Chapter 22

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I am Moana-  Moana(the movie)


"Hey," I said tying to sound okay, "Merry Christmas Kelechi. How's the family?"

"Thank God you remembered me today. Merry Christmas too, love even though it's 26th already. Everyone is happy. I just came back from your house. I couldn't let go of your mom's fried rice. It's the best. Bia(means come)What's with the sad tone?"

As expected of my childhood best friend. He knows I'm not okay though he's miles away from me, "I'm good Kay. You guys are enjoying without me, so I just decided to call. I'm ​sorry for not calling all this while."

"Woah woah woah. Where's Munachi and what have you done to her? You're actually going down without a fight? I'm sorry, but my best friend would have said, and I quote, 'Look at this boy. I'm calling you and you're making mouth. Why didn't you call me first, Olodo(means idiot)' that's what you said the last time," KC said, mimicking my voice.

I couldn't help but laugh already. He knew what to say to get me back on track. "Yeah, well sorry but that girl is not here right now. She got her head in the 'snow'."

"Look, Muna I know that you're learning new stuffs where you are, but please use your words," he said, pretending like he didn't understand what I meant. As usual, when I have issues, KC makes me laugh first before he asks what happened to me. It was just like a role play and I had to tag along.

"You know? Head in the 'snow'? Her big head got stuck in this 'snow' and no one could get it out. Someone suggested to call you." He didn't respond for a while which got me curious, "Kc? You still there?"

"Um..yah yah. Just checking on Google," he paused, "How                 to ..get..a ..big..head..out..of..the.. snow," he said it as if he was really typing that on his laptop. Oh, I hope he's not.

"Don't Tell me you're really doing tha-"

"Done. Wow there are so many results. Hear this one out, 'Use a trailer to carry the head out'," he read, " Oh see this one, 'Wear hand gloves so that your finger prints won't be on the evidence'. I think that one is for criminals," he said and started laughing.

I joined him and we just couldn't stop. Yhup, as expected, he has done half of his job, he has made sure I'm comfortable. "You're just something else."

"Well, I know already. What's wrong Muna? It's your choice to tell me."

"Someone kissed me, Kay."


Have I told you of what happened to the guy who tried to kiss me in primary school but got punched by Kelechi? I think I have.


"Who did that?" He asked in a more serious tone.

"I don't think that matters right now, but he's a really close friend, Kay, and he said it was a mistake but it's my first kiss and I think I got angry unnecessarily. Now it's so weird when he's around me."

"Look, a guy can kiss you for either of these reasons: One, he likes you, two, he's trying to make someone else jealous, three, he's taking advantage of your feelings for him if you have any, four, he's sex craved and five, he's on drugs and couldn't control his actions."

"That's a really long list. But it's none. Gabriel doesn't like me, he's my best friend here. We were alone on the road, so he wasn't making anyone jealous. I don't have feelings for him, so he couldn't be taking advantage of that. I doubt he's sex craved and he loves his sister so he can't be on drugs."

"You probably don't know, but it's surely one of them. Muna, I know it's a big deal for you. Damn if I were there I'd probably punch him in the face for doing that. It's not just about the guy too. Think about yourself and how you felt when it happened. Was it your fault? Did you do anything to get close to him or so?"

"I can't remember but I'll try. I just don't know how to act around him. It's weird, Kay."

"If he's really your best friend as you claim he is, it won't be a big deal later on. You guys will surely be normal if you're real friends. Just remember who you are at all times and don't let anyone change you."

"I won't let that. Thank you so much Kele. Bye," I said about to cry.

"Don't say 'bye'. You should tell me that you'd talk to me later. Saying bye is like telling me you're leaving and never coming back. Take care love."

"I will. I'll talk to you later and take care of yourself too.",

"Sure." And the line went dead.

I felt better​ after my call with KC so I decided to go outside. I didn't forget my cardigan as I stepped out of Lida's house. I didn't know where I was going to, but I just needed to be away from Richard, Gabriel and everyone.

I went with my purse and my headset which was playing 'Bluestone Alley,' a piano classic by Congfei Wei. Just like 'Canon', it dragged me away  from the world into another place where cords and harmony were used. I hadn't gotten the hang of the piece yet. A few chords were hard to organize and harmonize, so I decided to listen to the music, to feel it. Literally.

Using Google map, I found a small park some blocks away from Lida's, so I went there. No one was sitting on the bench beside the monkey bars, so I took a seat and brought my notebook out. C#, E# and G. I had to note down the chords of the part of the music that I wasn't good at.

Little kids were playing on the swing and I remembered one time in primary school when a girl named, Obia Princess pushed me down from the swing only because she was jealous of my curls.

I had gotten a scald on my hand to remind me of that day, but she changed in Secondary School and we became friends. She always talked in this funny way, as if she were mumbling her words. She still had her straight short brown hair which didn't reach  her shoulders, while I still had my long curly black hair, which she was still jealous of.

Sometimes she'd just come over to my house to see Kelechi because she had a crush on him before we graduated. KC always told me that she was only a friend and nothing more, but it was obvious he was trying to hide his feelings.

I miss home, but now, I have to be the best I can be and learn more. I'll achieve my dreams and nothing will stop me from doing so. I'll become a pianist, a worldwide pianist. And a lawyer? Yes. A lawyer that can play piano. It's not gonna be easy to have two degrees, but I'm determined.

'Bluestone Alley' was coming to an end as I was done recalling my past, and looking deep into my future. 'Santa Pathetique' by the famous Beethoven was next, a piece that blew my mind once again, so I closed my eyes to imagine Beethoven on the grand piano playing this piece.

Immediately I opened my eyes, he was there...


I'm sorry I've not been updating recently. My phone spoilt and it just got fixed.

Guess who our girl just saw now.

I just hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. I felt like I was talking about myself in some parts. This may not be fiction after all.😳

Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter. Let me know what you think about it.

Munaloves y'all ❤

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