Ok... Lets get something straight

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OK, so I know other people with Ordinal-Linguistic Personification (again, a form of synesthesia) see numbers or letters differently, but it freaking annoys me so much I'm basically screaming at my phone xD

It is now such a pet peeve of mine, and sometimes it's just down right offensive to my person ;-;

*Sighs* Please don't kill me for this, but I need to post how I see my numbers and stuff, and you can't change my mind otherwise.
0=Male, Mysterious, Slightly chubby, Loner

1=Male, Daredevil, Small yet extremely hyper.

2=Male, Sweet and Shy, Pretty ordinary looking, but still cute.

3=Female, Loud, She's a D.U.F.F., BFFs with 4.

4=Female, Creative and outgoing, Reminds me alot of myself, BFFs with 3.

5=Male, Annoying, Argues alot with brother 6 and BFF 7.

6=Male, Also annoying, Also argues with brother 5 and BFF 7.

7=Male, Pretty boy to the extreme, Cocky, Henchmen, I mean BFFs, are 5 and 6.

8=Female, Gigantic flirt, Partier, Also friends with 3 and 4, works with 9.

9=Male, Old guy, Wise and sophiscicated, works with 8.
OMG I had to type that out to reaasure my sanity °~°

Anyway, again PLEASE don't kill me over this!! People see them differently, and this is how I see them. So don't judge meh c: Comment your thoughts (but no screaming plez)

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