Chapter 17- Sleep

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Alexander's sleep problem was now effecting John himself.

Nearly 2 months from his birthday, Alexander was nearly inconsolable to anyone and was glued to the study room. After every day of lessons, he would retreat to his study and barely to never come out for food. There was absolutely no reason for him to work at such unnecessary hours, he had over extra credit in every lesson.

Maybe it's because he doesn't want to see you. A self doubting voice hissed multiple times.

"Be quiet." John tried to silence the voice, but with every day that past he couldn't help but acknowledge the idea that Alexander might be avoiding him. It was easy for him to jump to this conclusion.

At first, John had attempted to get Alexander to sleep nicely, with small hugs and gentle words. But all of it seemed to go in one ear and out the other.

Although John was concerned about Alexander's health, nevertheless it was also effecting John's sleep pattern; while he tosssed and turned through the night, he had to drill out the noisy clack of keys and chair creeks. It was simply irritating. One night he was sure he got not a wink of sleep, and had told Alexander to come to sleep 7 times before giving up and suffering through an endless night of noise.

Another night, John had become so irritated that he had yelled out "Will you shut up?!" To the study room so loud that the noises ceased, and John internally panicked, thinking that Alexander had gotten upset. He rushed in the study and frantically apologised to Alexander, who just laughed and said it was fine. That was one of the only nights John managed to get Alex to willingly go to bed.

Now, John sat in bed, unable to sleep because, once again, Alexander was banging his fingers on each key. John was actually quite certain that Alexander hadn't gotten actual sleep for more than 50 hours. Ridiculous.

Finally, John was able to let his mind tune out the racket and blank out.

The day of that morning, John came out of class at lunchtime to meet Peggy down in the Subway cafeteria. When arriving, Peggy waved her hand for him to sit down with her, looked him up and down, then did a double take. "Woah, Johnny. You look like shit today."

"Thanks for the compliment." John retorted, taking a seat next to Peggy. Sarcastic, much. He thought to himself, rolling his grouchy eyes. He was still pissed about Alexander's lack of sleep that was effecting him now.

"And you're in a bad mood. Jesus, who's pissed in your Cheerios?" Peggy teased lightly, unwrapping her sandwich.


"What, or did you have bitch flakes for breakfast?"

"Screw you."

Peggy made a choking sound and swallowed, putting her sandwich down. "Excuse me, young man! You don't use such words, that is against your code of conduct!"

John made a feeble noise, then groaned, putting his hands in his head. Peggy sighed. "Okay, dude. What's really happening?"

John looked up at Peggy; she was a good listener, and gave great head on advice. She never sugarcoated things. And, he was the only one that knew that she really wanted to study psychology. "Alexander hasn't been sleeping at all lately, and its really been bugging me out. It's not just effecting him, its effecting me now, because of all the noise. He's always working on a different essay that won't probably be due for 2 weeks and only needs 2 pages or something."

"Oh..." Peggy's eyebrows borrowed in thought. "Have you tried taking the computer off of him?"

"Can't," John rubbed his forehead with his palm, "he'll grab it from where I put it once I fall asleep."

"Huh, sneaky." Peggy leaned back in her chair. "And how long has he been like this?"

"A week, perhaps? It hasn't been this bad until these past few days where I think he hasn't slept at all. More than 50 hours." John replied, feeling a bit guilty as he recited the facts to Peggy.

"Oh my fudgenuggets. Well, I'm sure he'll learn soon enough. As long as he's been having food and water, he'll probably collapse or something." John gaped with shock and Peggy seemed to notice his fearful expression. "Oh, but no no, that's a good thing! He will collapse into sleep mode and give him necessary hours of sleep back. It's the natural and only way for the body to shut down and make him stop for a change."

John sighed in relief. That seemed like a good change for Alexander, he needed sleep badly. "Okay, thanks Pegs." Although he was unsure of Alexander's hydration level and show much he was eating, he became more payed back from Peggy's reassurance.

"How's the new addition to the family going, by the way?" Peggy asked, a chunk of chicken flying out of her mouth.

John giggled. "Squirt is setting in very well. I still can't believe you guys got him for me."

"Ha, no problemo. " Peggy laughed. "Anyway, you want a sandwich now?" Peggy asked with a grin, holding out a bit of cash.

John yawned, unable to protest to Peggy about the money. "Haha, yeah."

After a sandwich and one rainbow chocolate chip cookie, John and Peggy decided to head up to the dorms, laughing about a story Peggy was telling about their family. "A-and after Cornelia had came completely out of mother and dad got to have a look at her, he actually fainted! It was hilarious!"

"Oh my goodness!" John spluttered out, unable to control himself. "I never knew that! We must really go see her once, its been so long since I've seen her again."

The elevator reached out a stop at Peggy's level. "Okay, dude, it's my stop. I'll see ya later, Kay?" She gave John a quick kiss on the cheek and rushed out of the elevator with a silly dance move.

"Okay, bye- pfft, Peggy what on earth are you doing?" John giggled as the doors started to close.

"It's called photoSYMPATHYYYYYY-" John cold hear Peggy holler from the other side just long enough until it was out of hearing range. Peggy was an absolute goof, nonetheless.

