-53 || joshua-

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(Two years later)

"God, you're so slow," Wonwoo grumbled as Joshua looked over his luggage one last time.

"I have to make sure I don't forget anything," Joshua responded. "Are you sure you have everything?"

Wonwoo tapped the camera hanging from his neck and the bracelet on his wrist. "I have everything I need and more," he said. The "more" being the suitcase at his feet and the bag on his back.

Joshua rolled his eyes and they walked into the airport.

The plane took off and immediately, Wonwoo took a book out of his bag.

Sighing, Joshua turned to the window. He'd been hoping that Wonwoo would indulge him in conversation throughout the ride, so he wouldn't be left with his thoughts.

After two years and a couple months, he was finally going back to South Korea. He wasn't sure what'd be waiting for him there. As far as he knew, Chan and his family, including Mingyu, were the only ones excited for him to come back.

He'd heard from Seungkwan a couple of times during his travel abroad, but they'd never been that close. When Joshua had heard about Seungkwan and Jeonghan, the distance grew, both because of jealousy and the fact that Joshua feared he'd be the one to bring Jeonghan up in their conversations.

Jeonghan hadn't bothered to contact him since the first article's release in general. Joshua had gotten a string of messages from him non-stop those first few weeks of staying in America. Joshua couldn't bring himself to respond to any of them. Once news broke, silence.

It was like heartbreak all over again. Jeonghan had given up and really found his soulmate. It just wasn't Joshua. It took a lot longer than Joshua liked to accept that. He'd really hoped that the universe would give him a second chance at a soulmate.

A few years ago, Joshua had agreed to move to South Korea so his mom could be happy again, but he also wanted to run away. The death of his soulmate was hard, and it put him in a miserable state so bad, he'd basically given up on living his life. All he did was sit in his room and stare at the wall or ceiling. After moving, he'd refused to go by his American name because everytime he heard it, all he heard was his soulmate.

When he went back to the United States again, he decided he'd go by Joshua again. He'd work on the issues he'd left behind years before. He'd accept that he'd need to truly move on to heal. So that's what he did. Wonwoo helped him out, and they grew pretty close. They'd lived together all that time, so it was pretty much expected.

So close even, they attempted dating. That wasn't something Joshua wanted to experience again. It felt wrong, and he knew Wonwoo had felt the same. Now, they were basically best friends, and the dating disaster was far behind them.

The plane landed, and almost in sync, both boys let out a sigh. They got off the plane, grabbed their luggage, and waited in front of the airport for their ride.

"This is it," Wonwoo said, like he couldn't really believe they were back.

"This is it," Joshua echoed, feeling the same.

He was glad to be home but wasn't looking forward to facing Jeonghan's new status head on. He spent time in America getting over his soulmate and ignoring all the articles and videos involving Jeonghan or Seungkwan. Now that he was back here, he'd spend the time getting over Jeonghan.

Minghao pulled up in front of them and helped them get their luggage into the car.

"You guys look like hell," was Minghao's greeting.

Joshua laughed and Wonwoo pursed his lips grimly.

"That's what happens when you're stuck in a cramped plane for several hours," the latter muttered.

Joshua watched the two bicker back and forth. He hadn't actually witnessed Wonwoo with his friends before, but it was pretty entertaining. Wonwoo wouldn't have any problems getting back to his old life.

Minghao dropped Joshua off at the gate of his mansion. "Mingyu wanted me to tell you that he'll be working all day," the chinese male informed him. "Your parents are at the company building as well, so you get that large ass house all to yourself for a while."

Joshua nodded in acknowledgment, told them bye, and headed inside.

He headed up to his old room. It'd been cleaned up, not a speck of dust in sight. He collapsed on his bed. It was getting dark outside, and he was exhausted. Yet, Joshua didn't try to go to sleep. Instead, he made his way back downstairs, called a driver, and made his way downtown.

The alley was still as dark and creepy as ever, but he didn't think about that. He walked into one of the buildings, and walked down the concrete steps. The music was loud through the door. He lifted a fist to knock, swallowing.

There was a chance that he'd see Jeonghan here. Deep down, that was exactly why Joshua had come. He shook his head. No, he was here because he'd missed the place. He missed the music and all the people.

He missed Jeonghan.

He lowered his hand and started to turn away. This was stupid. How did he even end up here?

Joshua walked out of the building, regretting that he told his driver that he could go. He slipped his hands in his pockets and pulled his hood over his head as he started walking down the sidewalk.

"Jisoo?" a voice said from behind him. it was all too familiar voice, one that Joshua used to find obnoxious.

Joshua stopped mid-step but didn't turn. He wasn't ready to face Jeonghan yet.

"I know it's you," Jeonghan said softly.

It couldn't be avoided. Joshua would have to face him now. He turned slowly. "Hey," he said.

Jeonghan had changed in the past couple years. He'd grown his hair out and dyed it brown. It wasn't parted like Joshua remembered it, but rather hung in the Jeonghan's eyes. Even the way he stood changed. He didn't give off a cocky vibe anymore, but rather seemed more mature. His features had sharpened as well.

"So you're back," Jeonghan observed.

"Mingyu didn't tell you?"

The brunette shook his head. "No. We don't talk about you anymore."

Joshua grimaced as Jeonghan's tone. His voice was flat, almost unfeeling.

"I'm here for Minghao's and Junhui's wedding," he explained, although unnecessary. He didn't have to tell Jeonghan anything.

Jeonghan took a step forward. "I missed you," he said hesitantly.

Joshua gulped. He was afraid of this. "You have Seungkwan now," he said. "And we aren't soulmates-"

The other studied him. He tilted his head. "You haven't heard?" He looked a little hurt.

The younger wrapped his arms around himself. "Heard what?"

"Seungkwan and I aren't together."

It took a second for the statement to process in Jisoo's mind. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, regretting it. He was showing interest, and Jeonghan seemed happy with that.

A tiny smile curled Jeonghan's lips. "We just don't love each other," he said with a shrug like it was no big deal.

"But . . . Your dad is just okay with that?" Joshua heard himself ask.

Jeonghan made a face. "Oh definitely not. But I could care less."

Even if Joshua had left because they were soulmates, it didn't mean he didn't care any less. "Does he still . . . um, you know . . . hurt you?"

"No. I moved out a few months ago and gave up my right to the company. He can't touch me anymore."

Thus time, Joshua let himself smile. "That's good," he said and he meant it wholeheartedly.

Jeonghan ran a hand through his hair and grinned sheepishly. "Yeah," he replied. He glanced behind him. "Well, I'll let you go. Bang Chan is expecting me."

Joshua nodded, both relieved and bummed that they were splitting so soon. "Right. Wouldn't want to disappoint him," he said.

"He's scary when he's annoyed, that's for sure." Jeonghan began to turn. He lifted a hand in a wave. "See ya."

Joshua waved back. "Bye."


a/n: idk how long this story will be anymore but it probably won't surpass 60 chapters...

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