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The Champion sighed, looking over the Elite four's rooms. The floor below him allowed him to watch each battle with anticipation, but today, there were no battles. Not today.

"You wanted us?" A lower voice sounded, walking over.

"Yes... I'm worried..."

"Bout that Night team or whatever? Don't sweat it Justin-"

"Yes about that team. Brutus if they actually do what they said they were going too, everything we know could be at risk." The man named Justin snapped. It wasn't like him to be worried like this.

Brutus was a large macular man with black gloves and goggles around his neck, "Well, We'll keep an eye on them. I'll tell the others to be on guard as well."

"... Thank you..."

Brutus walked out again, leaving the champion to ponder and gaze as the walls of the room.

The back wall held a drawing of four Ledgendary Pokémon.

Arceus, Mew, Kabarra, and Kabatchi.

Both Snake Ledgendaries were entwined with each other as Arceus and Mew onlooked.

Justin sighed.

If this Team Night team doesn't fall through.... History might repeat itself.



Oh heck that's right.

It's story time XD

I hope y'all enjoy this story! It will be slightly based off the rp I have made, but I am using the main storyline me and my sibs have used uwu

Anyway, I hope y'all like it!

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