Chapter 10

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The couple walked side by side each other that Sunny morning, down in the park. There was a gentle breeze and it was quiet.

The park was empty only a handful shared the space with them.

One old man was resting on the park bench. A kid was trying to get his kite in the air together with his sister. A mother was pushing a stroller.

Squirrels ran up and down the trees and birds enjoyed themselves flying around in the area.

Their hands were entangle as it swung slightly as they walked.

Both of them had a smile on their face and neither of them spoke.

Usui had asked what she would like to do earlier the day and Misaki had replied with a smirk on her face.

Usui was the first to turn and open his mouth "What's on that mind of yours?"

She looked at him, smile still on her face "Me? Nothing. Why would you think that?"

He shrugged "Just curious."

They walked to an open area in the park.

Misaki stopped, standing in the middle. She turned to him and held both his hands in hers.

"What is this?" Usui asked with a smile and his eyes gazing right into hers.

She was blushing but took a deep breath and titled her head up to met his eyes.

"Usui Takumi. We have been together for almost a year now."


"Don't talk." She shut him up and took another glup of air.

"We been through many things. We have fought, we cried but we also had many smiles.

Whenever I was down, you were there. Right beside me ready to jump in help no matter what. Even if the was an inconvenience to you.

When I was happy you were there to share it with me. Take some excitement and make it your own."

Her eyes were welling up in tears now, Usui watched as she did.

"And now, you are critically sick with no sign of a cure.

They told me you would be gone soon enough.

But I don't want that.

I want to be with you every step of my life. For you to be at my side and for me to be at yours."

Her voice was shaking.

"I want us to grow old together. And even leave this world together. I can't imagine what my life would be without you.

The very moment that you came in my life it was changed. Changed for the better.

Now, Usui Takumi, I know it isn't usual for me to be doing such a thing but..."

She tighten her grip on his hands and looked dead into his eyes.

"Would you marry me?"

She smiled.

She watched as Usui frowned and looked away slightly. He took his hands away from her and clench them as fist by his side. He muttered something that was almost impossible to be heard but she heard it.

Her face fell "What?" She whispered.

"I'm sorry." He looked her in the eyes now. "I'm afraid I can't."

He watched her as tears streamed down one by one down her face, leaving a trial as they fell.

"What?!" Her voice getting louder.

He placed a hand on her shoulder but she shook it off.

She was shaking, the tears madly rolling down her face, she couldn't stop sniffing.

"Misaki. You know I'm not going to last long. I can't be with you. I want you to be happy. I want you to find someone who can bring you happiness and marry him instead."

Misaki didn't cared that he mouth moved to continue she wrapped her arms arms round his waist and buried her face in his chest, making it damp.

He gave a small smile and wrapped his arms arms round her, patting herring as she cried.

"Stupid." She mumbled. "I don't care."

He ran his finger through her hair "You know that's impossible."

She shook her head "I don't want it to be. I want to be with you. Only with you."

Usui couldn't keep the tear from falling out of the corner of his eyes, hugging her tighter "I'm sorry Misaki. I really want it too but..." he sobbed.

She grabbed on to him tight, not wanting to let go. She chest was tight and she could hardly breathe.

"Usui...." she cried out his name serval times.

"I'm really sorry Misaki.." He mumbled through his soft tears.

Usui gently let go of one of his hand and reached inside his pocket, he muttered something to her

"I love you." He said before his finger pushed the button and his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his knees gave out.

He begun to fall to the ground but Misaki was holding him, dragging her down with him.

She kneeled on the floor with her tear stained face and he laid motionless in her lap.

"Usui?" She called out in panic.

She kept calling his name and shaking him, fresh tears tainted her face.

The paramedics came moments later and helped the two on board.

A/N: Did anyone cry? Hehe! Anyway one more chap left! Wooo 😂 hope you enjoyed this! Thanks so much for all the support

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