~: My OCs (The Packs Continued) :~

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Frost Ridge Pack

Name: Caspian Charles Simmons
Nickname: Cas
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Caspian's a quiet kinda guy. Very closed off and close-kept. He doesn't socialize with others very much and usually just bides his time. Considering he isn't very social, he's also a little on the irritable side and can be easily.. well.. annoyed. It's not that he's especially like.. dangerous, just if somebody ends up pushing his buttons he may end up snapping, and usually isn't the best when it comes to keeping his temper in check. Though despite all of that cold front, there may be a tender side, but that's usually kept hidden and away from the public. If you try to get him away from the public eye and social life, that tender and more gentle side will be more likely to come out on a one-on-one situation. He may open up more then, but it can take a while for him to do so, so patience is necessary with him.
Likes: The calm, being outdoors, alone time, reading, writing, drawing, art, stargazing, animals, respect, honesty, etc.
Dislikes: Nagging, purposely messing with him, bullies, know-it-all's, clingy people, people who can't take a hint or back off, etc.
Pack Role: Warrior
Which Pack: Frost Ridge
Crush/Mate/Pups: TBD
Appearance/FaceClaim: Lucky Blue Smith

Wolf Appearance:


Minaxe Pack

Name: Noah James Wilson
Nickname: No No
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Noah is no pushover, and definitely not somebody to be walked on like a doormat. No, he's none of that. All his life he has been pushed to his limits to get what he wants, and he will do just that and get what he wants. There's no ifs, ands or buts about that. What he pushes for and pursues for, he will get. He just has to have a little incentive in order to get it. He is a flirt, and seems to have that kinda aura about him of leading others on, but really he's just playing the field in order to find what he truly wants, and is very headstrong in that sense to find just that. If you so much as try to get into his way of that, beware of him bull dozing you down as once he has his heart, mind and soul set on something, he will stop at nothing to get it.
Likes: Hanging out with others, football, soccer, achieving his goals, pushing his limits, etc.
Dislikes: Arrogance, drugs, abuse and neglect, clowns, etc.
Pack Role: Scout
Which Pack: Minaxe
Crush/Mate/Pups: TBD
Appearance/FaceClaim: Matthew Noszka

Wolf Appearance:

Sun Peaks Pack

Name: Primrose Arden Reinhart
Nickname(s): Prim, Rose, Rosie
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Think of the ditziest girl you've ever met and multiply that by ten. That would be Primrose. Primrose Reinhart. She isn't really the brightest bulb in the box, and in that sense being she's not the most intelligent. But she makes up for all that with her huge, loving heart and drive to better herself. As the girl isn't the smartest, comes the part of where her naivety sinks in. In this case anybody could manipulate her, as she wouldn't even know its happening in the first place. Despite her naivety, she actually has an untapped inner strength that's just waiting to be released. She has a side to her that will stick up for others, and where she will try to be tough, really try to the best of her ability, but she most certainly doesn't have a good poker face. Just reading her body language or features at a glance could easily give away how she's feeling emotionally, and where she wears her heart on her sleeve. Primrose may be quiet and a little closed off at first when you meet her, but once getting to know her, she will bubble up right away, and may even end up talking your ear off, as she's exceptionally affectionate.
Likes: Animals, pets, improving herself, reading, writing and drawing, being with friends, surprises, chocolate and other sweets, etc.
Dislikes: The dark, super quiet areas, seclusion and isolation, thunderstorms, etc.
Pack Role: Healer
Which Pack: Sun Peaks
Crush/Mate/Pups: TBD
Appearance/FaceClaim: Rowan Blanchard

Wolf Appearance:

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