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Friday night football game! (Spoiler alert, this was the last one)

-So the football team was in the playoffs, and we were playing a really good team, so everyone was convinced we were gonna lose.
-It rained. Not a drizzle, actual rain. We got off the bus and felt drizzle.
-There was a big concert/music festival happening at a stadium a few blocks down, so we could hear the music from the school. Oh yeah, it was an away game.
-We started dancing to the music we could hear from the concert thing and we were in our raincoats and probably looked like idiots.
-The rain didn't stop the whole first quarter of the game. We still had to practice for the halftime show in the rain and we had to take the raincoats off. I kept joking around, saying that we would all get pneumonia.
-Our coach asked us if we actually wanted to perform. We did a vote and most people said no. So we ran back to the bus to put the flags away. Then we ran back to the stadium for some reason. Apparently we were going back because we were actually performing...? Some of the seniors were saying that they didn't want to not perform at the last game.
-Yes, we performed the halftime show... in the wind and rain. Band got to keep their raincoats on, but we had to take them off. At opening set, I was shaking and couldn't stop. The silks were completely soaked, and stuck to everything. One of the double swing flags wrapped around my arm and I had to grab it with my other hand and pull my arm out. Apparently the swing flags wrapped around my friend's neck. I could barely see my rifle in the lighting, and it was extra slippery. We didn't have band practice this whole week (nani?) and I think it was obvious. I set my rifle in the wrong place and had to use home slice's rifle (which was much heavier than mine) and she used mine. I messed up on the drill in the last song and accidentally hit Mushu with the swing flag. (Then again, I just had to fix that set, so I don't entirely know where I'm going, but still). Apparently our coach and the 2 hurt people were laughing at how bad it was.
-TLDR: the halftime show was atrocious
-We (guard) didn't even stay to watch the other band (which was too bad, their halftime show is always good). We put the wet flags on the bus, ran back to the other side of the football field to get our bags and raincoats (luckily I put my raincoat over my bag with the outside on top) and ran back to the bus.
-Can I just say how cold it was? The temperature itself wasn't too bad, but the rain was cold, and that was only amplified by the wind. My shoes were soaked within minutes of getting on the sidelines, and my tights were soaked and the water was moving up the tights. The water was almost to my shins. My hands and feet were numb and wrinkled from the water. Everything was wet. And I really hate getting rained on. I could feel myself physically shaking sometimes. Luckily someone gave me a jacket on the bus.
-Our coach let us hide on the bus for the rest of the game. I warmed up eventually and gave the jacket back to her.
-We ended up losing (no surprise). I'm not sure what the final score was, because I didn't want to go back outside, but I heard it was 35-16. Something like that.
-I can't help but think that that game was such a terrible last game to all the seniors... that's the worst football game I've ever been to.

I renamed my rifle. She was originally named Mayonetta (or Mayo for short) and his new name (ooh gender change) is Chandler, after Chandler on Mr. Beast's youtube channel.

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