Things Are Looking Up

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I rubbed my groggy eyes on the cushion of my tempory bed-couch. The hangover was at a minimum and I remebered everything from last night. All good signs.

Maybe things are looking up.

Serenity still hadn't returned home which I hoped was a good thing. A one night stand could be just what she needed to get away from her past and work on her future. The past. I was reminded of the unopened text from my mother. I picked up my phone, if Serenity could move foward so could I. But first some food, a sandwhich and a glass of procrastination could help calm my nerves.

As I had eaten half way through my sloppy PB & J before another buzz purred from my phone. My mom. Was this a sign? Could I get no alone time with my sandwhich?

Man up Amber, it's only Saturday morning. You have plenty of time to make up a briliant excuse before Sunday night. I opened the messages up. The first text read "WHERE ARE YOU?! GET HOME RIGHT NOW. YOU MAY BE 23 BUT YOU LIVE UNDER MY ROOF" . The next message took a very different approach "Come home. I need you." My eyes filled at the brim. Ever since my dad committed suicide when I was 18 my mother had a horrid time coping. As a result I became a hunting ground for her feelings.

She had said these things so many times before. Yes and no, like night and day. But what if this time she meant it? Was it possible this time she needed her daughter's shoulder to cry on instead of a familiar punching bag?

She needs me. I need a mother. But maybe I needed a family, someone for me to cry to. Someone to count on. Tears ripped down my burning cheeks. I let my fingers caress my stomach where a small purple bruise remained. Each fingertip followed an agonizing trail around my velvet skin. I shouldn't feel this way. I couldn't. Not anymore. I need a mom not a mother. Although I was left without a family, I would create my own.

Serenity had perfect timing. The front door slammed open out of nowhere. "Oh my god you wouldn't believe the night I had," she assessed my melancholy, "wait omg are you okay, what's wrong? I'm so so so sorry you had to walk home last night I just got caught up with Rocky and--"

"I don't have anyone left. My father is dead, my mother is a mess. You're my family," I interrupted, my cheeks became more inflamed. She dropped her handbag to the floor with no regard for what was inside. Her long arms swung upon to give me a comforting hug. I flinched uncomfortably but said nothing as she held me. This is what I need. Silence was what I craved for, and without a hesitation, The Queen of Words didn't say a single thing.

A few minutes later, tears ducts were a dry dessert, Serenity had made us hot coffee to soothe the cold air of sadness. Although she tried very hard, I could tell she was gonna pop if she couldn't speak any longer. She helped me, now I would help her.

"So how was that guy?"

Her eyes widened, "Are you sure you wanna hear this right now?" She questioned cautiously.

I sighed then nodded.

Swarms of sentences flew out like honey bees out of a broken hive. She explained in great detail that there was something bigger between them. Even though they had just met she wanted more than just a one-night stand. She remembered nothing other than that feeling. That's what you get when you let your heart win.

Serenity had just got burned from a long term relationship, she couldn't possibly be ready to fall in love with a stranger, could she?

They were gonna see each other again for lunch today, and I wanted so badly to stop her from making a mistake, but she was so happy, I wouldn't dare steal that brightness away from her smile.

"You deserve happiness," I half-grinned.

Her cheeks broadened, "And so do you, so I have an amazing idea!"

My small smile faded. Oh no

"You need to forget about your past, right? Well then let's get you focused on something else. Like I don't know, a new haircut, maybe go shopping, or maybe dating." It was clear she was just trying to soften the blow before getting to her true intention.

"And before you say no, Rocky has like a lot of brothers so we can double date. Plus I need you to be there for me, just in case Rocky's not as cute as I had thought he was, last night was a blurr. Been there done that." She reminisced. Her eyes begged for my approval.

"30 minutes tops," I murmured childishly under my breath, dramatically clomping my foot down.

"Deal! Omg I'm so excited, I'll text Rocky right now. Thank you thank you thank you. You won't regret this I promise." She cheered running to her bedroom gleefully. "Now the biggest problem of all: What to wear."

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