Chapter 8

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Misaki pov

"Please do not increase her heart rate. She is still under unstable conditions." The nurse who was still standing there said. The chief nodded and took a seat beside my bed. The nurse left the room, leaving the door open.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

She placed the bag of what I believe is cake on the counter top "I heard that you were admitted to the hospital so I decided to check on you."

I smiled "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to." She patted my hand reassuringly, her tone dropped into something more concerned "So, how are you feeling?"

I shrugged "Better? I can't really tell under all this cooling stuff they put on me." I gave a small chuckle.

She gazed away, looking at a picture hung up on the other side of the room "How bad was Usui this time?"

My face dropped, I've been trying to keep him of my mind. Telling myself he would be fine. It's just another one of his attacks, so when the question was asked my heart squeezed.

"I don't know they haven't told me anything."

She nodded, she went silent.

Something clicked in my brain "Wait, does this mean you already knew about his condition?"

She looked away and nodded.

"But...." I couldn't find the words to phase my thoughts.

"He collapsed one day after work. I happen to be there but he told me not to tell you." She squeezed my hand and looked at me, her eyes for the first time, filled with tears "I'm sorry I ad to keep it away from you."

I've gone speechless, I didn't know what to say. I wasn't mad not exactly.

I pulled a brave smile "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. I don't blame you."

She wiped her tear away.

"You have always been the bravest, Misaki." She commented with a small chuckle.

"Anyway, I brought you some cake. I thought you might want some." She reached over to the bag and started to pull out the box.

"Hat says nice. I would love some thank you."

She smiled and pulled the tabs open, revealing two beautiful slices of freshly baked cakes. (A/N I'm making myself hungry hahaha)

"They look amazing!"

She nodded giddy "I know! They are new and I wanted to try them!"

I laughed, this was so typical of my boss. She is so cute, of course I'll never tell her that.

She passed my a small plastic fork and I took it.

"Itadakimasu!" We both said before taking a bite out of it.

"MMMMMmmmm~......!" (Imagine that pink bg from the anime )

She sighed contentedly.

"This is amazing, Chief!" I commented.

She nodded in am agreement and started took go on in details of what makes it so nice. I giggled as she continued, I was still coughing occasionally.

A doctor came in just then "Excuse me, are you Miss Ayuzawa?"

The two of us stopped and looked at him.

I nodded "I am."

"We have good news for you. Usui is fine now. He had cleared the danger zone and will be moved here in a while if that is okay with you." He said with a smile.

My mouth dropped, I looked at the chief then at him "Of course I'm fine with it! Thank you so much!"

"Just doing my job." He said and left with an smile.

"This is amazing, Misaki!"

I nodded at the chief happily. I was so relieved.

From the open door a nurse entered, backfacing us pulling in something.

It was a bed and on the bed was...

"Usui!" I breathed happily.

He was seated up, he frowned as he saw me in the bed.

We waited for the nurses to place him properly beside me and left before we started to talk.

"Usui, good to see you." The chief greeted, going back to her cake.

"Good to see you too, Chief." He smiled and then frowned asks he turned to look at me.

"Misaki, are you okay? How bad is it that they had to admit you too?" He asked worriedly.

I smiled "I'm fine Usui. I'm glad you are too."

"The doctors said her fever was dangerously high when she came in, nearly passed out too." The Cheif said causally. I shot her a death galre but she just went back to her cake as if she did nothing wrong.

"Is that true, Misaki?"

I nodded "but I'm better now." I reassured him.

"Doctors said not too increase her heart rate too much because she is still in unstable state." I swear if I could I would have strangled Chief.

"That sounds serious."

"It's nothing. Look if it was serious I wouldn't be here right? I would be in the emergency room or something." I said to convince him.

He seemed to relax a little after hearing that, he went back to lie back from where he was leaning towards me.

"Anyway, I'm glad the both of you are fine." She yawned before she continued "It's getting late you theorbo should get some rest." She stood up and wore her coat, getting everything.

"Thanks for coming Chief." Usui smiled at her.

"Take care!" I said as she crossed the room. She smiled, waved and walked out.

I let out a sigh about to make a joke when I notice Usui looking at me seriously.

"What is it?"

He just eyed me.

"Oi, Usui stop that."

He sighed and sat back. "Are you sure you are okay?"

I nodded and gave him a smile "of course."

"How about you? Are you alright? What did the doctor say?" I finally unloaded these questions.

He looked away.

"I'll tell you later. You need to rest now."

I wanted to rebut but I decided against it. I argued and sunk into the pillows.

"How are you feeling, Usui?"

"Fine. You?"

I shrugged "Hot. Headache. Normal fever symptoms."

A nurse came in to check on me. "Your fever seems to have drop but it's still high. How are you feeling?"

I repeated what it said to Usui to her.

She nodded, hot some things down and changed so cooling pads and left.

I looked over to Usui, he was struggling to keep awake.

"You are tired you should sleep." I said over to him.

"You too."

"Good night, Usui."

"Good night, Misaki." I heard his breathing started to deepen and even. I fell sleep soon after.

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