Chapter 56

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'Wait one more day, if they don't leave by tomorrow's train then either throw them down here or out of Urydale.' The sentence repeated in my head. They know we are here for a reason and they know we are planning something.

Tomorrow afternoon, that is the deadline.

I listened closely as they stepped out of the cell, each footstep sounding heavier and slower in my head. Finally, the door creaked at the rusted hinges and it was swung closed with a clank. I took in a deep breath, counting the footsteps that were fading away.

I was still wrapped in Zane's arms, my head resting on his chest, I stayed still, just listening to his heart drumming in his chest. He was breathing heavily, his arm around me was a gentle embrace but the one holding my phone was gripping it tightly, eyes screwed shut as he held the phone to the wall. His knuckles were white and I was reminded of something.

He said that he was beaten too, he said he was caught when he had tried to sneak in. He knew about this hiding place in this particular cell.

"What happened?" Jerek said through the earpiece, waking me up. I sat up straight and Zane's eyes snapped open with the movement. I jumped to my feet, my eyes reflecting the panic slowly setting me in. Before Zane could even try to stand, I scurried through the small space and stumbled out of the niche.

Resen was on the floor, his arm bent at an odd angle. I stepped closer to him, my feet heavier with each step. I fell on my knees before him, the biting concrete hurt me little, my eyes were solely focused on Resen.

His eyes were swollen shut, black and purple blotches covered his face, the crimson cuts shining with fresh blood on his sunken cheeks.

I placed my hands under his head, the sob coming out of me in broken cries. Zane stepped from behind me, Placing his hands under him to help me raise him in a sitting position. Resen was like a sack of flour in Zane's arm, he lolled to the side, coughing blood that dripped down his chin with painful breaths. I rubbed my hand on his back, trying to help the only way I could.

"Why didn't you use your colour?" I whispered to no one, eyes filling up with tears as the walls echoed Resen's moans. I know why, he can't let them know about the only advantage the colourless have on their side. I know that already.

The message that he sent us cost him more than Kayden would like to hear, his message was what brought us here. And it will be what takes them out of here.

"Ariel?" Jerek asked again, his voice strained in worry.

"Yes, I am fine, we are in the basement" I replied in a whisper

"What? Get out of there now, it is 12:55 Ariel," Jerek sudden yell shook me from my dazed state.I blinked, my heart aching in conflict. I can't leave Resen here. But if we take him with us then they will know someone was here.

But if we leave, what are the chances that they will not kill him later. Will he even survive with the injuries he has? I don't even know if there is internal bleeding.

"Ariel," Zanes' soft whisper drew my eyes to him, his blue eyes were hollow, trapped in memories that he couldn't shake off.

"We need to go," he said. I didn't respond.

"We can't," he said the half-sentence, assured that I will be able to fill in the blanks, and I knew he was right. But how can I just leave someone to die?

"Go," I snapped my eyes to Resen at his humble plea.

"Ariel, you are smarter than this, do you really jeopardize everything you have worked for?" He asked in a croaked whisper and I downcasted my eyes. If I stay here another second I will not only be jeopardising the plan but the safety of the colourless.

Zane wrapped his hand on my wrist, the warmth of his hand on my chilled skin gave me some comfort. He understands.

He gave it a tug, standing up and pulling me with him.

He understands but he is not willing to take the risk.

I looked back at Resen one last time, the man who was slumped on the wall with blood coating his dirty clothes gave me a smile. And I nodded back.

I promise that I will be back, and next time to free him.

Zane guided me the rest of the way, it was sneaking, hiding and finally slipping out of the back door.

We ran across the street, the faint glow of computer screens peaked from behind the car where we left Jerek. Jerek quickly stood up and I passed my phone to him, "there is a very important video in this," I said in a rushed whisper. He took my phone and placed it in his bag with my tablet.

We slipped back in the alley where the bikes were parked and during that Jerek didn't question our appearance even once. We reached the corner only to find two figures standing in the shadow. The partial light from the streetlamp illuminated their faces in a yellow glow.

What is Skye and Oreana doing here? I walked faster, I didn't inform them anything. Unless Jerek here gave them what they asked.

