24: A m e n d s

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[PREVIOUSLY: Bryce suffers the consequences of his actions. Octavia continues to be haunted by Finn's ghost and Bellamy and Clarke seek a way out of the situation that they have been trapped in. Then, Octavia comes to a sudden realisation that may prove helpful in getting the gang out of TonDC alive].

"Octavia, are you feeling alright?"


Startled from my drowsy stupor, I lifted my head to see Abby enter the medic-hut.

I was sitting on a wooden stump that had been situated next to Bryce's bedstead. Fortunately, the boy was sleeping soundly, as indicated by the soft snores escaping his nose, but every so often he would twitch and twist in pain.

"How much longer?" I queried in a low tone as I pushed myself into a standing position so I could face Abby.

"How much longer until what?"

"He gets better?" I pressed worriedly.

"Octavia," Abby placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "He's going to be fine. He'll be in pain for the next few weeks but he'll be fine, I promise. Now, go get some rest. You look exhausted."

"I am," I admitted as I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. "But I can't leave him here alone."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him," Abby assured me. Glancing over my shoulder, she chanced a quick peek out the partially-open door behind me before continuing, "I have to return to the Ark early tomorrow morning. Jackson, my assistant, radioed Bellamy to tell him that some of the children have smallpox and it's spreading fast."

"W-what about Bryce?" I sputtered in protest.

"The grounders' healers will keep on eye on him," Abby told me. "They're even making him a stretcher so they can take him home when he's well enough to travel. I have everything sorted out." As the middle-aged woman turned away to take my place by Bryce's bedside, a thought flashed through my mind.


Hurriedly, I snapped my arm out and stopped her, mid-movement. "Can I come with you?" I inquired. "I'm not needed here. Clarke and Bellamy have everything under control and besides, I need to make sure Raven is okay."

"Are you sure Raven is the only one you're worried about?" Abby raised her eyebrows at me.

I shrugged carelessly, trying to conceal the light flush crawling up my cheeks. "Of course. Her boyfriend was just murdered in cold blood. I've made peace with it but I don't think she has."

Abby hesitated a moment longer before consenting. "Very well. We leave at five."


I was up and ready at the crack of dawn.

As I loitered around the medic-hut, waiting for Abby to grab her bag, I heard the crunch of approaching footsteps and looked up to see Indra.

"Indra?" I furrowed my brow in confusion. "C-Can I help you?"

The dark-skinned woman shook her head, "No. But I thought you might want this back." Reaching into the folds of her cloak, Indra withdrew my sheathed sword.

My eyes widened in surprise. "M-my sword! Wow. Thank you."

As I extended my hand towards it, Indra spoke, "Lincoln gave this to you, didn't he?"

I paused. "Y-yeah. How did you know that?"

Indra turned the weapon around and pointed to a small letter engraved into the wood of the hilt.


I sighed. "Yes. He did. I - I miss him. I hope he's okay. Bellamy hasn't seen him since he left him in Polis."

"If there's one thing I'm sure of, it is this: Lincoln can take care of himself," Indra returned soberly. "Here, take it. Good luck, Octavia kom Skikru. May the gods of nature watch over you and keep you safe on your journey."

I sent her a firm nod, watching as the prestigious and upright figure of the general briskly walked away.

I couldn't figure out if I was supposed to like Indra or fear her.

After bidding my brother goodbye, I accompanied Abby and a modest handful of Trikru guards as we made our way through the thick, clumpy forest towards the Ark. I was relieved that the weather was good for travelling and not anything like the dreary dampness of yesterday.

The sky, dotted with a few, wispy clouds, was the brightest blue that I had ever seen. Birds twittered cheerfully from their nests and soft, refreshing breezes rustled the tips of the evergreen trees.

Before I knew it, the sun was dropping low in the sky and we were entering a vast clearing leading directly towards the fenced and protected camp of Skikru.

As we all stopped in front of the gate, Abby waved up at Nate Miller, who was keeping watch on the post. Hopping down from his look-out, he pushed open the metallic grate and waved us through with his rifle.

"Hold up!" he pointed his weapon at the grounders behind us. "What are they doing here?"

"The truce between Trikru and Skikru has been initiated," I returned, sourly eyeing his revolver. "Put the gun away, Miller, you don't need it. They're our allies."

Reluctantly, Nate lowered his weapon as the remaining warriors trooped through the gates.

"Well, that's new," Abby commented, stopping abruptly in the middle of the yard.

Frowning, I turned to look and was taken aback by the huge piece of tin that hung over the main entrance leading into the Ark. Across it were two words, scrawled in bright red paint:

C a m p J a h a .

With a huff of annoyance, I pushed past Abby and made my way towards the guardsmen huddled around the door.

"Where's Raven?" I demanded upon approaching them.

When they didn't answer, I moved my hand so it was resting on the handle of my sword. "Where...is...she?"

One of the boys started laughing at me. "And who the hell do you think you are giving us orders?"

Snickering, his friends slapped him on the back.

I was about to rush into the fray and punch him to his senses when a loud, assertive voice called over the top of them, "Hey! Hey! Stop being assholes. Brad, Jack, so watch the back fence-line. Now!"

As the boys walked away, rolling their eyes and muttering underneath their breaths, I spun around to see Sinclair, the head mechanic of the Ark, heading my way.

