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1st competition update! (this should've been posted 2 weeks ago lol)
-Wait I gotta give some context. The day before (Friday) some of us stayed after school to clean our floor. It had a bunch of scuff marks all over it and 2 big moldy spots, and our floor is white. Yeah it was gross. So we used magic erasers and scrubbed at those (bad language sorry) damn spots all over the floor. And whenever you cleaned a spot, you could tell the difference between the clean white and the dirty white. Within the hour and a half we had to clean it, we only cleaned half of the half we were working on. So we had to come at 6 in the morning to finish cleaning the floor. We had about another hour and a half to clean before we had to start practicing.
-When we were done with practice and folding the floor, I saw someone move my rifle and sabre. I assumed that they were taking them with them. I thought nothing of it. When we got to the place for the competition, we were told to get weapons off the bus. I'm looking for my stuff and I'm not seeing it. "Uhh... where's my rifle and sabre?" I looked all over the bus, not seeing it. UMM... It was then I realized that they never took it. I told one of the moms on the bus and she called my mom to get them from where we were practicing (luckily the competition wasn't too far away... if we were performing in the forbidden city, then we'd be in trouble.) My mom came in time with Chandler and Lucina (which is good, I was getting genuinely nervous)
-I think the anxiety of leaving my weapons at school made me nervous... during warmups I couldn't catch my solo toss. I've done it before a few times- it's a triple on rifle and catch under the leg. I was told by my coach just to do a quad instead. I've never caught a quad before, so that was fun.
-Guess who dropped their solo toss during the performance?
-I knew that after my toss that the music would stop, so I made no effort to scram and get Chandler after I dropped him. I stood there awkwardly, smiling as if nothing happened.
-Our coach got us all cool tinted glasses in various colors, and I picked pink:

(I took this picture and a few others when I got home, also this is the hairstyle I wore for my uniform)
-there were 2 shows I really liked. One was about sirens (coincidentally I was reading a book on Wattpad about sirens recently). There was one guy and he was in a boat prop for most of the show. He was watching the sirens as they did routines and stuff. At one point the music goes to dubstep and I'm like YES! At the very end of the show, one of the sirens takes the guy out of the boat and they walk up some props that look like rocks. They hug and I'm thinking, oh are they gonna kiss or something? No she PUSHES HIM OFF THE ROCK (the rest of the girls were behind the rock props, ready to catch him) and I was screaming.
-The other show I liked was middle schoolers. No they weren't cadet class, they were in B class, same as us. They were so good. One girl did a 5 on rifle and caught it perfectly. Now there's me who can't even catch a quad, let alone a 5. And here's a middle schooler who just outclassed me. It's a little blow to the pride, but you gotta congratulate this child. And there were so many of them. There were probably twice as many of them as there were of our winter guard team. Needless to say, they were some talented children.
-I had to leave the competition EARLY because I had to go to my grandma's house... I didn't find out what place we got until I got home from there. Apparently we got 12th place... out of 13. I also found out when I got home that someone spilled coffee on Larry.

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