Chapter 4

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(Serena's P.O.V.)
I was sitting at my desk, trying to come up with a banner design to bring to Calem's football game. After pondering over a design for half an hour, I took out a piece of drawing paper and some coloring pens and started doodling. After what seemed like for ever I finally made it the banner said 'Go Calem!' it was kinda plain but whatever. I added some colorful squiggly lines and some football stickers. 'There, I think that looks pretty good, I will take it to the print shop this afternoon' I thought.

-Two Nights Later-

I was at the football game rooting for the quarterback, Calem. The crowd roars with excitement as Calem runs in for a touchdown. I jump up from my seat and wave my banner. "Did you see how he ran right through those guys?" I asked May who was also cheering "Yes, and I saw the time before, too" she replied rolling her eyes then she looked back toward the field. Just as I was about to reply, the crowd goes silent and May's eyes widened.

I looked back at the field to see what happened "Oh No!" My heart started to pound as I saw Calem lying on the field, barely moving. 'Please tell me he's going to be alright. Please, Please, Please!' I thought May put her arm around my shoulders and squeezes me tight. "He's going to be fine. Probably just got the wind knocked out of him" she said I was so scared for Calem how was I supposed to respond?

After thinking if I should run down the the stands I nodded my head in reply and took a deep breath. I watched closely and noticed his feet were moving, which could be good or bad. Suddenly Calem sits up slowly and gives a thumbs up to the stands as a teammate helped him up.

The crowd cheers as he gets to his feet and walks toward his coach. I release the breath I was holding and smiled. "I told you so" May said "That doesn't make it any better, you brat" I joked May smiles and glances over my shoulder. "Well, Well, Well. Look who it is" May snickered.

I turned to see Ash walking toward my seat. "Hey guys! I see we're winning!" He said cheerfully "No thanks to you. Where have you been? The game's almost over!" I exclaimed Ash rubs the back of his neck giving that cute smile of his that makes me feel weak in the knees he then offered me some popcorn. "Believe it or not, I have been here the whole time" he replied I smirked in disbelief and gave him a knowing look. "Quit lying. I know you don't care about football." I said to him "You're right. I don't. But who do you think played that amazing guitar solo for the bands special performance?" Ash said "That couldn't be you. He was in a band uniform and marched out with them like a pro!" I exclaimed "Ah. I guess you don't know everything about me yet, do you? I'm full of surprises." Ash smirked.

'Yes, you certainly are' I thought. The crowd cheered again as my team scores. I didn't even notice that they were back in the field! "That should be the game! Thank goodness. I don't know if I can take it anymore all you're googling of Calem" May teased my face turned red and I try to subtly kick May. 'Please say that Ash didn't hear that! He might think I don't like him...' May grinned and rolled her eyes when she saw my embarrassed face. "So. We're going to dinner to eat after the game." Ash said motioning over a few of his friends sitting a few rows up. "You guys want to come?" He asked "I'd love to. But I'm already heading that way with Calem to celebrate his win. I guess we'll see you there?" I asked Ash's smile faded for just a second hen he brightened up again. "That's fine. I know it's kinda last minute. I'll just see you there" Ash smiled then motioned for May "What about you? May?" He asked "no thanks. This was enough excitement for me in one day. Thanks for inviting me though!" May replied "No problem" Ash glanced at his other friends who motion for him to come over. " I guess they're ready to go. See you later!" Ash cheerfully said walking away towards his other friends.

Me and May said goodbye I then glance at the scoreboard. "There's only a minute left you wanna go? I'm just going to wait for Calem by the locker room." I said "yeah I'm going to head out Drew's waiting for me to call" May replied "Oh, are we getting serious?" I asked May blushed and looked away quickly. "I guess we'll see. Now we just need to get you a man!" May laughed "Yeah. you probably blew my chance with Ash tonight. and I'm not even on Calem's radar." I chuckled a bit "Whatever, girl. Those guys have it bad for you." May replied. May's phone rings and her face lights up. "That's him! I'll see you when you get home." May said walking away and grabbing her phone "See ya!" I replied.

I noticed the field clearing and head down to wait for Calem while deep in thought. 'Was Ash upset that I'm going with Calem? I hope he didn't hear May's comment. He hasn't done anything to show that he likes me though. So that can't be. I must be imagining it. He won't even write music with me! There's no way he cares.'

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