Chapter 15- Mondays

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Mondays were not his favourite day.

And this was unusual for John, for he was known to be the most accepting person ever.

But Mondays... they just suck.

In general.

The day after Sunday, when John and Eliza had a casual day out, the freckled boy sat in class for his noontime class (his last class for the day, thankfully), begging for the day to end.

Though in reality, he didn't want the day to end, because then he would have to face Alex, who John hasn't seen since Saturday.

If they did manage to catch each other, things would be completely awkward.

John is also known as the most awkward person ever.

And that brings him back full circle to how much John despises Mondays.

John mumbled incoherent words to himself as the history teacher, George Washington, drowned the class with information that he had expected to write down but hardly anyone had written one single word down.

Finally, after a lifetime of dread and misery, John was free from class and raced outside to the dorm buildings. It was a fresh, breezy day, considering it was a Monday, and the weather is usually gloomy and grieving clouds.

Stumbling into the dorm buildings, John finally got his dorm key and profusely shoved it into the key hole and twisted. Thats a reference to c12 "Just shove it in and twist!" Lol

Alex wasn't seemingly there as John stepped into the dorm and closed the door. Dust and sunbeams clung to the furniture, John felt an eager and exhilarating atmosphere fill the room and brush against the curtains.

John sighed and flopped his bag on the kitchen bench, casually checking for a note from Alexander. Upon finding one, he turned his head around and trailed his freckled finger down the lines.

My dearest, Laurens
I cannot tell you the pangs of sadness that I have felt from overviewing the incidents that have involved you and your delicate feelings becoming exquisitely damaged. Nor can I express my sorrows and apologies for thrashing you into such pain that you may have received. For in the depth of my heart there is a burdening feeling that holds me by the waist and drags me to the deepest part of me. This feeling has such forth nagged at me for constant hours, taking me hostile and trapping me in its growth, begging for feeding. But I have not been able to grant its wishes, as I am missing one vital part to quench its thirst.
Please, dearest Laurens, travel to the place where the Schuylers relive their slumber.
I await to see you soon, my dearest.

John felt his eyes widen with confusion and became flustered as he reread the words "dearest" over and over. He must have just used those words for more eloquence, right? He strained in his head.

After discombobulating the note into sections and comprehending the fluent words, John folded it neatly into his pocket and grabbed his bag, setting off towards the Schuyler's dorm. He wasn't even sure if Alexander was being serious or playing a trick on him, but he was definitely curious to find out.

John knocked on the Schuyler's dorm, tapping his leg impatiently and staring across the hallway. He stood out there dumbly for minutes on end waiting for a response before tuning on the knob. Locked.

The freckled boy groaned in frustration before noticing a small silver key hidden between the crack of the door. John picked the key up eagerly and used it to open the door. Unlocked.

The first thing he saw was a small piece of paper, much like the one he just read, dangling from the ceiling from a thread. It flicked John on the face and span wildly in a circle. "Ow," he huffed, snatching the note from the air.

Dearest, Laurens
This represents the first time where we all came together to meet and hangout. It was not the most charming moments, unlike many other moments I have spent with you.
Now, please travel to the most used spot where we all enjoy a nice brew of coffee.


John felt his cheeks heat up irrationally at the entire of  "not the most charming moments",  for he was unsure what the heck that would even mean. The ticking of the steel clock ringed into his hearing suddenly as the boy examined the note, and he looked up to check the time. 1pm. I still have plenty of time, why not.

Rushing out into the crowded streets, John took his time to arrive at the caffeine scented shop to view his surroundings. The sky had cleared up, it was a orby blue that lingered into dissolving clouds. Not too bad for a Monday.

Once stepping into Starbucks, Laurens caught sight of Laf and Herc, casually chatting and smiling between sips of their beverages. John strolled up to them. "Uh, hey guys!"

The two snapped their heads up wearily, then smirked. "Oh, hey Johnny~!" Laf giggled casually.