"Where were you?" I took a step back at Skye's accusatory yell. His nose was flaring as he breathed deeply, muscles clenched in untamed rage.

"What happened?" Skye stomped forward towards me, he took hold of my arm and raised it up in inspection, he observed my hands and shirt coated in blood and once he was satisfied that I wasn't hurt he jerked my hand away.

"I asked you a question Ariel," he said through clenched teeth, voice strained in a low whisper. A sob crawled up my throat at his seething, I don't really need this right now, I am exhausted.

"Skye," Oreana placed a hand on Skye's shoulder and pressed down in a gentle warning, calming him down.

"How could you both be so irresponsible and impulsive to sneak into a station crawling with at least fifty officers armed with guns?Is there a limit to your stupidity?" Skye growled shaking Oreana's hand off. I clenched my teeth, meeting his narrowed eyes with my own hardened in flaring anger. There is a limit to what he can yell at me in public.

"It was not impulsive, Kayden said that an easier way to do this was to collect evidence to use at the court, I knew what I was doing," I raised my voice, stepping forward.

"Oh, really and did you ever think about the consequences hu?" Skye taunted in a growl.

"I was there-" Zane was cut off as soon as he started to speak.

"Don't you dare say anything, the least I expected of you was to stop her when she wanted to be a hero and go on a suicide mission, or at least inform me" Skye yelled loudly, glaring daggers at Zane.

"Why are you yelling at everyone, I convinced them both to go," I screamed back at him, my control reaching its max. With his tone.

"Did you bother telling me once?"

"You wouldn't have let me go, you were busy being responsible" I clenched my fists, digging my nails in my palm till I was about to draw blood.

"You are my responsibility, you have been since forever and who do you think will be blamed if something happens to you? So forgive me if I don't want to disappoint our parents just because I failed to control my little sister." He snapped at me, but his words felt like a punch to my gut. I took in a sharp breath, twisting my face in a scowl.

"Can you shut up for once, why do you think that everything is about you? I am responsible for myself, I can take care of me with you. I don't need you," I yelled at his face pointing my finger at him, my eyes wide in anger. A single hot tear cascaded down my chin as my anger welled up inside my throat. I held myself from crying angry tears.

"Skye, it is enough," Oreana said in the most gentle tone I have ever heard from her, she placed her hand on Skye's arm and pulled him back. Skye moved back, keeping his eyes on me.

I whipped my eyes with the back of my hand in a rough swipe. I clenched my jaw, no more tears Ariel. Tears are a sign of weakness, it doesn't matter if they are shed in anger.

"Ariel," I turned my gaze to Oreana as she stepped forward, her voice was strict, commanding. Like a leader talking to a subordinate and it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"I didn't give permission to do this," She started, I opened my mouth to respond but she raised her hand to silence me.

I gritted my teeth in frustration before speaking anyways, "I don't need your permission to do anything," I snapped at her.

"Yes you do when you go on a self-acclaimed mission. It was risky. If you had been caught, an outsider caught sneaking in the station to gather information for the colourless, do you know what would have happened?" She asked me in a tone that ticked me off.

"We didn't get caught, this time we were better coordinated and we got everything we couldn't find the last time. I have copies of legal papers, we have proof against them." I forced the words out, trying to make her see reason.

"We can't do anything with the proof."

"What are you talking about," I gave a hollow chuckled at her remark, "we have evidence, we can start a case against the government and bring them down legally without any attack."

"It is a conspiracy Ariel if they are efficient enough to entrap us for so long they will get rid of the case and the evidence before you can blink."

I opened my mouth to protest, but she spoke again," I am not taking this risk Ariel, if they so much as get a sniff that we are planning something I don't doubt that they will terminate us. I am not jeopardising the only chance we have at freedom,"

I stared wide-eyed in bafflement, I went into that station just to get the evidence that can bring them their freedom early and smoothly only for her to discard it so easily.

I looked back at Zane and Jerek, of course they are not going to say anything.

"They already know that you are planning something, they already suspect that me and Skye are involved too," I threw the words at her with a scowl.


The gentle breeze felt cool against my hot face. I don't need a mirror to know that my face is nose is red and eyes puffy. I sighed, leaning against the concrete wall of the skate park.