I let out a lengthy breath of relief as he came to a stop by my side. "You're looking for Raven?" he asked. Upon seeing me nod, he went on, "She's in the ward, talking to Aidan, last I heard."

"Thank you," I shot him a quick smile before ducking through the doorway and heading in the direction of Abby's medical ward.

A few moments later and I stepped into the room, dotted with white-clad beds and trays lined with sterilised tools.

"Did you let them do it?" the hoarse, cracked voice of Raven suddenly pierced the air. "Did you let them burn Finn?"

Slowly, I swivelled around to face the speaker.

Raven, her dark hair dishevelled and sticking up in all directions, was slouched against a prop of white pillows. Her dark, hollow eyes were shrouded in black circles and her cheeks were puffy and raw from the amount of tears that she had shed.

My eyes bounced from her to Aidan, who was sitting on the edge of a bed opposite her. His arm was wrapped up in a sling and his face was the epitome of anger and resentment.

Licking my lips nervously, I lowered myself onto the bed next to Raven. Tears swarmed in my eyes as I gazed, sadly, into the shattered eyes of my friend. "I am so sorry. I - I wish that I could've done something, anything, to save him."

Raven sighed tiredly. "I - I can't do this. I can't go on like this ... knowing that he's not here anymore. What am I supposed to do, huh, when I need a listening ear in the middle of the night? Who am I supposed to go too when I'm upset or angry or just need a hug? Oh, that's right. He's not here anymore. He's dead. He's dead and Clarke killed him! I - I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye..."

The memory of Bryce being tortured as he screamed and begged for his life flashed through my mind. I bit down on my lip as I turned pleading eyes to Aidan.

He caught me looking at him but, instead of offering me help, he did nothing but lower his gaze.

Well, thanks a lot.

"T-there was a problem..." I ventured, choosing my words carefully. "Gustus caused trouble, again, and the truce was nearly called off. They took Bryce and tied him to a pole ... just like they did to Finn and I. Then ... t-they started torturing him, cutting him. He was screaming and crying and begging for help. I ended up putting a stop to the execution but ... while I don't condone Clarke's actions, I - I think that maybe what she did was ... er ... kind, merciful. If she hadn't done it, Raven, Finn's torture would've lasted for hours. Somehow, I think that would've been harder, on everyone, to witness, including you."

For a moment, Raven didn't respond. Then, she looked up at me, tears streaming down her cheeks. "O-Octavia," she choked out. "I - I know ... Aidan told me the same thing. I - I'm just not ready to forgive her ... not yet. Finn was my whole world. I don't know what I'm gonna do without him."

Nodding in understanding, I leaned forward and pulled Raven into a tight hug.

I was glad that I could be there for her.


I ended up spending the night curled up next to Raven. I didn't want her to have any nightmares and I thought the best way to make sure she had a good night's sleep was to stay with her and make sure she was okay.

It must've been mid-morning when I was jolted awake by the closing of a door.

Groggily, I lifted my head and scanned the room.

Aidan was gone.

As swiftly and as quietly as possible, I kicked off the blankets covering my legs and grabbed my leather jacket and my combat boots before making my way out of ward. Stepping out into the passage, I glanced around and spotted Aidan dragging himself towards the mess hall.

"Wait up!" I called out as I scurried after him.

Surprised, he turned around to look at me. "What are you doing up?"

"Uh...it's morning, genius," I rolled my eyes as I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder. "You doing okay? You know, with the whole get-shot, get-locked-up, watch-one-of-your-friends-die kinda thing?"

Aidan heaved a sigh. "I - I guess. I've spent most of my time with Raven. She's broken and it's horrible to see. No one should ever have to go through losing a loved one. I can't believe Lexa did this!"

I was taken aback by the venom in his words. "I - I know. It's disgusting. But isn't 'blood-for-blood' your slogan?"

"It's not my slogan," he snapped. "It's theirs."

Before I could reply, a call echoed down the corridor behind us, "Octavia! Aidan!"

Turning around, we saw Sinclair hurrying over to us.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"It's Bellamy," he gasped out between pants. "He just radioed us from TonDC. The Trikru forces want to meet our army at Polis within two days. They have a battle plan in place. It's time to take Mount Weather down."

I smirked. "Now that's good news."

After a bit of debating it was decided that Abby was to stay and keep an eye on things around the camp while Aidan, Raven and I set out ahead of the Skikru army.

Aidan wanted news about Lincoln and an explanation from Lexa. Raven wanted to see her friends and also, I assume, confront Clarke. I, on the other hand, merely wanted to get out of the stuffy confines of the Ark.

It reminded me too much of everything that I had lost.

The three of us, armed with backpacks, a set of sharp knives and my sword, had only been on the track for half an hour when Aidan suddenly threw out an arm and halted us. Holding a finger to his lips, he indicated that we should be quiet.

As I strained my ears, trying to figure out what was going on, I heard a series of distinct scraping noises that seemed to be coming from a thick clump of bushes just off the trail.

What the hell?

Before any of us could make another move, however, a loud, inhumane screech ripped through the air and a huge, burly figure jumped out into the path.

Horrified, I leaped back and snapped out my sword, only to look up into the face of a red-eyed, blood-spattered, teeth-baring monster!

Wait a minute. No way. It couldn't be...


Gif: Octavia as she talks to Raven in the ward.


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