough and i have to be stronger yes stronger. I won't let's anyone anyone suffered now. Seniors are also human being. No I have to be strong , I have to stopped this ragging . I can't let's any innocent people suffer more now. ... The culprits must be taught a lesson.... Enough nowwwwww.... I won't let anyone family loss their son, daughter , sister and brother.... This is my promise... I will take my brother ' s revenge and at the same time for all the victims who were ragged also. I will teach those seniors such a lesson that they would remember forever. They will regret a lot.... That's the promise of ragini Gadodia....... I won't let's anyone people like sahillll suffered more now...!!!

So I ended with episode two. Thanks for reading and I'm sorry for any errors as I wrote this part in a bit hurry.... I wanna thanks indraRiDER thank dear. Really really thanks for the help and suggestions..... Thank you sooo much.... Without your support perhaps I couldn't have wrote Ep two...DO VOTE AND DO COMMMENT AND TELL ME IF THIS EPISODE WAS GOOD OR NOT.

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