John gulped. "H-hi. Do you know where Alex is, or where-"

"Don't ask questions," Herc cut him off and placed a neatly creased note in John's freckled hands. "Just read and go."

Is this like a scavenger hunt? John felt a surge of excitement, as eager as a child on Easter. "Thanks, Herc!"  He folded the note back open quickly, creasing it down.

My Laurens,
Enjoy the complementary coffee on your journey to your next destination.

"My... complementary..." John looked up at the other teens quizzically and tilted his head. Laf just smiled and shook his head, reaching for a lone coffee that was sitting on the bench not too far away. Laf handed it to John and pat him on the back.

"It's from Alex, mon ami." Laf gave him a cheery smile before returning to his seat, and leaving John dumbfounded.

"Okay then." John turned his attention back to the note.

The next destination you are to seek is the aquarium that you had once spent countless hours. Be quick, dear.

John nearly squealed again at the word "dear", and his cheeks puffed out. John glanced up at Hercules and Laf, who were simpering childishly.

"Well, go, go, go!" Herc ushered him out of the store and screeching a goodbye. John stood at the door dumbly like he did before, then f0lded the note back in his pocket and sauntered off to the bus stop.

Theodosia and Aaron were at the aquarium where John was certain was the destination he was looking for, tightly squeezing hands and watching the ducks wander past the public lake. John called out to the couple. "Hey!"

The pair looked up and shared a glance, smiling. They strolled up tho him casually. "Hello, John." Aaron greeted warmly. Theo flipped her braids to her shoulders as a greeting.

John returned the favour of smiling and grinned brightly, asking for the note. The two just laughed and handed another sheet of paper. "There you go." Theo smiled.

My dear Laurens,
This was one of the most magical journeys of my life, spending time here with you. I learnt incredible things about you here.
Now take a bus to the ice cream parlour down the road from the childcare, where your next note awaits.

"I-I... um...". John stammered, cheeks flushing to a new level of crimson, sipping on his coffee bluntly. Theo and Aaron laughed, shooing their hands out in front of them and pushing him away to the steps. "Go, John! Quick!" Aaron laughed, squeezing his girlfriend tighter around her hips as John raced away.

Practically bursting into the sky with anticipation, John skipped towards the ice cream parlour around the corner, meeting the eyes of Peggy and Maria. Peggy squealed and threw her arms around John, wrapping her arms around John's neck. "Aaaah, Johnny! You're in for a big surprise!!!"

Peggy's expression looked liked she was to burst out the ground in any minute. Before she could squeeze John hard enough until he collapsed, Maria swept Peggy from her feet and dragged the Schuyler next to her. "Easy there, Piglet." Maria patted the top of her head, then handed John another sheet of paper.

Maria then abruptly left and came back into view, strolling to the two with a mint chocolate chip flavoured ice cream in her hand. She passed it to John and winked. "On the house, squirt."

John blushed shyly and nodded, flipping open the note.

I just wanted you to stop by here to remind you how sweet you really are.
One of your last destinations await, where you spent your time with children and gather earnings.
Be. Quick, dearest.

"I- ah? Um... okay." John read over the compliment over and over again, completely bewildered and flustered. "I-I'm seriously doubting that this is real. Are you guys playing a trick on me?"

Peggy was a heaving mess, and Maria just stood with an unimpressed look on her face.

No, it's real, John. Now go!" Maria ushered.

"Y-yeah," Peggy gasped between giggles, "Be quick, dearest!" Peggy collapsed on the ground in a heap of laughter, attempting to stand several times before dragging Maria down with her.

John giggled nervously, licking the minty ice cream nervously and hurrying to his next stop.

"John," Eliza stood outside the childcare silently, smiling at John lovingly. The freckled boy inhaled sharply, walking up to his sister like figure.

Eliza invited him into a hug, eloping her arms around the boy tightly and swaying back and forth. John smiled and nuzzled closer into Eliza.

