Chapter 61

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"What, that is a stupid idea, what if we get caught while we are on the train with him?" Terisa asked, her hands tucked under her arms.

"It is a long train, we will just have to be careful," I reasoned with her easily and she nodded.

"And can we even trust her? When were you-" Someone yelled.

"Not now," Oreana boomed spelling out each word with gritted teeth, silencing everyone in the hall. But I just lowered my eyes, the small smile dropping from my face. I knew something like this was going to happen, Oreana cannot hold their mouths forever.

"Okay, so we get to Athesy and then what? How do we show them that we are colourless?" Yasmin asked further, breaking the unmistakable tension in the air. But this time I didn't say anything.

And no one else had an answer to that.

"Here I got it," Jerek stumbled out of the office, breathing heavily with a drive in his hand, raised upward. When did he even slip inside?

"What is it Jerek?" Oreana asked.

"They destroyed the tablet and my computer and trashed the office, but thankfully I still have all the pen drives with the data and I just compiled all that into this one," Jerek completed with a grin, waving the drive in his hand to make a point. I sighed at the sight, at least the evidence is not lost. Maybe we can play it on the screens in the stadium. Jerek's eyes moved around, they fixed on me for a second but he quickly looked away and walked to Oreana, handling the drive to her.

"I just got a call from Carson, they will be leaving in 20 minutes, tops," Beckett alerted us and I took in a deep breath.

"Okay, so-" Oreana groaned, pulling the chair with its arm and slumping on it with a wince. A bandage was wrapped around her thigh to stop the blood flow but the white cloth was starting to soak through. I bit my tongue again, it is not my place to say anything.

I raised my eyes and looked around at everyone, they were all tense, shoulders coiled and eyes set firmly on the task. But they were also watching me from the corner of their eyes, they all were. Beckett, Ian, Yasmin, Zane, Jerek, they all stole glances at me as if to keep an eye out. I clenched my fists, the others were less subtle, making their suspicion and distaste for me known. Oreana has told them to shut up, but for how long.

"Hijack the train, hide in there till you reach Athesy and find a way to broadcast this evidence," she said holding up the drive.

"We-" I hesitated, but my interruption was heard as everyone turned to face me, I swallowed before continuing, "There will be good security at the station in Athesy, we won't be able to enter without ahm, without the colours for identification," I said, stammering at the word colour. I coiled my fists tighter, numbing my colours in my veins.

"Then how do we get inside?" Beckett asked slowly, letting the sentence sit that, we will get caught if we enter Athesy like this.

Oreana narrowed her eyes and finally spoke up after a minute of thinking, "What if we were to dress like the officers, will that work?" she directed the question at me, her voice sharp and eyes precise.

"Officers are almost never checked, if we can sell it then yes, there is a chance we can actually pull it off," I replied.

"We can pull the uniform from them," Jerek nodded at the officers slumped into unconsciousness.

"Jerek you are not going," Oreana ordered and my eyes fixed on the red welts around his neck. He almost got choked today.

"Zane, Beckett, Yasmin, Ariel-" my eyes snapped to her and I ignored the rest of the names. She wants me to go?

"No," Skye yelled from beside me and struggled to stand up, "I am going too." I pushed at his chest to make him lie down but he resisted with a glare, " I am not letting you go alone after this," Skye snapped at me in a harsh whisper, his eyes wild as he pushed my hand away to sit up again.

"No you cannot go, the bullet can shift," Morean jumped forward, flustered and eyes wide as she tried to make Skye lie down again.

"Skye, I can handle myself, you don't have to come," I whispered to him quietly and looked around at the commotion as everyone started preparing, pulling the uniforms off the officers.

"No don't take the guns, they will ask us to hand them over and will then probably check our colour for IDs," I said in a much stronger voice, they all stopped and tossed the guns away before unzipping the suits from the officers. I should start getting ready too.

I pushed to stand up but a warm hand stopped me, I glanced down at Skye, "Then call Kayden, ask him to come," Skye whispered quietly still holding my hand. He brought my hand closer and placed a small kiss on my knuckles. I smiled at the nostalgic gesture, he hasn't done that since a long time.

Two guys came to us and I slipped my hand back, they kneeled before Skye and I nodded at them. I helped them raise him into a sitting position and hugged him sideways, careful of his wound. "Good colours Skye," I whispered to him and ended the hug, jumping to my feet in the next second.

"We have 15 more minutes, just take the uniform you can get ready in the train," Oreana yelled and I turned to the officers in a hurry to spot a uniform.

"Here, this is the smallest size Zane could find," Yasmin popped in front of me with a bundle of azure cloths in her hands. I nodded at her thankfully and accepted the clothes with a grateful smile. My eyes skittered around to search for the said person and stopped at his towering figure, but he was already out of the door.

I swallowed the pinching hurt, he doesn't even want to look at me.

Yasmin clasped her hand around my arm and pulled me with her, "Quick, we don't have much time," she whispered quickly.

Oreana's eyes caught mine and she nodded, a silent signal for me to come. I diverted from Yasmin and jogged to where Oreana was sitting in her chair.

I ran to her and kneeled before her, my eyes scanning her injury, "Are you okay?" I asked in a haste, my voice lowered as I searched her eyes for a sign of her pain.

But all I saw was determination.

"Yes," she pulled my arm and asked me to stand.

"Listen Ariel, you said that you will help us, you said that you will fight with us to help us win our freedom. Do it now, lead them. Lead them to the right place, at the right time. Be a leader," she said fiercely, her eyes ablaze. I opened my mouth to argue, to reason with her that someone else will be better for this.

"No, I don't want to hear it and I don't care if you have three colours, that just tips the scales in our favour," my eyes widened at her reply and I swallowed thickly, emotions choking my voice.

"And your secret is not getting out of this room, I will make sure of that," she nodded at the unconscious officers and I followed her eyes. I didn't have a reply to that but the promise in her eyes made me believe her.

"I know you were not here because of your grandfather Airel," I froze at her statement. "Do it for him, give him a better chance at life than this," she spoke softly, her grey eyes speaking her sympathy to me, her words sent a shockwave through my bones. It was as if I just woke up from a sleep.

I snapped my head to look around me, at the criminals slumped on the ground, Two men carrying Skye to the door. Marina bandaging the wounded with her limited supply. And ten of the colourless lining up at the door, ready to go to Athesy under a blind guidance.

"They need a leader," Oreana whispered from beside me and I turned back to her. A fallen rebel sitting in her chair with a leg soaked in blood and not even a streak of pain on her face.

I clenched my teeth, my heart beating faster and stronger. I nodded at her, "Good colours Oreana" and departed.

Outside everyone was ready on their bikes, sitting in pairs, I quickly scanned the vehicles in the orange light of the rising sun, for an empty seat. And I found it on Zane's bike. I clutched the bundle tighter under my arm and jogged to his bike and quickly sat down. Zane blew the engine and we dashed through the empty streets.

We raced against the wind and were there under five minutes. I climbed down his bike as everyone hid their rides behind a store.

"Carson is already there with others, we just need to wait for his signal to go in," Beckett whispered beside me and I nodded at him, keeping my eyes focused on the back door of the station building.

Sorry guys for the late updates, the last chapters are the hardest to write and I can't write a chapter if I don't have enough motivation 😅

But thank you for all your support, I am guessing we have about 2- 3 more chapters to go!

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