Pink: The Colour of New Love.

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Genre: Sci-Fiction/ Humor(More of Satire)

Word count: 1288

Nero bent on his knee, held a box of ring-chip in his hand with its flap open. The Box was spurting out puffs of glitter in red and pink. The voice from the box said for the 5th time. "Do you accept the marriage chip and be the spouse of Nero1276518Rex876?"

Ann120 still remained silent. Nero looked at her. Her face was impassive, as people normally were. He adjusted the tiny chip of Telepathy earset that stuck like an ear cuff on his earlobe. He heard a stimulus from her. She said, "No." He again adjusted it properly and cursed himself for not investing in the super accurate apple device device and instead went with blackberry, Fruit shops apart these were real telepathy earset brands along with the NO-Ki-Yes that had a tag line of connecting everyone since centuries. There was another brand by a person named Sam Song who merely imitated Apple and result would be a hybrid i. android.

An electronic stimulus brought him out of his thoughts. She was passing him a message but she was afraid to say it. The government had a monopoly of thoughts and they kept a constant tabs on it. She paused for a moment and looked around at the artificially created seaside atmosphere of the hotel. She leaned closer to him and kissed him, at that time she connected her wrist-chip to his. The wristchip contact was a form of passing secretive information that could not be resurected entirely

Nero was shocked. Ann120 has shown to him via her wrist-chip that she wasn't a human, she was an alien and her real name was Andro, from the constellation of Andromeda. Since, it was the early 6020's Inter-planetary relationships were considered crime by law. She was on earth under disguise of a human. As she broke the kiss, the vision of the alienin front of a midwest house faded away. She simply walked away, her face plain as a painted mask but he could hear through their earset connection, she was sobbing. Emotions had become just a bio-electrical impulse transmitted through technology.


Nero sat in his room and conversed with his friend Fa7. He just sent an electric impulse to Fa7 showing him the picture Ann120, no Andro had passed to him. It was her image in front of a Midwest house. Her elder sister wore a dress that was old-fashioned even for outdated people beside her stood her father who held a pitchfork that was the official baton of Andromeda galactic-nation. They were in their real alien form not in the fake android silicon form of human. Fa7 still remained expressionless but his impulse told him that this was forbidden and he should forget about her because his father was a Patronous, the most prominent socio-religious leader. Still, Nero wanted to try it for her. So, he connected to his father, Patronous Rex, the socio-religious leader of earth and also a chairperson of Intergalatic goodwill organization.

He connected to the network to converse with his. His father answered with an expressionless face and a warm neuro-electric telepathy impulse. Nero then stated the matter calmly. But, his father's impulse grew angrier and angrier. Things were so easy without emotions everyone had a face of a robot.

"Dad, I love her." He pleaded.

"But, this is unnatural. How will you have kids?" His impulse boomed causing a flood of hormones that made him jittery. "Xenophilia is abnormal. You need help." He felt his face muscels twitching to form an expression. It was so strange. Was it expressing emotions as the primitives described it?

"No dad. Love is love. It isn't abnormal." His impulse pleaded again. "We an adopt a baby, create a robot or do something else.People marry for love, not for kids."

"Son, religion and political laws don't sanction it. If you go ahead, I'll guarantee that I'll arrest you." His father's electronic impulse voice boomed so loudly that he practically had to remove his earset. However, his face remained unresponsive the way it was. He disconnected the line.


Nero sent a quick code to Fa7 and then ran away with Andro. He ran to a distant galaxy Cluster of Lyons that was out of his father's jurisdiction. He took with him his spacebike along with some e-money and some precious gemstone and mineral e-chips. Centuries ago, the people of past generation depleted the resources and that all that was left now was token e-chips that were exchanged for that value. Nero had give Andro a platinum and diamond solitaire chip made as a ring that she wore proudly on her finger.

Now, he connected his news chip to the air-wifi. The news of their disappearance was on air. Since, both of them came from political family this issue was big. At one current of air Andro's father held his pitchfork and spoke in his mother tongue that Nero translated as saying. "The humans and aliens need to go on war because they have entered into a forbidden relationship. Our scriptures are against it."

Sighing, Andro shifted to the channel where his father spoke. "It is a shame that my own son is bent on doing such a sacrilege. This is wrong. He shall be punished." Then there were angry tweets and hoots in the air about people ranting how Xenophilia is a sinful thing. The religious theory said that Xenophilia isn't sanctioned by any religion. God created man and then woman and it stated that only humans could marry. Politics and religions were vulture and the dead, wherever there was one the other followed; and both when apart are harmless but disgusting when together.

Nero removed his telepathy earset and de-activated it because he had many useless stimulus feeds from everyone. Andro did the same. She had connected to the news in air; for once she traced her narrow neck that had a pipe-like thickness and felt it vibrate as her facial muscles twitched to remove a sound as she had learnt in childhood how people communicated in ancient times. "Neyh...roh." Her mechanical voice said in broken fragments. "Nero." She said more clearly now.

"Andro." He replied. For once his lips curled.

"Hear this, some say we are the pioneer of a revolution called equal rights for Xenosexuals. Because Love has no barriers." She said now. It felt so happy to speak in her own voice now and hear his voice. She had shed her silicon human form and was in her alien form.

Both of them had started a revolution, Love was the new revolution. Nero and Andro were the beginning of a movement for the leagalization of inter-galactic relationships.


"Love is free. Love is for all." He said as a message. "Religion says no to Xenophilia because we didn't meet aliens at that time. Every religion preaches love and to foster inter-galactic unity it is essential to stop the discrimination." He passed the message through a live air video streaming and went to kiss Andro who was in her alien form. He kissed her and then looked into her oval big eyes. Her mouth felt strange but he liked it. This coming as an official statement from two children belonging to most powerful political families meant that this was important.

Soon, other Xenosexuals came forward. They left their worlds and settled in Lyon with the ones they loved. Andro and Nero's love was their inspiration to be brave. Even still, Xenosexual relationships were prohibited in other parts except in Lyon. Hence, Lyon was out of bounds and it's people were outcasts for only reason because the love of the Lyonins was out of the world.


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