Finally letting go, the breeze fluttered against Eliza's soft blue dress simply, the wind skimming their cheeks slightly.

The raven haired girl reached for a beige, frilly satchel that complimented her skin colour. She got out a folded piece of paper and prying it into John's hands gently and pressing their foreheads together before stepping back.

This is the destination where I first set my eyes on you and took in your elegant appearance.
I now await to see you in the last location.
Meet me back where you started.
Ever yours, Alexander.

"Oh my..." John stared up and Eliza's beaming eyes. His freckled cheeks were burning and tearing at his mouth that curled into a smile. "E-Elegant appearance?" Does he actually like me? No, he couldn't. He has a girlfriend...

Eliza chuckled softly and reached over him, planting a small kiss on his forehead and started talking to him as if she could read his thoughts. "Alexander and I aren't together anymore. Don't worry, we're good friends now. He'll explain everything. Good luck." She whispered gently.

He nodded quietly and scurried off back to Kings College, cheeks still flushing.

"Oh my god, Eliza, I can't do this." Alexander sat on the couch hyperventilating for his dear life. Eliza and Alexander had only planned this for less than a day and spent the whole of Sunday afternoon until midnight figuring out the "activity". It was a brilliant idea, in Alex's opinion, but if one thing went wrong, everything would go to shit.

"Alexander, just take deep breaths." Eliza coached from the other line of the phone, attempting to try and calm Alex down. The boy took a moment to steady out his breathing before returning back to the phone.

"Eliza, what if... what if he doesn't like me back? Shit... what if he hates me after this?!" Alex gasped, letting in more breaths of panic.

"Alex, chill your fucking road. John will not hate you, I know him. He's accepting of everyone's feelings." Eliza snapped reassuringly.

"Okay, okay." Alex exhaled. "How's the pickup going?" The two directors had assembled a plan; whenever John had left a destination, one out of the pair would message Angelica to pick them up in her van. So far, Hercules, Laf, Maria, Peggy, Theo and Aaron had all been successfully picked up- but alexander still couldn't help but worry.

"Yep, I've just been picked up. John left about 7 minutes ago. We're going to cruise around for a bit so that we don't bump into John in the halls." Eliza reported.

"Okay, he should be here anytime." Alex sighed, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "Eliza, I don't know what to do. I mean, what do I say to him? I don't know what to tell him."

"Hon- Alexander..." she corrected herself. "Just be you. Not too much dialogue, just the simple, eloquent words that make up you."

"That doesn't help." Alex deadpanned.

"Okay, fine. Just... be yourself. It will be fine." She clicked off, signalling the end of the call. Alex sighed, lunging the phone on the couch beside him. Why. Why did I decide to do this on a Monday, when all bad things happen.

There was a knock at the door, and Alexander's heart flew through the roof. He's here.

Alex brushed himself off, failing to stand on his trembling feet and barely being able to step foot to the door.

Okay, Alexander, you can do this. It's fine. You've got this.

Alex took a deep breath and used his shaking hand to edge the door open.

Alex held his breath as he gazed up at John Laurens, his freckles as lively as ever that melted into his skin and his dark hair curly and tenderly falling over his shoulders. Alex felt a bubbling warm sense of nostalgia sweep through his entire body. "John."

"Alexander." The freckled boy smiled in response. Alex felt his heart pound love sickly. The two boy entered the dorm quietly, sitting down on the couch.

John fiddled his thumbs. "So, what's with all...this?" He addressed the all the notes from his pocket, "How come you put me on this wild goose chase? And why are you so red? I've never seen you this red before."

Alex gulped. "" he stared down at his skull white hands, breathing heavily.

Okay, Alexander. Breathe. Think. You've got this. Even if he rejects me, just keep cool.

"Okay, there something I have to say. For the past month being with you, I've developed... new thoughts that wouldn't go away. This feeling that just craved for its desire, and that desire was..."

John's freckles popped and crackled with curiosity. "W-Was what?"

