26: S t r e n g t h o f S p i r i t

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[PREVIOUSLY: Raven suffers a serious accident by the hands of a crazed Lincoln. Later, Octavia, along with the Skikru army, returns to Polis. She clashes with Clarke and Kane over the 'inside man' situation while Aidan decides he needs a break from the rigours of war prep].


My voice, strained with anger and brutal with authority, pierced the night-time air.

As soon as the attackers heard the defiant echo of my call, they all spun around, snatching swords and knives from the sheaths hanging by their belts.

They couldn't see me, though. My figure was concealed by the musty darkness shrouding the far corner of the wall.

Confused, the three men started to spread out, searching for the source of the noise. Upon seeing that his captors were distracted, the man, whose thin, haggard form dripped with blood, attempted to make a getaway.

"Stop him! He's trying to escape!" one of the attackers hollered as he rushed after their victim. Grappling with him, he managed to buck him under the knees and throw him to the floor.

I winced when I saw a fresh spatter of blood appear on the man's face.

Enough was enough.

"Three against one. Don't you think that's an unfair fight?" I challenged as I stepped out of my hiding place, balancing my sword in my hands.

The three men looked up and glared, furiously, at me.

"You're gonna regret speaking to us like that!" one of them growled as he started after me.

I stiffened, watching his every move.

These were grounders. Warriors. People who had been training, every day, all day, for most of their lives in the art of the sword.

As for me? Well, I could only hope for the best.

Swiftly, the man advanced upon me, bringing his sword down on my head. My reflexes snapped in and I threw up my blade, stopping his inches from my skin.

"Nice try," he sneered as he pulled back and attempted to stab the sharpened end of his weapon through my wrist.

Ducking, I lifted my knee and butted it straight between his legs. As my attacker doubled over and groaned in pain, I spun around on my heel and kicked him square in the chest.

He toppled over onto the pavement by my feet.

"Bis (Bitch)!" his friend growled as he, too, circled menacingly around me.

Quickly, my eyes snapped over towards the poor man on the ground. He was staring up at me with wide, questioning eyes. I inclined my head to one side, indicating for him to run. As he scrambled up and darted off, I covered for him.

However, no matter how hard I tried to deflect the blows thrown at me or how fast I reacted to the oncoming clash of blades, I was no match against the two burly warriors who stood in front of me.

Within a matter of minutes, my sword had been wrenched from my grip. My heart sank in horror as I watched the metal blade fly from my hands and clatter across the ground.

"Seems like you're on your own now," one of the warriors sneered as he lifted one beefy elbow and slammed it straight into my side.

Gasping for breath, I doubled over, attempting to regain my posture. I wasn't quick enough, though, and before I knew it, I had kicked behind the knees and was sprawled across the floor.

The warrior who had shoved me down knelt beside and roughly pulled my head up. "You're gonna wish you had run!" he spat.

I cringed as I inhaled the bad scent of his breath.

Then, just like that, he had slapped me across the face. I felt a trickle of blood flow from my nose and I coughed and sputtered in protest as he grabbed me by the throat and forced my head back.

Flicking a small knife around his fingers, he mocked, "Say goodbye, little bird."

Just as he pressed the blade against my neck, however, I heard the sickening sound of crunching bone and squelching organs.

Horrified, I watched as my attacker's eyes literally bulged out of their sockets. Hiccuping and heaving, he staggered back before throwing up a mouthful of blood...all over my face!

Yelping in disgust, I pushed myself away from him and scrambled back across the floor just as he slumped, face-first, into the dirt.

He was dead.

My mouth fell open and I looked up, straight into the face of Indra!

"I-Indra..." I gasped. "What are you doing here?"

She didn't reply. All she did was offer me a helping hand. Hesitantly, I reached out and grabbed it only to be pulled abruptly to my feet.

Swallowing hard, I gazed deep into the icy depths of her dark eyes.

The General was someone to be reckoned with.

Stepping back, Indra surveyed me and shook her head.

"What?" I demanded, a little more brusquely than I intended.

"You fought like a child," she returned bluntly. "All aggression. No thought. No defence. Always leaving yourself exposed. Revealing your next move before each strike."

"I know, okay?" I interrupted her. "I got my ass kicked. That should make you happy."

I brushed past her, intent on leaving, when I was stopped mid-movement by an iron grip on my arm.