"Come on Ariel, please come inside," Seri pleaded in her childish voice while Pico hung on my right arm, pulling playfully. Zane sent them here to bring me in because I had refused to go inside.

I chose to sit outside because I knew I needed somewhere to cool off, the urge to punch the wall was strong, to impale the wall with daggers, but I resisted. And instead sat down on the curb to cry angry tears.

"Come on, please, please, please," Pico said from the other side. I took in a deep sigh, I have been sitting here in the silent cold for thirty minutes.

"You both should go in, Terisa is taking your class right?" I asked then, a small smile making an appearance on my face on seeing them pout with arms crossed in childish stubbornness, cheeks puffed out and lips pressed in a thin line to show their displeasure.

Children as so alike in their innocence. They don't care if I have blood on my hands and shirt, Seri and Pico were quick to dismiss it and instead concentrate on cheering me up. I smiled wider, they remind me of Ash, I haven't talked to him since I got here. I don't know why but there was always a pinching fear that prevented me from talking to him while in this town.

He is a colourless too, just like Pico and Seri. I wonder if they would have been good friends if the circumstances were different.

"No, Terisa doesn't know how to teach, please Ariel come inside everyone is waiting for you," Pico gave me the puppy face while Seri leaned on my knee with her hands entwined in a pleading gesture. What am I thinking they would have been great friends.

I lowered my eyes at Pico's statement, I don't want to see them, not really. And it is not completely because to rage, I just don't want to. It is hard to explain, I feel like Skye betrayed me in taking Oreana's side, he is supposed to support me. And the way he yelled at me,- I shook my head to clear the thoughts as I had started clenching my fists again, the anger returning with resentment this time, but I pushed it away.

Seri gasped and I snapped my eyes to her, "Someone was there," she whispered quietly, scurrying to stand beside me with her hands on my arm.

I looked around at the deserted alleys cloaked in darkness, my colour drawn around my hands in a sheet of wine red. There was nothing on either side. I looked around for another second, nothing moved, nothing whispered. It was quite. Perhaps it was her illusion?

"Seri, there is no one here beside us," I cooed gently to her, pulling her to my arms. What am I doing sitting here with two kids in the dark, how can my anger cloud my head so much that I forgot where I am. I am in Urydale, and nothing is safe here.

"But-, I thought I saw something there," Seri whispered quietly, her voice quaking, her eyes wide and searching all around us.

"I don't see anything," Pico whispered, but he shifted closer to me. I looked at him, his eyes were wondering too, searching for any intruder. The eerie silence that I was thankful for, bothered me now. A chill crept up my back as the hair on my neck stood, a strange feeling washed over me, like someone was watching us.

I took hold of Seri's hands in mine and gave a gentle tug to draw her attention, "hey listen, there is no one here except us, it was probably the wind," I said both of them, my voice strong, not a whisper but clear in the empty alleys. It did two things, it gave the kids a comfort that I am here for them and that they can have their confidence in me. It also sent a message to whoever I pray is not out there, that I am not afraid.

Seri and Pico nodded their heads obediently. Maybe it is just my colours jumping to be let out that is causing me this strange feeling. It doesn't matter, I am not alone here, I have to think about their safety first.

'Okay, come on lets go in," I dubbed my voice in a playful tone and stood up. I took hold of their hands and we started walking. We are on the other side of the skate park, but the stairs are not that far.

I walked casually with both Pico and Sri on either side of me, my stance was relaxed but my grip on their hand warned them to be careful.

But nothing happened. We climbed down the stairs and through the door with ease. Maybe it was just paranoia.

The hall was a different scene, Oreana was standing in the centre with Zane and Skye, the older kids were around them listening keenly to her speech that was ringing in the hall.

Mainly 10-14-year-olds were sitting back, eyes on Oreana but posture relaxed on benches.

"We need to be read, we all need to train harder for this. This is our only chance at freedom, the only way we can win our rights back," Oreana's strong voice impaled the walls. She sure knows how to deliver a speech. I shook my head at myself, the day was taking its toll on me, my puffy eyes were feeling heavier in the cosy warmth of the hall.

