Chapter 1

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Corrin threw down the Xbox controller on her bed. She huffed in frustration. She had been playing Undertale and had died during the Undyne boss fight again. She ran her fingers through her blue hair and got off the bed.
I guess it's breakfast time. She thought sourly, walking into the kitchen.
Corrin was a bit average looking. She was quite tall and skinny with long dark blue hair and amber colored eyes. She had some small freckles on her cheeks and her nose. She had quite a few ear piercings, hoops and studs. She had a small scar on her chin.
Her mother was quite tall as well with long brown hair and amber colored eyes. She was cooking breakfast. Corrin could smell eggs and bacon.
I guess mom's making breakfast? She thought. Mom didn't usually make her breakfast. She sat down in her spot at the table.
Her mom finished her cooking and scraped some scrambled eggs and bacon off the pan, putting it on a plate. She gave the plate to Corrin.
"Why did you—"
She was interrupted by her mom. "If you're wondering why I made breakfast, it's because I'm leaving for work soon and I didn't want you to burn down the house while I was gone."
This got Corrin confused. She scrunched up her nose and stared at her mom like she was insane. "But you've let me make breakfast while you're gone before...."
"And last time you left an oven mitt on the stove and it caught on fire," her mom reminded her.
Corrin banged her hand on the table. "That was one time mom!" She huffed. "It's not like I'll do it again!"
Her mom looked at her skeptically, then she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "What am I going to do with you?"
Corrin leaned her head on her hand and forked some eggs into her mouth. Her mom grabbed her purse and turned the stove off. She ran over to Corrin and kissed her forehead.
"I'm leaving honey. Love you," her mom said.
"Love you too," Corrin mumbled through a mouthful of eggs.
Her mom smiled and left the house. Corrin heard the car pull down the driveway and leave. Just then, she heard barking from outside. Corrin looked around and dropped the fork on her plate.
She opened the door and looked outside in the yard. All she saw were the neighbor's houses and the robot delivering today's mail. Corrin then heard the barking coming from the back of the house. She stepped outside the shut the door behind her.
They didn't have any pets at the house. Corrin's mom was allergic to both cats and dogs, and was terrified of rodents and reptiles. So, she couldn't really have one anyways.
She went to the back and saw a large, cream colored husky pup. He had one blue eye and one brown eye. He stared at her with seriousness she'd never seen from an animal before.
"Hello. I am Chief. Your planet is quite primitive."

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