13: G r o u n d e r D i s g u i s e

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia and her friends accompany Lexa and her squad to Polis, where they slip away amidst the hassle of their entrance. Although she feels guilty for leaving Aidan behind, Octavia's one goal is finding Bellamy ... but it may prove to be harder than she first expected].

"Octavia! What are you doing? Wake up!"

My eyes flew open and I jolted upright with a start. Gasping, I glanced around to see Raven crouched next to my prone body.

She gave me a stern look as she said, "You were supposed to be on watch with me."

"Oh no, really?" I groaned and buried my face in my hands. "I - I'm sorry. I tried to stay awake but I just ..."

"Forget it," Raven huffed as she pushed herself up into a standing position. "But I feel like I need to remind you that you're not the only one going through crap at the moment, okay?"

I swallowed hard and nodded. "I'm really sorry, Raven."

"Whatever." She waved me aside as she turned to Zoe, Bryce, Tim and Peter, who were still cosily snuggled up together on the hay. She clapped her hands together as she exclaimed, "Chop, chop, everyone! Up, up, get up. We need to move."

Her announcement was met with grunts of annoyance and unwillingness. I couldn't say I blamed them though. I was exhausted too.

As everyone started to sleepily roll out of bed, I stood up and brushed myself off. As I strapped my sword securely around my waist, I glanced over towards the rose-gold clouds bordering the edge of the horizon.

Dawn was just breaking.

Unfortunately, none of us had time to admire the colourful artwork painting the early morning sky. As soon as everyone had gotten themselves together and erased the evidence of our stay, we gathered together at the end of the alleyway. It opened up onto a large, paved street leading into the market square. Already, people were starting to stir and the crisp, autumn air was filled with the chirping of birds and the occasional clatter of a horse and cart.

"Great, now what do we do?" Bryce queried in a low voice as he surveyed our surroundings.

A smirk tugged on my lips as I looked towards a fully-laden washing line strung between two brick houses just opposite us. "We have to blend in," I returned. "It's time to get ourselves some clothes."

It only took us a few minutes to strip the washing line bare. As soon as we had done so, however, we scurried back into the safety of the alleyway and began to hand out the soft, furry cloaks and starched animal hide shirts.

As it turned out, Tim was an expert at breaking and entering without being seen and picked out a rather forlorn little house sitting on the outskirts of the city as his target. He stole some black ink and a few coloured paints before returning with his bounty.

Decorated with fake tattoos and snugly clothed in grounder costume, we all ventured out into the heart of the city.

No one paid any attention to us and even if our faces weren't familiar to some, it would be probable for them to assume that we were just some of the many traders that entered and exited Polis on a daily basis.

I had picked up a few Trigedasleng phrases during the time I had previously spent with the grounders. It was the common language for most and some, especially the peasants, didn't even know how to speak English. Usually, it was just the traders and warriors who could understand English and even then, it was a fact that they were careful to hide from their enemies.

For the remainder of the morning, we scouted the city, getting a general idea of the lay-out. Then, as noon came about, Bryce started complaining about his empty stomach.

Raven swiped a purse of coins from a passing traveller and we used it to purchase some fish and bread from one of the market stalls.

Finally, realising that we were going to get nowhere circulating aimlessly around the city, I decided on our last remaining course of action: getting Lexa's help.

It would not be an easy task to reach her, for she would be safely situated on the thirteenth floor of the tower, surrounded by dozens of guards armed to the teeth. However, it was our only hope if we were to find Bellamy and make it back to the Ark to set up the meeting between the clans.

As the six of us approached the warriors guarding the doors to the tower, I could sense that they were stiffening up, ready to attack at the slightest provocation.

"Ha yun, ai lukot," I greeted them haltingly. "Teik ai chich op ai Hainofi Lexa (Hello, my friend. Permission to speak to Princess Lexa)?"

Immediately one of the guards moved forward, withdrawing his sword in the process. "Hod op (Hold up)!"

I paused, swallowing hard. "Chit (What)?"

Before the man could respond, however, a low, gnarly voice sounded from behind us. "Stand aside, Hieri."

My eyes widened in surprise and I whirled around, coming face-to-face with none other than Indra herself!

"But General, these disrespectful paupers want an audience with the Princess!" Hieri rebuffed. "They must be punished."

"Do as I say, Hieri," Indra narrowed her eyes at the man in question. "I shall sort this out on my own."

Hieri reluctantly withdrew, glaring furiously at us; but if looks could kill, we'd all be buried six feet under.

Indra leaned forward and seized my arm, practically dragging me away as she headed off down a quieter street than ran parallel to the main road. The others shadowed us, keeping a sharp eye on the African woman's every action.

Finally, when we were out of sight of prying eyes, Indra released me and spun me around to face her. "What do you think you're doing, Octavia kom Skikru?" she hissed. "If I hadn't shown up, those guards would have killed you! I can't say I would blame them either! You must never be so blatant when addressing the princess and what on earth are you wearing? Pauper's clothes?"

I rolled my eyes and raised my arms in surrender. "Uh oh. Okay, you've caught me. We've been trying to blend in, that's all, but I don't understand your language very well and cannot communicate effectively when it comes to asking about Bellamy. I haven't seen a trace of him anywhere and I'm getting sick with worry. I'm starting to think that he's already left for the coast."

"He hasn't left," Indra stated bluntly.

I furrowed my brow as I stared at her. "He what?"

"He hasn't left," Indra repeated, her tone becoming more aggravated.

"B-but how do you...?"

"He is being kept in a holding cell in an underground dungeon beneath the tower," she explained hurriedly. "I only found out from Titus this morning."

"Whose the hell is Titus?" I repeated.

"He is our Flame Keeper," Indra paused as she glanced over at the others who must've looked as confused as I felt. She huffed in annoyance as she continued, "He is the equivalent to a priest. He is the keeper of the Flame, a very sacred ornament that has been passed down from commander to commander throughout the generations. Without him, a new Heda cannot ascend to the throne. He is a very important figure in Trikru courts as he can persuade the mass to agree with his every word. Bellamy would've left Polis if it had not been for Titus, who caught him in the very act of escaping."

"Oh thank God!" I sighed in relief. "Titus is my hero right now. When can I see my brother?"

Indra hesitated. "I will explain the situation to Lexa and ask for her advice but if Bellamy is privy to any of our clan's secrets, then he cannot be released."

I nodded. "Please hurry, Indra. I must return to the Ark before tomorrow if I am to carry out Lexa's wishes for setting up this meeting."

Indra sent me a steely glare as she responded, "I find it hard to believe that you are doing this merely for Lexa."

I gazed at her. "You know I'm not doing this just for Lexa. Our people are stuck in Mount Weather and I don't care what it takes or what I have to do, I'm getting them out of there and that's final."

Indra inclined her head to the side as she prepared to leave. "I understand. I must go. Stay here if you don't want to run into any more trouble. I shall inform Lexa of this immediately and send word back to you."

As she turned away, I reached out and grabbed her elbow. "Indra ... thank you."

Indra pulled away from me as she sneered, "I'm not doing this for you, for Bellamy or for Skikru. I am merely following my commander's wishes. Do not make me do something that I will not regret."

Taken aback by the sudden fierceness in her tone, I nodded and stepped aside so she could pass.

I bit down on my lower as I watched Indra's stoic, upright figure return to the tower doors. It would only be a matter of time before I would see my brother again.

Gif: Octavia as everyone gets dressed in grounder disguise.


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