18: S a c r i f i c e

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia is placed in a precarious situation as Princess Lexa's hostage. The Skai Gada is considered to be the leverage in the feud between Trikru and Skikru but the question remains: who will die? Her or Finn]?


The dry, dead leaves of autumn crumpled beneath my booted feet as I walked, unwillingly and reluctantly, through the sultry, grey mists shrouding the forests of deep ebony and dark brown.

My hands were fastened behind my back with a coil of rope that was rubbing the skin off my wrists. A dull, dirty rag had been thrust into my mouth and tied around the back of my head. My thick, greasy hair hung in tangled strands down my back and cuts and bruises littered my face and arms.

My emerald eyes darted here and there, watching as Lexa, atop a magnificent steed right in front of me, held up her arm.

Immediately, the army, consisting of armed and angry grounders that surrounded me on all sides, came to a halt.

With her maroon robe billowing in the breezy air, Lexa swivelled around in her saddle and addressed the multitude, "Hod op. Indra, teik yo gona kamp raun emo hodgeda. Osir na hir (Stop. Indra, get your warriors into position. We are here)."

Slowly, I craned my neck to one side and squinted my eyes against the setting sun. That's when I saw it.

The Ark.

The fence surrounding it on all sides had been fortified with electric wires and lined with fiery torches. Gunmen stood watch near all the gates and raised posts, that towered over the fence-line, contained stacks of ammunition and groups of trained cadets, their gaze sharp and their aim flawless.

The camp was eerily quiet. There were no citizens hurrying to and fro and no children playing in the great, marshy outdoors. Instead, huge spotlights flittered across the ground and ever-watchful guards were present in every nook and cranny of the perimeter.

I swallowed when I realised: they were preparing for war.

My attention quickly diverted back to Lexa when, in one swift movement, she alighted from her horse. Motioning two of her soldiers over, she said, "Miya snap! Ai gada imfou in gon Skikru. Teik em in (Come quick! I have a message for Skikru. Take it)."

The two men bowed low to the ground before their princess. Then, straightening up and unsheathing their swords, they dashed out from the security of the forest towards the camp.

Lexa removed a small dagger from her belt as she called out, "Gustus!" Pointing the sharpened blade towards me, she spoke, lowly and sternly, "Erect a large pole in the middle of our camp. Then, take this Skai Gada and tie her to it so all her people can see. Every hour that they delay answering our call, deliver a cut to her body with this knife. I don't care how long they take to decide or many cuts you have to deliver to this traitor, we are going to get our revenge."

Tears stung my eyes and blurred my vision as the burly form of Gustus clomped over to me. Grabbing me by the arm, he dragged me away, intent on seeing Lexa's instructions through. I knew better than to struggle, I knew better than to run, I knew better than to fight. If I did, Finn and everyone else within the camp walls would die.

I couldn't let that happen.

It had been three hours since the massive Trikru army had descended upon the smaller Skikru camp. Darkness had completely washed over the land, creating a back-drop that was both spine-chilling and livid. The grounders had completely surrounded the Ark, amassing it with their war-cries, their drums and their dancing torches.

Amidst the flapping material of their tents and the dozens of masked warriors was me, bound, hand and foot, to a huge pole. The gag from my mouth had been removed, but it was only so the people within the Skikru camp could hear my screams as I was tortured by Gustus.

So far, he hadn't made do with one cut an hour. It was more like five an hour. I could see the look of pure glee in his hardened eyes as he sliced the knife through my skin. I could see the spark of revilement in his features as he passed the blade over my arms and stomach.

After the latest encounter with him, I was so weak I was practically sagging from the pole. The only thing holding me upright was the rope connecting my wrists and ankles to the large, iron stick.

My tongue was so dry it was sticking to the roof of my mouth. My throat was so sore, it was cracked and bleeding inside. The palms of my hands were clammy with sweat, droplets of blood cascaded down my face and my entire body trembled with fear and angst.