Clicking his keys into the dorm, the fresh thought of no classes for the rest of the day flourished delightfully through his mind. Unsure if Alexander had the day off as well, John called out through the dorm and closed the door. "Alexander, are you here?"

No response. The curtains were closed and there was no sight or sound of movement. John sighed, about to take another step into the kitchen but was slightly tripped by a large item at his feet.

He shot his head down, and his heart stopped and shrunk with icy horror. There lied Alex with sprawled out arms, his legs in a twist and his face in an unreadable, uncomfortable look. John wanted to scream. Had his face not looked pale and whiteish- yellow, John would have supposed he just passed out then and there. But something looked wrong.

"A-Alex?!" John started breathing heavily to himself, frozen to the spot. Oh my god, what's happened?! He finally slumped down to his knees and rolled Alex onto his back. "Alex, c-can you hear m-me?" No response. This was worse than any time he got no responses from Alexander.

John, get a grip of yourself! Calm down! Start the action plan.

"Okay, okay. It's fine, okay." John started to commence the DRSABCD action plan after he had taken deep breaths.

Danger. There was no sharp or injuring objects around.

Response. Alexander wasn't responding to any of his hand squeezes or words. Okay, so far so bad. Nothing was going to plan.

Send for help. The main plan is to call 000, but John had a mind blank and decided to call Peggy. With every ring John became even more tense and anxious, and once his phone was sent to voicemail, John started hyperventilating again. At this point he had wasted so much time Alex could have died by now. Eliza was next in his head.

Two rings and he got a response, John felt like praising her. "Hi, John. What's up?" His chest started becoming heavy and he started finding it difficult to breathe. "John, are you okay?"

It took him nearly a minute to find his breath. He wiped fresh tears from his face. "Eliza, A-Alex is on t-the g-ground. H-he's unconscious. P-please, I-I need- I need help."

"What? John- honey, breathe. Tell me what his state is."

"He's..." John took his shaky hand up to Alexander's wrist. Devastatingly cold. "Cold, very cold. There's a pulse!" John breathed in relief.

"Okay, good." From the other line John could ear Eliza talking to another voice in the background. She returned moments after. "Hello? John, Peggy's called the ambulance. I need you to listen to me and remember all training." John whimpered in response, too shook to give anything else.

For another 20 minutes (but what felt like hours and hours to John), Eliza helped him proceed through the action plan, unable to do it by himself as his mind felt too shaken up. He was also asked questions about Alex's current state that were passed on to the ambulance.

John stroked Alex's pale cheek lightly, a sickening lump in his stomach. With all his might he wanted Alex to be alright. He'd give up his own life just for Alexander to live. It was better than him not being alive.

No, don't say things like that, John snapped to himself, there's no way he's doing to die.

Finally, after 30 minutes, a knock from the paramedics came from the door, and John let out a sob of relief, and hesitantly went to open the door after not wanting to leave Alexander alone.

Alex's limp body was hauled onto a stretcher in the corridor, and a few paramedics stayed behind for a second to pester John with a few more questions. Although they had comforting attitudes, John still couldn't think straight to his best abilities.

Once they were done, a young woman with long dark hair with a name tag written with 'Ella' tapped him from behind. "Sir, we have another seat in the ambulance if you would like to stay there to comfort him."

"Will he know I'm there?" John asked hesitantly.

"No, but it would be nice if you could come along to the hospital and be there when he wakes up."

John took a breath of relief, fully glad that she did not say 'if he wakes up'. "Of course, then. Thankyou so much for everything."

'Ella' nodded. "It is my job. Come down now if you please and bring some necessary items."

"Yes. Thankyou so much." John smiled, shakily sighing and grabbing his phone and a bundle of his and Alexander's belongings. Before he could leave the dorm, Eliza came rushing down the corridor with Peggy at her feet. They both threw him into a hug.

"Oh goodness, is he okay?! Are you okay?!" Eliza spluttered, checking John's pulse with a paranoid expression.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." John squeezed out of the hug and raced out of the door, the girls following.

"Wait, where are you going?!" Peggy yelled.

"The ambulance is downstairs, I've got to go with them. But I can meet you up there?" John smiled, more so fake and nervous than genuine.

"Alright then. Come on Pegs. We'll see you there, be careful." Eliza flashed a nod and a smile before taking Peggy's hand and rushing down the halls in a flurry of chatter.

John flew down the steps and caught up with Ella, climbing into the ambulance with her. He smiled weakly at her before turning to Alexander's bed he lied on. His face was somewhat more paler, less yellowish, and was hooked up to an oxygen machine. John felt his eyes sting at the sight. He's going to be okay. He gritted through his mind.

Ella shared an empathetic look before patting him on the back. "He's going to be okay." She smiled, as if he was reading his exact thoughts. He nodded, sitting on the chair next to Alex.

He's going to be okay.

Short chappie chap.
The first person to guess the birthday animal right gets to name the animal, and i will edit the young paramedic for that person to star as them.
Edit- y'all can stop guessing now. It's been figured out, blease stop spamming my notifications with different animals T-T
Very rushed because i need to SLEEEEP.
Also, that birthday surprise was based off of a surprise party I did for my best friend, thrown by yours truly ):3
Love youuuuu!

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