7: G r a n t o f I m m u n i t y

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[PREVIOUSLY: Contrary to what Octavia and her friends expected, Aidan, considered an enemy of Skikru, is taken to lock-up. In the meanwhile, Octavia remembers moments from her time on the Ark and the new chancellor, Kane, has something important to tell her].


The door shut behind me with a loud clatter that made me jump.

"Please, sit down," Kane motioned to a chair situated in front of his desk. Smoothing down his shirt, he took a seat opposite me, reclining back so he could watch my every move.

Casting a wary glance around the room, I slowly stepped forward and pulled the chair back, its wooden legs scraping loudly against the hard, metallic floor. "W-what's going on?"

Kane let out a lengthy sigh as he studied me. Then, he stated, "I've asked you in here because I think you ought to know. The council has decided to grant you full immunity."

"W-what?" I gaped at him disbelievingly.

"Yes. Finn and Raven have told us that you're our best shot when it comes to settling things with the grounders," he continued calmly. "To be fair, we think it'd be a waste to kill you when we could use your skills to our advantage."

My fingers balled into fists and my jaw clenched in anger. "So, what you're saying is that you're giving me immunity for what? Being born? Forget it. I'm not working for you, Kane."

Kane narrowed his eyes at me as he leaned forward. "Have you forgotten who I am, Octavia? I am the chancellor. Your fate is in my hands."

I bit my lip and shook my head. "I can't believe this." Passing my tongue over my lips, I settled Kane with a steely glare. "You can't go by the charter down here, sir. We're not in space anymore. This is the ground. You have no idea what's out there! You have no idea what we're up against! You have no idea what we have had to go through to get this far. And I am not putting my life at stake for some petty revenge plan against Trikru when my people are stuck inside Mount Weather. I'm sorry."

"You're not sorry," Kane spoke, levelly and seriously. Something, akin to anger, was sparking in his gaze as he eyed me. "You've wanted to say something like that to me your entire life. Look, I apologise for any inconvenience we caused you, okay? But, like you said, we aren't on the Ark anymore. We're down here on earth - our earth. And you're wrong. I don't want to fight Trikru. I want an alliance with them."

I stared at him in shock. "Are you serious?"

Kane nodded in satisfaction as he sat back. "If Mount Weather is truly as strong and fortified as you say it is, then we have no other choice."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," I smirked as the well-known saying came back to me.

"Exactly," Kane raised his eyebrows in agreement. "So, will you help us or not?"

For a moment, I hesitated. Then, I affirmed, "I only have one condition."

"And what might that be?"

"You grant Bellamy full immunity and allow him back inside the camp. Also, Aidan is free to come and go as he chooses. Those are my terms. Take it or leave it."

For the first time, Kane really smiled. Straightening up, he extended his hand towards me. "It's a deal."

Half an hour later and I was out of Kane's office heading towards the mess hall. I could hear the laughter and chatter of the people as it bounced off the spacey passage walls. Softly, I pushed open the door leading into the crowded room and made my way over to a pile of cutlery stacked on a bench in the corner.

As I heaped mashed potatoes and corn mush onto my plate, I caught sight of Raven, Finn and Bryce sitting at a nearby table. With a hint of a smile showing on my face, I wandered over and plonked myself down next to them.

"Hey, what's up?" Bryce queried as he gave me a fist-bump. "Can you believe that we're eating real food for the first time in weeks?"

"Weeks, huh?" Raven sighed. "Seems like it's been years."

Finn cast me an odd look as I dug hungrily into my meal. "What's going on, Princess? Why are you so happy?"

"I just found out that the chancellor - ahem - ex-chancellor, Jaha, got himself killed," I grinned. "I couldn't be happier."

Raven stifled a chuckle as the two boys whooped and high-fived each other. "How the hell did he manage to do that?" she demanded.

"Yeah, he must be dumber than he looks," Bryce rolled his eyes, laughing when Finn started to choke on a mouthful of meat.

I shrugged. "Someone had to stay behind on the ring and manually guide the Ark down to earth. He volunteered."

"Oh," Raven pursed her lips. "That's not so bad then."

I nodded, glancing over Raven's shoulder towards the front door as it opened. Kane, Abby and the rest of the council members walked inside, smiling and greeting the others as they entered.

"Hey," I kicked Bryce underneath the table, indicating that he should shut-up. When I had gotten their attention, I lowered my voice as I stated, "Kane just granted Bellamy and I full immunity."

"Oh wow. That's great!" Finn exclaimed. "Congratulations."

"Shhh!" I frowned at him.

"Why do you look so worried?" Raven asked. "Isn't that good news?"

"Maybe," I returned with a sigh. "Fact is, Bellamy doesn't know about it yet. We need to find him."

"Oh no," Finn sat back in his seat with a groan. "I should've known this was too good to last."

"It's crawling with grounders out there and they're eager for vengeance," Raven hissed. "What's their motto again? Blood must have blood or something?"

"If that's the case, then you're on their most wanted list, Octavia!" Finn argued. "Why would you want to go straight back into the hell-hole we just got out of? Sure, Bellamy's your brother and everything, but is his return worth your life?"

I glared at him. "I think you know the answer to that, Spacewalker. Listen, Kane wants to make an alliance with Trikru so we can march against Mount Weather and free our friends. If we continue to cower behind these camp walls, thinking that they'll protect us, then we're telling them that we're afraid. We're telling them that we're weak. We're telling them that they're still the enemy."

"Well, if that's what Kane wants, why are you being so secretive about it?" Raven pressed.

I let out a shaky breath. "Because I don't want him to know."

"Know what?" Bryce questioned, confused.

"That I'm breaking Aidan out of prison and leaving for Polis ... tonight."

Raven set her fork down on her plate and looked directly into my eyes. "So, it's just you two ... going alone? Don't you want back-up?"

"That depends," I returned. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth as I glanced over at the three of them. "Are you with me or not?"

For a moment, only silence, broken by the clattering of cutlery and the murmuring of voices, met my statement. Then, Raven slammed her palms down on the table and smiled. "Is that even a question, samurai?"

I bit down on the corner of my lip. "Good. Then meet me at the side entrance at eight o'clock, sharp. It's time to get my brother back."

Gif: Octavia as she talks to Kane in the office.


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