Indra turned me around to face her. Narrowing her eyes at me, she said, "It does..."

At this, I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Because you did not give up."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Wha...?"

"Strength of spirit like that is rare," she continued gruffly. "It must be guided. Do you know what a warrior's second is?"

I nodded. "An apprentice."

Indra dipped her head at me in approval. "I can make you a great warrior, Octavia of the Sky People...if you are willing to do what it takes to become my second."

I frowned, a million different thoughts and feelings, the majority of which was suspicion and disbelief, circulating through my brain. "What's in it for you?"

Indra gritted her teeth as she sent me a warning glare. "First lesson: never question me."

I expected her to go on but she didn't. Instead, she stared questioningly at me, waiting for an answer.

Unsure how to respond, I nibbled on my bottom lip and remained perfectly still.

I was shaken from my reverie when Indra let out a grunt of annoyance and walked away.

"Wait!" I called out. "I-I'll do it."

Indra paused. Without turning around, she stated, "Good. We start tomorrow."

"Thank you...for saving my life," I acknowledged in a softer tone.

"Prove your worth to me and maybe I won't regret it," Indra snapped as she disappeared into the shadows of the night.


The dim flame of the torch flickered across the earthen floor and danced along the boarded wood of the walls.

I stood next to a high-arched window overlooking the city of Polis, a city that was shrouded in moon-light and cloaked in mystery. One hand was resting on the polished sill, its fingers drumming impatiently against the hard surface, while the other was clasped tightly around the hilt of my sheathed sword.

Heaving a deep sigh, I brushed some stray strands of hair from my face as my eyes bounced around the richly decorated room.

Life in the Royal Tower was very luxurious.

Just then, the door to my left flew open and a figure, bundled in furs, tumbled into the room.

My face lit up.

"Bellamy!" I cried as I threw myself into his arms. Burying my face into his shoulder, I breathed in deeply before pulling away and looking up at him. Tears trembled in my eyes and some of the saltiness threatened to drip down my cheeks.

I shook my head. "Please, please don't go, Bell, please."

Bellamy heaved a deep breath. "O, I'm sorry. But I have too. This is the only way to get our people out of Mount Weather. You want to see your friends again, don't you?"

"Yes but I also want to see you again!" I argued, poking him hard in the shoulder. "Bell, if you don't come back..."

"I will," he whispered as he leaned forward to press a light kiss on my forehead. "I will. I promise."

I sent him a small smile. "You better, bro."

A loud rapping noise sounded from right behind us and we turned to see the regal figure of Titus, the Head Flame Keeper, emerge from within the doorway.

"Bellamy, sir, the Trikru warriors are ready to escort you to the tunnels," he nodded at my brother.

"Thanks, Titus, I'll be right there," Bellamy returned.

As the balding man disappeared, I turned to Bellamy in concern, "The Reaper Tunnels? C'mon, Bellamy. The last time I was down there I nearly died!"

"Look, I'll be fine, I have bodyguards," he assured me gently. "Lexa is using all precautions."

A tear slipped down my cheek. "Just don't die in there. Okay?"

Bellamy nodded his curly, brown head as he enveloped me in another hug. "I love you, sis."

"I love you too, Bell."

As soon as Bellamy left with Titus and a group of designated guards, I wandered through the long halls, eventually finding myself in the deserted throne room.

Slowly, I walked up the red silk carpet that rippled its way along the floor towards the ivory throne, draped with velvet and decorated with sculptures. Closing my eyes, I knelt down before the empty throne and clasped my hands together.

My mind was filled with images of Bellamy, Aidan, Raven and Lincoln, people I cared about, but didn't know if I'd ever see again.

The thought alone made my heart break.

"In peace may you leave the shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey on the ground. May we meet again," I whispered the words that my mother had taught me a long, long time ago.


Startled, I whipped around, my muscles tense and my senses on high alert. It only took me a moment to see the darkened figure of a girl hovering in a far corner of the room. "W-who are you?"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," the girl stepped forward, revealing her deep, olive skin, jet-black dreads and fancy tattoos. "It's nice to meet you, Octavia kom Skikru."

"Who...are...you?" I repeated, slowly and empathetically.

"I'm Gaia...Indra's daughter."

Gif: Octavia as she fights the bad guys.


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