Chapter 1: Watched by a Schnee

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It's been a few weeks after being created and started walking at first I was a bit clumsy but now I've got a better grasp on my legs and right now I was in my father's lab just watching what's he working on until he started coughing aggressively.

Y/N: Father, are you ok?

Dad: It's alright my boy just a little cough.

He kept coughing so I went next to him and helped him up.

Y/N: Father you are not feeling well you must rest.

I took him back to his bed and let him rest.

Y/N: So father, what where you working on anyway?

Dad: Oh, I see how lonely you usually are I felt like making you a friend.

Y/N: But your cough keeps getting worse, you need to stop and rest.

Dad: Trust me my boy, inviting is my passion and if I don't do that what else am I suppose to do but rest, trust me I'm fine.

Y/N: Father.

Dad: Listen, once this one is done I'll retire.

Y/N: Promise.

Dad: Promise.

He than gave me a pinky promise.

Dad: For now I must get someone to keep an eye on you. Maybe Maria

???: Sorry Pietro Maria is busy.

We looked to see a woman in uniform and another woman next to her

Dad: Jennifer.

Y/N: Who is that?

Dad: Y/N meet Jennifer Ironwood and Winter Schnee

Jennifer: Please Pietro Jenny will do.

She than looked at me.

Jenny: I see you finished Y/N, I knew picking you was the right choice.

Y/N: What you mean by that?

Jenny: You see Y/N we need to have meeting to see what to with your gift and we decided to pick your father.

Y/N: I see.

Dad: So what you need?

Jenny: Well sence Maria is gone on important business I'm letting my commander Winter to keep an eye on him.

Winter: Don't worry your son will be in good care.

My dad than sighed.

Dad: Very well. Y/N take care.

Y/N: Will do.

Winter: Thank you.

We than left passing by two other woman leaving with Jenny

Winter: Come Y/N the bulkhead is waiting for us.

Jenny POV

Harriet: So thats that Y/N kid.

Elm: I'll say for a machine he quite the cutie, I ask him out, how about you Harriet.

Harriet: ( Blushes ) I-I ah, mam what about you.

Jenny: I wouldn't be lying if I say he didn't look special, but I don't have time to date, come on now.

Harriet/Elm: Yes mam!


After I got to the city of Atlast we entered a giant mansion with the Schnee symbol on it

Y/N: What is this place?

Winter: This is my family's home, I said I would visit my mother but sence I have to watch you I decide to bring you with.

Y/N: Oh I see.

We then entered a room with a woman drinking some wine from a bottle

Winter: Hello mother.

???: Oh hello Winter, whose this?

Y/N: I'm Y/N Polendina and you shouldn't be drinking like that, it's bad for your health.

She looked shocked to see I cared.

???: Wow, that's actually really nice.

Y/N: How so, Miss?

???: Willow, and well besides Winter and my middle child Weiss no body cares about me or my health.

Y/N: Well maybe you just need someone to talk to.

I grabbed a table and pulled it over and and three chairs.

Y/N: Take a seat please?

I pulled the two chairs out for them.

Willow: Oh so gentleman like.

Y/N: My father always taught me to be polite, now let's start.

We all took our seats and looked at each other.

Y/N: So let's start with any problems between any of you?

Willow: Well first. Winter you really need to visit more often.

Winter: Mother I tell you I'm always busy.

Willow: Oh your so busy just telling people what to do all day yet you don't time to visit your own mother!

Winter than slammed both her hands on the table

Winter: First of all that is completely untrue! I have to make sure all those men do things correctly and afterwards I have other task to do that I barely have enough time to myself. I spend more time at work then at home!

Willow: Well maybe you should find someone to take over for a few days!

Winter: There is no one else to take over for me! Everyone at my work place are either soilders below me, my boss the general, Harriet and Elm of Ace Ops and Scientist! No one and I mean no one can handle what I have to do all day let alone the of the stress I have to deal with along my job!

Willow: Oh! You always got to find something to blame besides yourself.

Winter: You have a drinking problem!

Willow: So what!!!