I tried to act tough. I tried to look brave. But, whenever I peered into Gustus' sneering face, I knew that he could see straight through my facade. He knew that, on the inside, I was just a pathetic, weak, and scared little girl.

And I hated it.

The clock of time was ticking and it was nearing the fourth hour of the night. Kane and Abby still hadn't made any move to rescue me from this prison and the guards at the gates of the camp were refusing to converse with the messengers that Lexa kept sending.

I was beginning to lose hope and fearful doubts began to swarm my mind. What if Bellamy and Raven hadn't actually made it back to the Ark? What if they had been captured by bounty hunters or injured by Lexa's scouts? What if Finn and Aidan were also in a precarious situation? What if they knew nothing about what was taking place?

I tried to comfort myself with these thoughts but a small voice, in the back of my mind, whispered that this was highly unlikely.

The fourth hour struck and I began to tense up in fear when I saw Gustus' huge, bulky figure walk towards me. He was flicking Lexa's dagger between his hands and an evil smirk was plastered across his face.

Just as he reached me and held the cold blade to my skin once more, a loud, desperate cry pierced the chilly night air.

"Stop! Please! Don't hurt her anymore! It's me you want! Take me! Just leave her alone!"

Startled, I snapped my head around and gazed, in shock, towards the speaker.


He had pushed his way through one of the side exits of the camp and was coming towards us at high-speed. His hands were raised above his head and his face was contorted with sadness, guilt and worry.

A deep furrow lined my brow as I stared at him. This did not look like the boy who could've killed twenty-nine of Trikru's people!

What had really happened out here?

Suddenly, a low growl rose up in the back of Gustus' throat and he drew his knife back, intent on plunging it straight through my heart!

Before I had time to react, the authoritative voice of Lexa boomed out, stopping him mid-movement, "Gustus! Stand down! Drop the knife!"

Grinding his teeth together in rage, Gustus pushed himself away from me but continued to glare at me through furious, blood-thirsty eyes.

Lexa, her robe flapping in the breeze behind her regal form, walked over towards me, her accompaniment of guards ever by her side. Pausing, she glanced between me and Finn before uttering, "Let her go."

"But, Your Highness...!" Gustus attempted to protest but Lexa cut him off with one wave of her hand.

"This was the deal, Gustus!" she exclaimed sternly. "The life of the murderer in exchange for the life of the Peace Keeper. Do not question my judgement or you, too, will fall under my sword!" Turning to her compadres, she pointed towards Finn and ordered, "Do my bidding at once! Capture him!"

"No!" I spluttered through a mouth full of blood. "Lexa ... please ... you - you can't kill him!"

Lexa whirled around and glowered at me. "This is how you repay me for saving your life? Indra, cut her down!"

Slowly, the dark-skinned woman stepped forward and raised her knife.


The bonds fell away from my body and I collapsed to the ground, exhausted and agonised by the long hours of standing.

For a moment, Indra did nothing but look down at my prostrate body. Then, with a gentleness I didn't know she had, she lifted me up and supported my body as she led me towards the outskirts of the Trikru camp.

"Here is Octavia kom Skikru!" she shouted out to the guards lining the nearest fence. "Take her and go!"

As a few brave souls ventured forth to rescue me, I turned my head to see Finn as he was tackled down by Gustus and his men.

"F-Finn!" I cried as tears cascaded down my wet, puffy cheeks. "Why? Why did you do it?"

Finn, his face a mess of blood and saliva, glanced up at me and gasped out, "I - I was trying to find you. I thought they had kidnapped and killed you. I - I didn't know ..." As Gustus kicked him in the side, he fell to his knees, grunting in pain.

Lifting his head up one last time, his deep brown orbs met my emerald green ones as he whispered, "May we meet again, Princess."

Shouts and screams of rage left my lips as Finn was beaten and dragged away. "Finn! Finn! Please! No! You can't do this! Lexa! You can't do this!"

By the time the guardsmen from the Ark had arrived to collect me, I was a blubbering mess.

I had loved him and I had lost him.

Gif: Octavia as she watches Finn being taken away.


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