Chapter 29

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" We don't know the way around here"

" We can ask people Ariel"

" Like the last time, they refused to tell us the way to a hotel? Skye we don't have transport how do you suggest we go."

" Going with Zane is not the only option" Skye reproached back and I sighed in return, falling back on the bed.

It is ten in the morning and here we are in my room arguing if I should go with Zane to get a cake for Nanna. We had decided to meet Nanna, it was her birthday after all and she is growing older every day. Moreover, there is no limit to making memories so why not surprise her.

But since we don't have a transport also not to mention we don't know a bakery we have to ask Zane to kindly drop me there.

" Ok fine then you go with him" I yawned, snuggling in the bed. A picture of Skye riding with Zane on his bike formed in my head.

What a bromance that would be, both scowling at each other. I stifled a laugh and turned to see Skye glaring at me.

" You should be the one to go with him" I laughed, pointing a finger at him as his scowl deepened. He folded his arms causing his arms to bulge and gave me a menacing glare. I laughed louder, pressing my face in the pillow to not be too loud.

I rolled on the bed, getting tangled in the sheets, silver hairs wrapped around my face. I pushed them away and giggled at him.

" Ok fine you can go" with that said he exited my room and shut the door on the way in annoyance. I yawned again sleep stinging at my eyes, before jumping from the bed. If I spend one more second on the bed I know I will fall asleep faster then a bat and for far longer than a polar bear.

I quickly changed into a pair of short shorts and a simple white tee knotted in the front. At least I am making use of the clothes I had shopped. I slipped on my converse and made my way out of my room down the stairs.

Skye was standing near the door and I approached him raising an eyebrow.

" You know that you don't have to come to see me off. I am going to a bakery." I asked him, well teased him and he saw right through that.

Zane was leaning on his bike, a pair of aviators resting on his nose. I haven't talked to him, since, well since today. I ignored him at breakfast making it clear that I don't want to talk to him.

I get it why he kept it a secret, why he offered us a place to say. I get it, if I were running an underground club for the colourless I would have been cautious too.

I got it all after catching one hour of sleep after breakfast. But even though I know his reasons and I accept them it is just hard for me to show. How do I tell him that I understand, without looking like a stubborn fool.

I reach him and stand before him. He simply stands straight and offers me the helmet. I simply shook my head at him. I just shampooed my hairs and I am not putting that on my head. A girl needs to think about fashion too.

None of us said a word as we silently boarded the bike and sped off. I tilted my head back and stared at the clear sky.

" So where are we going" I started to be the bigger person and swallowed my pride.

" Brown's Bakery" came his short reply. " Oreana is going to be there, she has something she needs to talk to you about" I nodded at him although he couldn't see me. I didn't say anything to that and remained silent, letting the awkwardness stretch between us.

Zane parked his bike and started walking, I took the silent command to follow him and I soon found myself in the alley.

Oreana was pacing in the ally, as soon as we came into view she speed walked to me.

" So what is your decision Ariel are you going to help s against them?" She asked me impatiently as if she had more important matters to discuss then this.

" Against who?"

" Against the government" She replied sharply.

" What you are saying is not possible. I don't believe that the government has anything to do with this" I replied to her, firm on my belief. I had talked with Skye and Kayden and they had similar opinions on the matter.

" Your government is responsible for this Ariel" she stated her point and I didn't say anything to that, simply folding my hands to show my disagreement.

" Look around you Ariel, this town is made up of broken families torn apart by your government" She yelled at me, emphasizing search word till the nightmare seeped into my skin.

The picture started forming, like small pieces of puzzle joining together to show me a horrid future of what could have happened. What can still happen.

I glared at her, taking a step back. " I don't believe you. You are wrong" I yell back at her, shaking my head in denial. No this can't be, whatever she is saying.

I looked away from her and started walking away from the ally. I stomped on the ground and walked through the crowd, making my way to the bakery. I clenched my fists, digging my nails in my palm as the need to destroy something rang in my head again and again.

I haven't trained since I got here and I don't think there is any way to blow off some steam other than yelling at people.

I stopped dead in my tracks at what I saw, my legs froze as the anger drained from my body completely. I loosened my fist and blinked again. And again. And again.

This can't be true.

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