Alex took a deep breath in, his chest tightened as he managed to spill a word out.


Alex turned and faced John, but his head hung low. "At first, I thought that what I felt with Eliza was love. But it was just a stupid kiss, it was platonic for me, I just didn't know. I didn't understand. Later I realised that I really am feeling love. B-But it was just with another person. Not Eliza. It was you.
"A-And I know that you might n-not like me me back, but I-I... just had to tell you. I-I couldn't take it any longer.
"I-I'm full on in love with you. It's just... everything about you t-that makes me smile."

Tears were flowing down Alexander's cheeks and spilling onto the couch as he continued talking.

"Your b-beautiful freckles, your sweet, sweet personality. God, I don't think I've... met someone as kind and loving as you. And your eyes... your eyes are just..."

Alexander peered up from his lap to gaze into the shamrock eyes that he knew too well, only to find that the once bright green eyes were clouded with glistening tears that sweeper down his fair skinned face.

Alex trembled in utter terror. "John? John, what's wrong? Oh god, what did I do?"

John's eyes widened and all of a sudden... he cracked into a smile. The heavenly laugh that Alexander adored echoed though the dorm, but conjoined with sobs. "Yes."

Alex froze. "W-what?"

John breathed airily, shaping into even more laughs. He gazed up at Alexander with a beaming grin. "Yes! I...I love you too!"

Alex's ears seemed to go numb, unsure if he just heard those words stutter out of the angel's mouth. "What?"

"I do! I love you, I love you, I love you!" John squealed delightfully, moving closer to Alex and wiping away his glistening tears.

"You do?!" Alex started to come into reality and his heart thumped loudly, dancing around with a certain freckled boy's heart and conjoining themselves. He started laughing dryly, staring into John's elegant eyes.

"Oh my god, yes! I love you so much!" The freckled boy shrieked, tumbling into Alexander and falling onto the other boys chest in a bliss of laughter.

"I would have never dreamed of such thing, of you liking me!" Alex breathed, squeezing his lovers arms and pulling him closer so their foreheads were bumping. "You, you're brilliant and amazing, I just..."

"Neither did I! Oh my god, I love you so, so much." John croaked, blissfully touching noses with Alexander and wiping away even more tears from his lovers eyes.

A voice screamed from the hallway. "HOLY SHIT, IT WORKED! I CALLED IT, I FUCKING CALLED IT!" The two boys immediately recognised the voice as the childish Peggy, and stood up holding hands and curiosity opening the door.

The whole group was standing ear to what used to be the door and beaming brightly, and Peggy was the only one who wasn't at the door- she was flailing her arms around and shrieking at the top her lungs. No one was stopping her. Alexander raised an eyebrow at Eliza, listening to the giggles that slipped out of John's mouth. "Eliza, this was not part of the plan."

John blinked. "This was all a plan?" He tilted head in question as everyone else filled in the room. Alex laughed horsely with everyone else.

"Yeah, it was. We all helped. It was all Eliza and Alexander's idea." Maria answered once she stopped Peggy from attempting to brake a window in victory, and yielded her into the room.

"Well, mostly Eliza's idea." Alexander added in a matter of fact tone, grinning at the jet black haired teen. She blushed of embarrassment, then smiled.

John nodded in understanding, then started to shake suddenly. "Wait... this is real, right? You're not playing a trick on me? Is this even real?! Quick, someone pinch me or something!"

Alex chucked at his lovers antics, then caressed his freckled cheek, leaning down a few centimetres. "How's this for 'something'?" He responded, then connecting his lips with the other pair. It felt different from last time. The kiss was long and tender, soft and caressing. He felt the tender lips that tasted familiarly of peaches flutter gently. This is what Alexander was missing. This is who Alexander was missing. The longing feeling of John's love and need.

The pair broke their lips away to the hollering and hoots of their friends, holding each other and blushing a loving rouge.

They were going to see Mondays completely different from now on.


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