Winter: So what, I practically had to raise Weiss, my own sister I treated as a daughter while you ever did was ever argue with Father or get drunk!

Willow: How dare talk to me with that tune of voice young lady!

Winter: I'm a grown woman!

Willow: I'm still your mother!

Winter: You never acted like one!

The two kept stairing at each other before I coughed which got their attention.

Winter: Oh sorry about that.

Y/N: No problem infact I wanted that to happen.

They than looked confused.

Willow: Why?

Y/N: Because so you two can let out any stress between each other, does it feel better letting that out?

Willow: Well.

Winter: I do feel better letting that out a bit.

Willow: I agree.

Y/N: Now with that out of the way I can see what the problem is but I won't say but just ask each other this. Why?

They than turned back to each other and waited for one to start the conversation.

Winter: Mother. Why where you never in either my or Weiss lives?

Willow: Winter, back then I tried to get your father to actually be apart of your lives instead of using you to make himself look good or focusing on how to make lien and more lien. Most times when I told him to do so he would start yelling and that's when we would agure  and afterwards I be stressed out that I needed some way to calm down and well that's where the drinking came from.

Winter looked at her in shocked.

Winter: Mother.

Willow: I'm sorry, now tell me. Why you never visit?

Winter than took a deep breath.

Winter: First I am usually really busy but most times why I never visited was because I tried to distance myself from you and father because of all the arguing you two and how you never took care of me or Weiss so the only times I would visit is when I was needed or you asked me too.

She than let out a big breath and I saw she had tears in her eyes

Winter: But learning how you simply wanted me and Weiss to have a father and how you do care all I have to say to you is this.

She than turned to Willow crying

Winter: Mom, I'm sorry for trying to push you away, can you give your own daughter a second chance.

Willow than reached over for Winter and hugged her and started to cry too.

Willow: I forgive you and I'm sorry for never being there for either you or Weiss now can you forgive your own mother.

Winter than hugged back

Winter: Acourse I do.

They than cried and let it out and after awhile and looked at each other than to me and hugged me.

Winter/Willow: Thank you Y/N

Y/N: No problem


Unknown to Y/N their breast took a hold of Y/N arms.

Winter: "Y/N is such a sweet boy, I must pay him back some how for helping us. I know I will take his hand in marriage and become his human wife and even carry his first child."

Willow: "Y/N, I might not know who you are but you are definitely more mature than my own husband. I will divorce him and marry you and then you can have anything, besides a mature boy deserves a mature woman."

Y/N on the other hand was happy their relationship is fixed.



It's been a few hours and I slowly got to know who Willow and Winter are and right now it's night time

Winter: Well Y/N it's night time, we best get some sleep, and sadly we don't have guess rooms so you'll have to sleep in my old room.

Y/N: Ok.

Willow: Or he could be with me.

They than looked at each other.

Winter: Mother with all do respect I'm ment to keep an eye on Y/N so he'll be with me.

Willow: We'll maybe he should decide.

She than looked at me

Willow: So Y/N who do you choice to be with, me or Winter.

I than thought of it and decided to stay with Winter

Y/N: I'll stay with Winter if that's no problem.

Willow looked unpleased but she seemed to be calm.

Willow: Alright good night than.

We went to Winter room and and found a soft bed. For me I laid down and powered down.


For Winter she undressed and put on something more comfortable for herself and Y/N

She than turned back to the bed and saw Y/N "sleeping" she than joined him in bed

Winter: Y/N your such a sweet boy, and I promise when we start dating I'll be the most loyal girl you find for now good night.

She than went to sleep and pulled Y/N close to her. Willow than walked into the room she only wore her underwear and joined the two sleeping together.

Willow: Y/N, your not only mature but your such a saint, me and Winter would probably hate each other if it weren't for you. When we get married you'll not only be the most happiest boy in the world but also the most powerful and if there's anything you want to do I'm willing to do whatever you want to do until then, we just cuddle.

Willow pulled Y/N head to her breast and held the rest of him really close without waking up Winter as the three slept as the moon shine down on the three.

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