Chapter 3 : Smoking Gamboge

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My results will come out tomorrow and a thousand elephants are stamping on my chest. I've perfected the art of tying a noose . It works just fine.

On the bright side though, school is over, I am 18, I hope I'll be able to get into some college and I don't have to deal with annoying juniors irritating the hell out of me.

They were chirping away merrily while the twins' mother and the Sens stood at a distance, talking rather animatedly. From what I'd heard, Ishan's parents knew about them but Tuhin's mother was still oblivious to the fact that those two were boyfriends.

Nothing looked either unusual or out of the place.

Still wondering how I ended up in the midst of this? No, trust me, I know that sarcastic answer of 'a cab' and I didn't mean the question that way, duh.

Long story short, these weirdos were my friends now.

At least that's what they claimed to be, I don't know how much they actually meant it though. I shouldn't probably even be here, you know, sticking out like a sore thumb.

All these sugary things going on before me made me want to throw up. I should just turn back and leave for real. But all I could do, was to sigh loudly.

"Riyaaz!" Nisha was the first one to spot me.

Was my sigh that audible?

My assumption was proved wrong when I waved back at them meekly and saw Zara being passed into Divya's arm by Ishan.

Of course. She's my walkie talkie messenger. How could I forget?

"Come here," Tuhin waved me over while Tuhina damned me to hell with her fiery glare. Someone loved to hold grudges on someone who deserved to be held grudges on.

Excuse my confusing self, the former someone is Tuhina and the latter is yours truly.

"How come you're the last one to arrive?" Ishan feigned annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest. We were around the same height now and he was no more the fragile weakling. Of course not as much as the athletic Tuhin, he had his muscles toned in the right places thanks to Tuhin forcing him to work out.

"Why are you carrying bags too, Tuhin?" I gestured at his luggage, ignoring his boyfriend for the time being. "Surely you aren't moving in with Ishan?" I winked almost too forcefully to maintain my act.

I hope though Tuhin would be there with Ishan. Someone needs to take care of my Ishan. And as much as it pained me to admit it, Tuhin was perfect.

"I wish I was," Tuhin smiled shyly. "I'm going for a training and some matches in Mumbai."

"He's in the U-19 Bengal Team!" Ishan chirped excitedly.

"Congratulations." I smiled.

"Shut it. I'm going to be sitting on the reserve bench at the most."

"At least you'd be able to do that. Nobody opens the innings in their first match. They work their way up to it," said Tuhina.

"Thanks for the sage advice, sister," Tuhin rolled his eyes and looked up at me. "You don't know about them, do you?" He pointed at Divya and Nisha who were talking in low whispers. Don't ask me why but they did that a lot.

"No, what?"

"Nisha finally accepted Divya. They are girlfriends!" Tuhin whisper-shouted like a fanboy as Nisha perked up on hearing her name.

"It's Anisha. Just one 'A' Tuhin, jeez. You'll make me forget my name someday soon."

"No yikes, Divya alone can have that honor to do that. I'm good, thanks." He winked at Divya and got hit on his head by her as soon as he did

"When are the NIFT results coming out, Afzal?" Tuhina asked as the boy pushed his specs up the bridge of his nose. He's been doing that for the last three years I've seen him for, yet he wouldn't get them fixed.

"Sometime this month, I don't know. The date's not been announced get." He said it with a shy smile. I was getting tired of the lovesick idiots here.

"If you get in, you can meet Tuhin everyday since the two campuses are so close by! Ishan should be so jealous of you right now, isn't it?" she egged her friend.

Ishan gave her a tight-lipped smile. "I'll probably strangle him with one of the bridal saris he'll make for you," he smirked back at Afzal who glared at him in return.

The bridal sari part, you know.

You see, Afzal is a very smart guy but he couldn't be dumber when he decided to fall for Tuhina. I know you can't choose who you fall in love with, but Tuhina? Naw man, I still value my life.

"Why will he make bridal saris for me out of all dresses?"

Afzal was smiling like a fool. He always was, whenever Tuhina was around. He was all brave and smart at MUNs but enter Tuhina into the picture and he's a melting lovesick cat with jelly legs. Neither did Afzal tell her anything nor did Tuhina understand. That was probably the only thing she wasn't good at - the feelings department.

"Shit, it's time," Tuhin looked at his phone as it went off. He canceled the call and looked at Ishan. "I need to go and meet up with my teammates at the platform. Are you coming?"

"I'll leave for my platform from there."

As if on cue, the others got into a group hug. Tuhin suddenly cocked his head up and saw me standing alone, a little away from them.


"Come here, stupid," he smiled and held me tight by the shoulder. Had this been a year back, he'd use the same grip to bang my head on a sink but he had changed quite a bit from the arrogant jerk he appeared to be once.

Tuhin slung his arm around Ishan and I felt jealousy burn my insides as he steered him away, waving back at us. Tuhina, Manish and the elders also left with them.

"Come back soon, Ishan Dada," my sister shouted from Divya's arms. "I'll miss you."

I watched wistfully as the retreating figures disappeared in the crowd. Those were the only ones who didn't seem to fake their feelings for me. I'd even miss Tuhin's constant nagging of making me do something when Ishan would long give up.

"So why did you stop playing cricket?" Divya was asking Rakesh Da.

"I wanted to pursue medical once I got the chance." He merely shrugged. "Cricket was taking up the time I needed to put into studies."

"You're such a nerd yourself and you bully Tuhin for being a nerd. See how the tables have turned?" She pointed out and rested an arm on Rakesh Da's shoulder.

I didn't know what my sister had found so interesting about Afzal's specs that she was now in his arms, pulling at them incessantly.

"You were a decent wicketkeeper, Rakesh Da," Divya added thoughtfully. "And a good captain. At least better than Tuhin."

"Is this your pathetic attempt of trying to get me back into cricket?" Rakesh Da smiled down at her.

"Kind of."

"I'll be catching eye balls instead of deuce balls now."

"Oooh," she drawled. "Now that the bridges between us are gone," Divya turned towards me as a shiver ran down my spine. They were only taking pity on me because of Ishan and Tuhin. I knew it. But her next question startled me. "Can we still visit or meet up? I mean, Zara is my best friend after all," she nudged my sister.

"Yes, Dadabhai, please," Zara tried to jump but Afzal held her tight lest she fell. I'd kill him if she did.

"Can I be there too? For you and Zara both?" Nisha quipped in and looked at the very confused boy beside her.

Afzal pushed up his glasses. "I mean," he shrugged. "I've got no problem."

Well, I hadn't been expecting this turn of events. Nonetheless, I nodded and looked at Rakesh Da.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you," he waved me off. "I've got other important things to do in life."

Okay, that stung even though I deserved it. And it didn't help either as he got punched in his stomach by Divya. Afzal and Nisha glared at him too.

"Come on, Zara," I ushered the little girl who thankfully didn't understand a word. "We've got a bus to catch."


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