Chapter 52

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Zane leaned on the window in the corner of my previous room, arms folded and head tilted towards the window, the sunlight illuminating his ink-black hair in a golden glow as they arched down to his eyes.

I tore my eyes away from him as I tried to explain the situation to Jerek who kept shaking his head.

"Jerek, it is alright, we will be in and out in a second," I explained to him, sitting across from him on the bed. There's not much furniture here, so it was either him sitting on the bed or the floor.

"Is she crazy, Zane, how can you agree to this? Do you even know what they did to him-"

"Jerek, are you going to help or not, we are not asking for your advice here," Zane snapped, cutting Jerek's statement with a warning glare. Although he was leaning on the window showing a calm demeanour I saw right through it, his coiled muscles and the discrete clenching and unclenching of his fist was a clear give away.

"Of course I am going to help, but don't you think Oreana should know about this too?" Jerek hesitated in his words, clearly taken aback by Zane but for some reason his voice lacked the anger, instead he softened it in understanding.

"We will tell her when we have the proof." I smiled at him, clasping my hands in front of me as my face brightened at the prospect that Jerek is going to help.

Jerek simply nodded, he glanced past me at Zane, and nodded again. "What is the plan and how can I help?" He asked with a sigh.

I sat straighter on the bed, "Kayden, my brother, he is a lawyer," I answered seeing the confused arched eyebrow that Jerek was giving me, "said that we are going to need some audio clips as a proof and some documents"

"Audios? You want to be there and record them?" Jererk asked with a bewildered expression, as if he was still having a hard time digesting all this.

"Ya, and I want to pick up some legal papers too, so maybe email it?" I asked, unsure if I will be able to pull off emailing documents with officers roaming around.

"Emails can be easily traced back, plus they will know something was emailed and that will point the gun at our head, if not today then tomorrow," Jerek answered, sitting straighter as he made a brilliant point. "But I have been working on these drives, you plug them in and I will be able to copy the files from outside the station." He explained with a trumpet smile and it was my turn to look surprised. He is against breaking into a station but isn't against making drives that can steal government data?

"How far?" Zane asked, walking closer to stand a few steps behind me and I involuntarily straightened up.

"Within 20-30 ft range," Jerek answered, looking behind me.

"That can work if we find the documents on the first level," Zane said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

I looked between both of them"There is more than one level?"

"The second level is where the lockups and the monitors are," Zane answered simply and it made me wonder how deeply he knew about the structure of the station and how frequently he goes there.

"Believe it or not they have cameras all around the town, at every corner" Jerek added with a tilt of his head.

That is why we couldn't meet Oreana in daylight, they were watching us.

I looked at Zane, our eyes meeting, and the gravity of his statement made me connect the dots. That is why he was so mad when he caught me sneaking into the station that day. And although I was careful about using my shield I can only hope that they somehow overlooked it.

I didn't have people knocking at my door so that is enough reassurance for me.

"But to get any documents, you need to be able to log in to their computers first, and my laptop's processor is not strong enough to hack those computers, and, copy the files," Jerek said, dropping his hands on his lap with a sigh.

I gave a forced exhale and I clenched my teeth in annoyance, he could have said that fifteen minutes ago. How is it going to be of any use when we can't even copy the files. It is not like-

"Hey what about my tablet," I jumped from the bed and picked up my bag from the dresser. How can I forget about my tablet, it has one of the fastest processors, heck it is expensive because of that same reason.

I grabbed my tablet and dropped down on the bed. Even before I had a chance to politely extend my tablet to Jerek, he snatched it out of my hand. "How do you even have this?"

"I won this is AceCrest last year," I answered.

"What is an AceCrest? Nevermind, this thing is golden, I can hack into their system and copy the files simultaneously from this tablet alone. Oh, and the computers need to be online for me to do that." Jerek finished in one breath, eyes focused on studying the configuration of my tablet. He had literal hearts in his eyes.

I moved my eyes to Zane's, asking him if this guy was real, he had the excitement of someone who just bought a new gaming console. And he is that excited about hacking into government computers.

"So when should we go," I asked him after a moment of silence, letting the situation absorb in my mind.

"At 12 sharp, they take an hour break and change the shifts, the 1st floor will be thinned, less people to hide from."

"I'll meet you here-" I stopped mid-sentence as my tablet started ringing in Jerek's hand.

"You have a Silvet?" Jerek yelled loudly, jumping on the bed,"Why didn't you tell me that before?" He exclaimed, looking at me with accusing eyes, but I just scrunched my brows in confusion. He hasn't seen a Silvet before?

