Chapter 48

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" I don't think it has a stabilizer Skye." I wondered aloud. I am sitting on the front porch, examining the newly treasured hoverboard. The slick blue and red body and the upturned corners still shoot a spark of excitement in me, even after toying with this hoverboard for nearly three hours.

"Figures, it is like twenty years old Ariel. What were you expecting?" Skye snorted, kicking at nothing at the front lawn. I narrowed my eyes, he didn't let me ride this saying 'don't do anything stupid'.

We are going to the skate park with the hoverboards and obviously Skye readily agreed. Almost like someone said that he won't be getting eaten by a shark.

"Hmm. I should call Zane to ask for directions." I mumbled, remembering that I don't know the way from Nanu's house. And he usually calls me around this time to pick me up.

I pulled out my phone to call him, browsing through the contacts. Zane's name popped up with three hearts at the end and I instinctively tilted my phone to myself.

I placed the phone to my ear and glanced at Skye. He had a scowl on his face, arms propped on his waist as he tried to look intimidating.

"Seriously Skye, just at the mention of his name? What about Thane and Banno, you know they are my 'male' friends too." I groaned at him, getting tired of this. Well, this is not even close to what my boy repellant brothers do on a daily basis. Even Ash and he is just ten.

"Banno makes you sit down and study, like every day. So I don't have anything against him." Skye listed off his ridiculous reason while folding his arms.

"And Thane?"

"He knows to stay in his limits," Skye answered, completely serious.

I rolled my eyes so far back I almost saw my brain cells dying at his logic.

Just then the rings stopped and Zane picked up.

"Hey, I am on my way and Oreana is with me." Zane's voice filtered out, along with the howl of the wind and the roar of his bike.

"It's alright, we have a ride," I answered him.

"You can't use a car Ariel, it will be easily seen, or heard." He spoke on the phone.

"It is not a car and certainly quieter than that death machine," I said with a dramatic exclamation.

I rolled my eyes at him, WHY are boys so dumb. Skye is scowling there because I am on phone with Zane and this dude here, thinks I am stupid enough to consider a car and won't tell me the way.

"Zane can you just tell me where to come and how?" I groaned into the phone. Why isn't he automatically assuming that I might be using a hoverboard? I should just tell him, but where is the surprise in that?

He sighed an okay and I smiled at that, "go straight to the left of your house for a mile and I will meet you at the alley. You will find me."

"Okay see you there." I sang on the phone and hung up.

"Ready to go Skye?" I smirked at him, picking up my board and walking across the small lawn.

I was about to drop the hoverboard when Skye hollered from behind. "Hey don't just toss it in the air, I don't think it can auto-balance either." I scrunched my nose at that. This thing is really old.

Skye accompanied me and we sat the boards on the ground.

I clasped my wrist and twisted my hand around it. My watch, a thin strap, became visible on my wrist. I tinkered on it, connecting it to the hoverboard.

The golden light glowed around the hoverboard, outlining its skateboard like shape. The hoverboard elevated in the air, floating up.

It can't auto-stabilize means that my feet won't be glued to the board, so if I am about to lose balance, it won't be able to stop and I will fly out of the board. And we don't have a helmet either.

I jumped on the hoverboard in one swift move, one foot behind the other. It swung a little to the side before going still under me. I smiled, taking a deep breath as the adrenaline started filling my veins.

I looked at Skye, he was balanced on his hoverboard, one hand hovering over his wristwatch. I followed the same and hovered my finger above the green icon.

I bend my knees, tilting forward as the hoverboard drummed with energy under my feet, ready to be unleashed. I glanced at him one more time, a similar smile on his face and we tabbed the button simultaneously.

I leaned forward, hands at my side and the hoverboard raced forward. My heart thudded loudly in my ear. Every whip of the wind felt surreal, like a gentle caress seducing me to increase the speed.

With the moon hanging overhead in a star littered sky and the neighbourhood peacefully asleep I launched forward.

I raced forward, and leaned to the right and then to the left, dancing on the street in a pattern. I felt the instant rush through my body, from my firmly planted feet to the silver hair flying behind me.

I am a natural Defender, born to ride on shields. And it left exhilarating. My colours tingled all over my body, begging to be free and I fought against my will.

I can't.

The thrill was amazing, like a bullet shooting through the air. I leaned on more, and the hoverboard picked speed.

I turned my head to look at Skye beside me. He was in equal to me, hairs standing against the wind as he rode beside me in a trained grace.

I raised an eyebrow at him in an obvious question and he smirked, eyes dancing in excitement at my challenge. He raised his hand and I high-fived back with a loud clap.

With that, we both leaned to the extreme side moving further apart to get the space.

You are so gonna lose Skye.

I raced forward, body bend forward and hands out for added balance. I wanted to bring my shield forth, wanted to ride it instead. The hairs on my neck peaked in anxiousness. After so many days without a hoverboard and training, my colours have become bothersome, wanting to be let out.

The houses passed by in a blur of bland colours hiding in the shadows. Soon we were on the street connecting the alleys. Skye slowed down beside me. I started to straighten and the hoverboard slowed down with me, losing the velocity in answer to change in weight balance.

The street was deserted, houses casting empty shadows, enough for anyone to hide successfully. I stepped down from the shield, bending down to pick it up and tucking it under my arm.

I saw something flick from the corner of my eye and snapped my head to the side, but nothing moved. I looked for one more second, searching in the shadows. Still nothing.

"A hoverboard?" I turned my head at Zane's voice. He was standing at the mouth of an ally, half-covered in shadows, but his intimidatingly large frame was clearly visible.

I smiled, walking to him. He did sound excited. "Found these in Nanu's attic." I proudly showed him my hoverboard, this is not Whiskey but I am starting to love this board too. Whiskey is my black hoverboard that I use in Athesy, she is my most prized possession.

I felt the hair on my neck rise up, a tingling that someone is staring. I tilted my head a little, looking from the corner of my eyes. Still nothing.

"We should go," I whispered in the silent air.

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