55 (prepare for a rant)

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Ok this was after the football game on Friday (which we won at the last second :D)

I was told by my dad that right after the alma mater, I was going to leave to go to a hotel by the beach. (Which is a family tradition, so I wasn't completely shocked) but I didn't get to march back to the band room. My dad said he didn't want to wait for them to do the "post game sh**". (Which is what he calls it when the band talks about the game, and other stuff. Since they take long to say everything, he gets impatient even though it could be important information they need to tell us.) Since I left some shoes in the band room, I had to walk back to the band room by myself, through the parking lot, angry and ranting to myself. How dare you call it the "post game sh**". I'm not only infuriated, but I'm also offended that you dare call it that. And besides, it would've taken just as long to get through the "post game sh" as it would for you to pick me up. So really the only difference between these 2 options is me having fun and me being bored out of my mind. So which would you pick: fun with friends or boredom by yourself? ...exactly. And I still don't understand why had to leave at 10 pm to go to the hotel, as opposed to going at a normal time. If we'd gone at a normal time, (maybe 9 or 10 am) I would've been able to avoid the problem in the next thing I'm ranting about. Oh yeah, I'm not done ranting yet.

So later were in the car driving to the hotel. My mom gets off the phone talking to my friend's mom. She says that one of the captains assigned us "guard homework" like we get every week after the game, due Tuesday (since Monday is Labor Day). Since I had to leave early, my flags are still at school so I can't do the homework. When my dad finds out, he's mad that they didn't give any kind of warning before the game. A direct quote: "This is why we need one person in charge, not a child." A child? Excuse me? I think I might know which of our captains assigned the work because she always assigns work after the games- and that would be my dawg. (We call each other that. Still not entirely sure why, but I'm cool with it.) She's one of my best friends in guard, and you have the nerve to call her a child? (I mean he didn't know this, but it's still rude)And even if it was the other captain who told us to work, another close friend, still, why the word "child9? So the rest of the car ride I was angrily simmering to myself. Sorry I couldn't think of a word other than simmering. Maybe boiling? Anyway, you get the point.

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