"Your Boy-friend is calling," Jerek spoke, eyes back on the tablet that had Thane's photo with him carrying me in his arms. That photo was taken before he had dropped me in the pool. I blushed scarlet as Zane stepped closer to take a look and before I could stop Jerek he tabbed the green button.

Green rays started to shoot out of the corner of my tablet, knitting together to form a 2D hologram of Thane in the air. "Ariel, turn on the camera I can't see you," Thane's familiar deep voice filtered out of my tablet through the speaker.

"Holy shit he just called you through Silvet!" Jerek swore loudly.

My tablet beeped twice, indicating that someone else wanted to join the Silvet. Silvet is like a video call, but instead of a video, we can see the hologram of the person right in front of us. Jerek tabbed it again and I snatched my tablet back from his notorious hands.

Valina's hologram formed in the air next to Thane's. "Ariel?" Valina called out and I glared at Jerek, did he really have to connect the call? How am I supposed to talk to my friends when we have important things to discuss.

"Jerek lets give her some space," Zane said while walking out of the door without a glance back.

Jerek stood up observing my glare, "Aah, sorry?" He asked unsurely as if he didn't even know what he was apologizing for. I narrowed my eyes further at him and he flees out of my room.

"Ariel? Who is there." Thane's asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

I sighed, falling back on the bed and turning on the camera as the door closed after Jerek. "Yes, it's me."

I accepted Maven and Banno's call, and their holograms formed around me. Maven's hologram formed and I smiled at her, she tipped her head, bowing in a silent gesture of apology.

"So, do you finally have some time for us," Thane asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Awwww, love you too potato chips," I cooed sarcastically at Thane and he grimaced at his new nickname.

"I thought I broke up with you five years ago," Thane said, scrunching his face in mock disgust and Valina sighed loudly. Her hand must be twitching to hit us on the head, oh the agony Valina.

"Can you both stop for a minute?" Valina yelled, her voice dripping in annoyance.

Thane has been my best friend since forever, and having these types of conversations is normal between us. And I guess that is why people are so adamant on shipping us, they always assume that we are dating, hence why I call him my boy-friend, just to clarify for people.

"Yes we are serious," I said in a sing-song voice.

"And sober," Thane added

"And not drunk." I extended

"And awake." Thane ended.

"You can continue now Valina," I smiled at her, biting my lips to seal in the laugh at Valina's red-faced expression.

"How are you?" Maven asked.

"Good as always," I replied with a tiny smile.

"When are you coming back? You were supposed to be here yesterday, I already brought us the tickets to the front row." Banno asked and I looked at him questioningly, tickets to what?

Thane tensed, eyes looking away from me.

"To the game, it is tomorrow at 9," Banno answered slowly and my smile became tight-lipped. I took in a small invisible breath before smiling wider, trying to push away any form of jealousy or anger that is scratching at me. Thane is going to play tomorrow, my team-, my ex-teammates are going to play tomorrow. So what if I am not in the team anymore, I can be happy for them.

I tried to smile brighter with every thought, binding the excitement to my expression. "I almost forget about that, Thane the game is in your hands, please win cause I sure as hell won't like to see Oakland Academy win this year, "I announced with a wide smile.

"And I don't think I will be back before 9," I said with a half-smile. Thane gave an understanding nod, reading the sincerity in my eyes and understanding that I am not doing this out of spite.

"Well that's a bummer," Thane remarked.

"Can I speak now?" Valina asked loudly, diverting our attention, she had her eyes narrowed and lips pressed in a thin line.

"Yes of course you-"

"May I?" Valina cut me mid-sentence with an intense glare. I opened my mouth to respond again but closed it, realising that she didn't really want that answered.

"Who was that guy in your room?" She asked out of the blue and Maven squealed from her side. Thane narrowed his eyes, shrugging off his playfulness.

I groaned at her question, dropping my tablet beside my pillow, their holograms were in place but my camera was blocked so they couldn't see me blushing.

"Ariel, you had a boy in your room?" Maven asked with an excited grin on her face and I hid my face under the pillow although they couldn't see me.

"Where is Skye? Does he know about this?"

Okay *takes a deep breath* forgive me for all the delay in updating the chapters, I just lacked inspiration. But I will try to write more frequently!

Anyways, I had fun writing this chapter. So who do you guys ship? I am pretty conflicted honestly! 😂😂Also, can anyone suggest me some ship names?😉

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