Chapter 45

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" Guns are not permitted in Athesy because they are fatal, more so than any weapon of an offender. Defenders are not able to stop a bullet, in some cases it is possible but only when they have had really good training and have sharpened their abilities." Zane didn't verbally react to that, maybe I was giving too much unnecessary information but I wanted him to know how bad it is.

Zane clenched his jaw grinding his teeth together, I saw his grip tighten on the branch but he still didn't say anything.

I get him, to some level, he doesn't know who he is angry at the officers, the governor, the government, the board members or just himself and everyone living in Urydale for letting this happen.

" What about the training field here? It is compulsory to have at least one training field on school grounds. Half of the classes take place there. How do they torture you without that?" I mused out loud, my voice sounding comical and made up as I attempted to distract him from the anger that is radiating off him in waves.

Zane didn't say anything just exhaled a long breath, I waited in silence for him to speak anything. "Half the classes. What do you learn in them?" He said softly, a forced smile on his face. He knows what I am doing but he also knows that we can't dwell on this topic for long.

" Oh many things like target practising, speed transformations, using different weapons and sometimes we even dual"

" And you haven't trained since you got here?" Zane asked in a lighter voice, turning his body to face me.

" Ya there is no place, I can't train in my room and end up shredding the furniture." I chuckled at my own joke and surprisingly Zane followed my example.

" Why didn't you use the skate park"

"I thought we can't go there, except at night so I am waiting for that"

" Of course we can, it is in the middle of abandoned buildings. We won't get caught"

" But the last time we were there we got chased by the officers" I almost wanted to slap my mouth shut at my stupidity. I was trying to distract him not divert him back to the same topic.

A dark look crossed Zane's face and he looked at me with seriousness, every hint of smile vanished from his demenor. "I don't know what ticked them to start patroling at unusual hours. But they must have sniffed something is up"

I looked away from him. We haven't even started planing anything and yet it seems that they are one step ahead of us.

Zane turned around and started climbing down the tree the way he came up and.

The skate park was just as we left it, little light filtered in through the vents lined up at the upper side of the walls and I was once again amazed by the graffiti covering every inch of the wall.

There was a bowl, a ramp shaped like a semi-circle at one side and I skipped to it. I couldn't explore much yesterday but since I am alone here I might as well take some benefit.
I walked to stand at the centre of the curved bowl. We had a small skatepark set up in our school too, it is mainly used for training the defenders how to ride on their shields. I still remember the intense longing I used to experience when we had to sit down and see the defenders practice with their shields. Maven, Valina and Banno would practice there while I was cursed to watch. Unable to say that I am a defender too, I want to train with them too.The same longing pulled at my heart now, I wanted to use my colour, draw a shield and perform tricks with my shield.But I held back like always, clenching my fists at my sides to control myself. I have survived in school for seven years without blowing up my cover, I am good at controlling my colours." Ariel," Zane called out, the voice echoing in the empty hall. I turned to face him, he nodded at me to join him and I smiled back. If he could see through my forced smile he didn't understand the reason.No one could, what it feels like to never use your colour, to hide it in your closet like it doesn't exist. But it does, I feel it every second of every moment, tingling in my hands, an energizing sensation that is always with me. And it longs, they long as strongly as I do to be liberated.The night that I sneaked into the station, it was risque, but it felt liberating. Sure I felt tired but the feeling of fulfilment was worth it all. I wait in the false hope that maybe someday I can wear my colours with pride.I release a wistful sigh and walk towards Zane. I looked down at my clothes again. Not too suitable for training but they will have to work.For some reason, he had a deck of cards in one and had a mats laid on the floor. I haven't trained on that since I was eleven. Granted that I have never trained without Skye or a trainer from the academy and Zane has possibly never trained an offender, but playing cards and mats? They seem a bit childish.I took my place a few feet in front of him stepping on the mats, "Are we doing target practice?" I asked in uncertainty." We are going to duel" He spoke casually following my movements." Ahm, hu? I made a confused sound, genuinely puzzled at his proposition. How can we dual without a suit, it would have been okay if he were a defender because then he would have had chances to protect himself against my daggers. After that it would all have been the game of skills, the one who is better, offender or defender wins. But without a suit, I don't know how we are even going to judge that.I voiced my doubts to him but Zan just shook his head at me, a smirk pulling at his like." It seems like your underestimating me" He teased and I scoffed at that." I am not understanding anything, just stating that you are going to end up in a hospital if we fight." I am good at control so I can stop a blade aimed at him before it causes any damage, but having that much control demands all my focus, something which is not always possible in a fight." You won't be able to cause any damage Ariel" Zane spoke with a chuckle." You do realise that you are talking to an offender right?" I asked him, propping my hands on my waist and narrowing my eyes at his teasing.Come on give me your best" He motioned at me, curling his figures and asking me to come at him.

" You might not be able to survive my best Zane. I am on the team for a reason" I teased him, if anything I am being underconfident about my abilities, seven years of relentless training should hold me some leverage.

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