Give Me One Last Dance

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Rydel wrapped her arms around Ell, dancing to the upbeat music. Her body flowed to the dance as if it was the only way she could speak. Each step brought forward her personality, bursting through vibrant colors. Ratliff watched her move, keeping her all to himself, he wanted to be her only audience, applauding every movement with a wide smile and a kiss. True happiness.

Ryland was the DJ, I was shocked at his talent, it wasn't as easy as it appeared to be, but it looked like a lot of fun. Although I shouldn't have been surprised, his whole family sweated talent. He had invited about 20 people, strangers to be, and maybe even to them.

Both Riker and Ross were dancing with girls. They had the right to, they owed me nothing, but it did sting a little. Each of them were the same, rubbing their bodies against the other. It was in no way poetic like Rydel and Ell, but they sure seemed to enjoy themselves.

"People watching?" A handsome man approached me. He appeared to be 20 or 21. He sat next to me on the ledge and began to watch with me. The man was very readable, I could tell you his life story in moments of his arrival. His face was the kind to stop a girl in her tracks, but he must of got used to that. I could already tell that when he looked at a woman, they would overcompensate with a nonchalant glimmer in their weak smile, accompanied by a slight blush on the apples of each cheek. I wasn't going to fawn over him, so it was a mutual understanding. He was modest too, which must have made the girls jolt in excitement. He was handsome, but maybe he was more than that. "I'm Thomas, and you are?" His ice blue eyes should have melted my heart-- but my heart and brain was already occupied.

I turned my eyes back to the crowd of people. Ross caught my gaze, standing there, I should have been adept at hiding in the shadows by now, but I wasn't. He dropped his eyes back to the sleazy woman, then back up at me. A hopeful smile played on my lips, then was quickly diminished by the sight of the woman performing erotically for him.

"That's okay, I don't need a name to dance with you." Thomas reached out his hand politely. I hesitated. "Don't worry, it will make your ex over there jealous, and it's a good distraction to get your mind off things, clearly your brain has been at work the whole party." Was I just as readable as him?

I took his hand and we made our way to the concrete dance floor. When I finally heard the music, I mean really heard it, I felt full of energy. It was like liquid adrenaline objected into my bloodstream, the sensation made me tingle. I looked like a penguin having a seizure, while Thomas was a well oiled machine. He didn't seem like he was trying to show off, but the lingering girls watched anyway.

"Um, I think they want you as their dance partner," I screamed over the loud music. I tilted my head towards a line of girls, practically oozing to get a chance at him.

His eyes darted to the girls huddled together. "No thanks, I'll wait 'till you get your guy back." What?

"He's not my guy, and either way he's busy dry humping blondie." I couldn't believe I just said that. I covered my mouth, regretting every word.

Thomas chuckled at me, "you'll see, he'll get fed up with her, look for you, get jealous of me, then want you back. I've been that guy, so I would say I'm an expert."

"And yet, you're here dancing with 'people watcher' instead of another desperate girl." I couldn't believe it. The music seemed to make my body, including my lips numb and loose. I tried to change the subject, "You're really good at reading people aren't you?"

"I would say so." He spun me around. "Oh, right on cue," he motioned towards Ross. "Oh wow, another one? You really have your hands full, no wonder your mind is exhausted." His head bobbed towards Riker. Both women were gone, both men were alone. We exchanged positions so Thomas could watch them, while I looked like I wasn't paying attention. We had a really good set up here. Hell, he could probably sell a book or two off of this idea.

"Okay, now what are they doing?" He surveyed them both, they were like twins.

"They're both looking at you as we speak, act natural." I got myself lost in the music--very very lost. I watched the buildings, dancing freely, I felt like a small bud opening into a flower in the cracks of the sidewalk, or a bird riding the breeze, soaring over towering buildings. I was consumed by movement, a breath of fresh air, nourishing me, dripping with rhythm. I wanted to dance so much that my cheeks were a deep shade of pink, and when I slept on Serenity's couch, I would fall right into dreams of my pumping blood, twirling and leaping to this same music.

"Hey, are you listening?" He poked my shoulder, I came out of my euphoric trance. "I said they're both staring at you, that was quite the performance by the way."

"Thanks?" I didn't know what I was doing, or if I could do it again.

"Want me to tell you how they feel?" He continued looking at them, back and forth between the two like a ping pong ball.

"What? Do you have super powers or something?" I continued dancing, sweat sprinkled onto my forehead.

"Like you said, I'm good at reading people." His smile was mischievous, yet warm.

"The one with the necklace," 'Ross' I corrected him. "Yeah, okay Ross, he looks at you like- like he's never seen a woman before." What the hell was that supposed to mean? "Like he thinks the next word to come out of his mouth, the next thing he says to you, is a mistake. He hides it well," He chuckles to himself, "but he is worried that he's not enough, not enough for you."

I'm gaping, my legs stop moving."No, no, you gotta act natural. Laugh really loudly to play it off." I do as I'm told, yet a pit remains in the bottom of my chest.

"The other one," He pauses for me to correct him again, 'Riker'. "Riker looks at you like you're a goddess. Like you're perfection. He idolizes you."

"Looks like you have a tough choice ahead of you, I'd say whoever asks you to dance first is the one." He said what now?

"It's not that simple, you--" He interrupted my protest.

Ryland changed the track to something slower, my horrible dancing was finally set to rest.

"Maybe not, but it's a start. The start of something new." He pulled me in for a hug, I squirmed, "the finishing touch," he whispered in my ear. Since when did a complete hottie stranger become an all knowing and powerful wizard?

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Can I cut in?"

Author's Note: Many people have stopped reading the book, a drastic difference from the last few chapters. Although it's unlikely they'll be reading this, I'd like for you to feel you've been heard so if you don't like something, go ahead and tell me! I promise I won't be hurt.

On that note: Who do you think it'll be? Who do you want it to be?

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