Chapter 35

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A minute of silence passed and I tried to digest what I just saw before my own two eyes.

" Care to explain" Skye came to his senses before me and asked stiffly, motioning with a tilt of his head.

Zane chuckled, he made the same dragging motion with a lazy hand gesture and the chair glided forward, looping around me to settle down behind me, touching my knees. I looked down at the chair and then at him, he tilted his head a little, telling me to 'have a seat'.

I am more than considering it but then Skye grabs the chair and pushes it away, his scowl returning with that.

" We are not colourless" - Jerrek begins with a confident smile, this seems to be his territory. But his statement makes my breath hitch in my throat and muscles clench in tension.

" We have a colour but we just lack the pigment" he continues and my brows furrow in disbelief.

"What do you mean," I ask him cautiously, trying to dissect his words.

" You both are offenders right. Show your colours" I tense even more at that. Jerek was there when I was breaking into the station the question was how much did he saw.

Skye took the initiative and stepped forward. His moss green colour started swirling around his clenched fists in a halo. I waited for a second, trying to read his face to know his motives. But I found none.

I clapped my hands together and then separated them, creating a semicircle of red wine colour between my palms.

" Zane if you may" Jerek motioned at Zane and he raised his hand, palm facing upward.

Nothing appeared.

" Now try to touch his palm" Jerek instructed and I took a few steps to stand before Zane. I let my colour float in my left hand in a sphere of churning colour and raised my right hand forward.

I tentatively neared my hand inching closer to his palm. My fingers graced against something and I withdrew my hand with a shocked gasp.

I had touched something, not his skin but something above his palm. Skye speed-walked to me and almost growled, " What did you do?"

Zane raised his eyebrow and extended his hand to Skye." See for yourself"

Our colours become solid manifestations when we call them, we can touch our colour and feel them. But when I have touched, I shake my head, I don't know what I touched but it felt something similar to my colour.

Skye didn't gasp like I did he simply felt around the transparent force before letting his hand fall to his side.

" You have seen for yourself, we don't lack the colour we lack the pigment" Jarek talked further and I looked up at Zane. He was looking down at me studying my expression.

A warm feeling glowed in my chest, my nerves fluttering with a positive energy.

That means that Ash is not colourless, powerless. He has a colour, he is normal. More normal than I am and most importantly he has people, people like him, like Nanu and Zane. He is not alone.

I take in a shuddering breath, there is hope and it is all around me in the youthful faces staring back at me.

Jerek pick up a rock the size of his fist and aimed it at Zane. I watched in utter disbelief at his actions as the rock comes flying and I expect Zane to duck before it makes contact but the rock stops mid-air.

With a flick of his hand, Zane shoots the rock to the wall at the far corner of the hall. The rock struck the wall with a strong force, and the plaster breaks off the wall, falling in chips and sheets of white dust.

I tried to swallow what just happened and tried to not look too bothered by it. I have seen swords, knives, hammers, and all kinds of weapon break plaster off the wall. But that is the difference, I saw then. The warm hope dimmed with each realization.

There were so many questions swirling in my head.

How is this even possible? How can someone, hundred people at that have no pigment but still use a colour?

I shifted my eyes back to the chair lying empty on the concrete floor. What more abilities do they have? What more possibilities?

Offenders can make sharp weapon because of the quality of their colour, our 'pigment' differentiate us as offenders.

The same follows for offenders they can make shields due to the sustainability of their colour, their colour quality differentiated by lighter colours.

And the creators, they are still a mystery but we know that their colour is mouldable, they can be shaped into anything. Their pigment is limited to shades of pink and purple.

But they, the colourless, they lack they that very pigment which forms our identity and we know nothing of their abilities. Are they offenders or defenders, both are deadly.

If we can't see the knife aimed at our hearts how can we defend? If we can't see where the shield is how can we attack?

The possibilities now look less exciting and more life-threatening, like my own sword hanging over my head.

'They want to take down the government' A chill crept up my spine at the morbid realization. They want to rebel but all that will follow is destruction.

And even if there is hope, even if there is a chance for Ash to learn about his ability how can I tell them anything. How can I ever tell them about Ash when there are so many secrets tied with it.

When I am tied with it.

The words pigment and colour means different things for them here. Colour means 'power or ability' whereas they define the lack of pigment as transparent but with the presence of power.

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