"Ahh, we missed training time,' Seri muttered loudly and I gave a short laugh that got dissolved under the voices. Seri and Pico made their way to their friends and I looked around, before walking to the only quiet corner in the hall.

Jerek was sitting on the ramp in the corner. I stepped towards him and took a seat, for the first time I am grateful to be invisible and unheard. It is better that they didn't focus on me or tried to make me stand with them.

Minutes passed and I started listening to Oreana's words, she was telling them about the plan. Warning them to work harder and explaining the plan that we were supposed to initiate in Athesy. In her way she was right, we can't take risks but it was my conscious that was preventing me from taking the brutal approach.

"Are you okay," Jerek's hesitant whisper drew my eyes to him, I gave him a half-smile and slight nod. At Least someone cares enough.

"What are you doing?" I asked softly seeing that Jerek was still working on his laptop. My tablet was placed beside him attached by a cord.

"Just finishing the work, arranging the evidence we collected in a systematic manner," he said casually, eyes as always, focused on the screen.

I opened my mouth to ask the question, but closed it at the loss of words.

"You never know when something can become useful," Jerek replied to my unsaid question with a smile of his own, finally looking up to meet my eyes. He went back to his laptop and I moved my eyes around the hall. Observing people.

'Why?-'the tainted voice played on Jerek's laptop 'He is already supposed to be dead, no one knows that he is in Urydale. No one will care.'

'Sorin will be back in a few hours, let him deal with this scumbag on his own"

The name felt like a jolt of lightning and I froze on my spot. Sorin?

"Jerek, go back," I said to him, waving my hand urgently.

'Sorin will be back in a few hours, let him deal with this scumbag on his own'

There was no doubt in my mind about who this person was.

"Nanthanal Sorin?" I whispered aloud.

"Ya, he is our governor," Jerek replied from beside me, eyebrows drawn together in curiosity while mine just widened in disbelief.

The gears were turning, the pieces falling into place. Every face in this hall, Oreana, Zane, Jerek, Ian, Seri, Pico, Morean, the twins, Samuel, Mason, Terina -

They have only two things in common. One, that they are all marked dead in the records, and two, they are all colourless.

The unlicenced officers.

Illegal use of guns.

Assaulting and imprisoning people.

All that without a glitch, without any rumours breaking out. Without a single evidence with the government? As silent as an assassin...

Only one person has that kind of power, someone who is a member of the board with enough resources at his disposal.

Nanthanal Sorin.

The governor of Urydale and the Board member of the government of Azure.

"The government-" Oriana's speech faded into existence as I was pushed into reality with her words.

"Has no idea that we are here," I spoke before Oreana, cutting her off mid-sentence in a loud clear voice. I stood up to stand on my feet, my eyes scanning across everyone as the heavyweight of the truth felt enough to swallow me. I was met with a stunned silence, the chatter stopped and an attentive hush fell over each person in the hall.

"The government has no idea that any of you is here. You all are not even alive in their records, you don't exist for them." I spoke, my voice ringing in the hall louder than Oreana's.

"What do you mean?" Zane voiced out the doubt, I snapped my eyes to him, taking a step forward.

"When we were going through the files on the officer's station I came across some legal documents. According to them, you all had some kind of tragic death. You are all presumed dead. Every colourless" I addressed everyone in the hall, scanning my eyes across them to draw the graveness of the situation.

"It is because they don't want to give us any rights, what else can be the reason for this?" Someone yelled from the crowd, his voice echoing in the daunting silence.

"No, it's not that simple. The government functions on records, if you don't exist on paper then you can commit a robbery or a murder and they won't be able to track you. You all are already marked dead in the records, that means the government has no way of keeping track of you." I spoke up, voice getting louder and stronger as I motioned with my hand.

"What are you suggesting Ariel?" Oreana asked after a minute of silence, her voice unnaturally strained.

"I don't think the government is involved in this."

I blessed you guys with a reallllly long chapter! And sorry if you find any mistakes, I will come back to edit this thing. It was too long to edit at 11:30 🥱Anyways, how did you like the plot twist? Was it out of the blue or like you had a feeling but didn't know about what.....Ahhh, I hope I didn't spoil this, cause this can literally ruin the whole story that I have planned.

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