Chapter 2

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They are now thirteen.


"Granny why do we always have to wear these?" I ask while twisting the ring around on my ring finger. The jewel on it was red. Granny keeps chopping vegetables as she answers me. "I told you that it was for good luck. If you take it off bad things will happen." She says sternly. Then she looks at me. "You haven't taken it off have you?" She asks while looking at me and I shake my head. She nods. "Good. Now run upstairs while I cook."

"Onii-chan!" I say while opening the door. Myo has his head phones in so I snuck in from behind him and jumped on the bed. He makes a little yelp before looking at me like I was crazy. "What the heck Len!?" He yells and snatches his headphones off. O let out a laugh and look over his shoulder at the note boom he had in his hand.

"Drawing again?" I ask and he nods his head with a sigh. "I was almost done to." He grumbles and starts to erase a stray line, oops. I lay on the other side of the bed as he leans against the headboard to finish his drawings.

"Len! Myo! Shiro, Yukio and Rin are here!" Granny yells from down stares. "Alright!" I yell back. We both went down stairs and greeted them. Granny and Shiro started to have a conversation while she cooked. So we went into the living room to play on the NES. We started to play super Mario bros for awhile until granny pokes her head in the room.

"I need you boys to go shopping for some spices and meat for me, since we have guest." She says smiling. I became confused a bit since we just went shopping to the market the other day. Myo doesn't question it and walks over to her to get the list. His eyes pop out of his head and I look over his shoulder to see the long list of food.

"My god are we having dinner or an all you can eat serving!?" I exclaim. She chuckles and winks at us. "You are growing boys after all!! Take Rin and Yukio with you okay?"


Once the boys left the house Shiro and Ms. Tamoi began talking once more. During the conversation Shiro took on all of the things inside of the kitchen and the aura around the house. He took note of all the religious things hanging off the walls and the books here and there. His gaze then wonders to the ear ring the woman had on. It was similar to the jewels Myo and Len wore.

"Is your family fond of those?" He asks, pointing to the piece of jewelry. The woman nods her head. "Of course this was given to me from my adoptive father, Myo's and Len's were too." She answers carefully. Shiro hums. "Ms.Tamoi was your father an exorcist?" She seemed taken aback at the questions and looks up from stirring the food to look at the man. "Why yes? May I ask why?" Shiro narrows his eyes as he looks at the earring again. "Well I am an exorcist as well, and that gem on the jewelry doesn't look like an ordinary gem." He says, the light glaring off his glasses. The woman stiffens before resuming her needs to the food.

"Infact it looks like a seals stone. One that seals away demons. Do you wish to explain?" He asks and the woman let's out a low chuckle.

"Fine fine, you caught me." She says holding her hands up in surrender. "I am human, however this stone has a demon within."

"As for the children?" Shiro asks sternly and the woman nods her head. "Yes yes, its the same case, but allow me to elaborate. These stones are more like limiters , blockers or guardians if you wish to call them that. Our family has been targeted by many demons so we were given these. If the host removes the jewel they will be targeted. The demons inside the jewel has made an agreement with their host too. So it's not like its forced or harming them."

Shiro frowns.

"If it's done without consent than the demon would feed off the host's life force and they would be dead in days." She explains further. "When I found those boys on the streets I took them to my foster father and he gave them those. The demon inside isn't awaken yet, but they're still being protected."

Shiro says nothing as the woman continues on with the food.

"What about your son Rin-kun?" She says suddenly and his eyes narrow further at the question.

"You didn't think I wouldn't notice? I've been around for a long time and can easily tell. Its not as menacing as a demon's aura, more like a bit on edge. For Yukio-kun-"

"Its dormant." Shiro cuts her off.

"You don't know that. They're twins and are both born from some kind of demon. His probably just isn't awaken." She states and there's a jiggle of the door knob. She lets out a sigh. "It seems they shopped rather quickly."

They are now 15 (look at the picture)

Len pov

I ride my bike down the street, well Myo's bike since mine had a flat tire. I had to go to the book to get some books for granny that she wanted. Most of it was cook books, however there were some bibles here and there.

I slow to a stop when I see Rin on the other side of the street dressed in a suit and tie. I couldn't help but smirk at it, since I know he hates suits and stuff. I rode over to him.

"What'cha doing!" I say behind him. He jumps a bit and turns to look at me.

"What the- oh hey Len."

I hum and he sighs. "I'm going to a job interview, the old man gave me this." He motions to his outfit and I grin. "Well I hope it goes just as well as the others!" I say before laughing and riding off, I can here him yelling from behind me.

I paddle the bike back home and leave it against the side of the house. I take off my shows before entering.

"Granny!! I'm home."

"We're in the living room sweetie."

I put the books on the kitchen table and walk in the living room.

"Rin's going to another job interview."

Myo snorts and granny sighs. "Hope this one goes a bit better." Granny stands up and makes her way to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna make pot pie for dinner."



"Is it me, or is it getting dark earlier than what it should be?" Myo asks me as he looks at the sky. We were just walking around town.

"Yeah, it is getting kind of dark...."

We continue walking until I see a big black blob of something

"The hell is that!?" I ask. It was growing and mass until it took the shape of a human, well a disoriented human. It had horns on his head and pieces of Ritter flesh hanging from its body. It smelled so foul I almost puked.

"Myo! Len!"

My head turns to see Uncle Shiro and Rin on a roof top.

"Go to shrine! You'll be safe there!"

Before Myo can say anything Shiro threw something at the thing and it exploded in a burst of light.

Well he doesn't need to tell us to haul ass twice.

We ran down the streets until we met up at the shrine.

"You three, go inside. You'll be safe there."

"What about Granny!?" Myo yells and my eyes widen at the realization.

"She should be fine, trust me, she's a strong woman."

I wanted to protest but I was shoved in along with Myo and Rin.

Damn this took awhile. I decided to divide this chapter since it seemed too long. So there ya go!

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