Chapter 11~ Natasha Misunderstands Ved

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Ved kept glancing at his watch and when the clock strike 5.45, he got up from his seat and hurried to his boss's cabin. Mr. Srivastav is epitome of grumpy boss and all of his employees avoid him unless it is something very, very important. For Ved, taking an early leave today is very, very important.

Ved adjusted his tie, cleared his throat, and knocked at the glass door. Mr. Srivastav worked seriously on his laptop. Without looking up he gestured Ved to come in. Ved took a deep breath and entered.

'Sir?' Ved began.

Srivastav nodded

'Sir, I am not feeling well. High-fever, I need an early off.' Ved felt like a school kid as he spoke. Srivastav looked up and shifted removing the cigarette he had been smoking. Ved gulped inwardly but from outside he tried to look confident.

Srivastav shook his head tapping the cigarette on the ashtray.

'You people aren't even serious about work. Anyways (sighs) Go.' Ved smiled gratefully and had just turned around when his boss interrupted him again.

'Tomorrow take medicine and come.' He sounded grumpy, as usual. Ved turned flashed a smile and nodded. Mr. Srivastav is a grumpy aging man but an understanding boss.

Ved fixed his hair looking at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He removed his tie and stuffed it into his trouser pockets. He sprayed his mouth with the mouth fresher. Ved exhaled loudly looking at his reflection.


He felt restless and nervous as he waited out of the Café, his gaze fixed at the entrance. Ved kept tap of everyone that came and left the main door. For a second, he felt his heart drop thinking she might leave  from the back door. He prayed she doesn't. Soon, he saw a familiar woman dressed in white and blue striped button-down blouse and white jeans coming out from the Café. Ved has seen her mostly in waitress dress but he recognized her by her hair. Her chestnut brown hair open and resting on her back. She fished out her phone from her white handbag. Ved walked towards her as she spoke to someone over the phone. Stealthily, he stood behind her.

After she cut the call, Ved called her softly, - 'Natasha.'

She turned around and is startled to see him. Ved smiled at her.

'Hey.' He forwarded his hand. Natasha frowned at him and then turned around.

Ved's smile disappeared. She adjusted the sling of her bag and began walking.

'Hey, Hey.' Ved called following her but she quickened her pace. Ved pressed his lips tightly and took big steps managing to outrun her. He stood in front of her and Natasha almost dashed into him. She stopped at the right moment.



Natasha rolled her eyes, - 'Look, Ved. My shift is over and-

'I know that is why I have come.' Ved interrupted her and immediately regretted because she looked very agitated. 'Sorry.' He murmured.

He waited for her to speak and when she didn't he went on, - 'Natasha, I am sorry for being a jerk that day and then disappearing without explanation. I am sorry.' He said sincerely. He held her gaze and she looked at him without blinking.

After a second, Natasha sighed and spoke in a weary voice, - 'Ved, I work here as a waitress and you are a customer here. This... looks awkward.' She explained.

Ved sighed and took a step, - 'Can't a waitress be friends with someone who happens to be a regular visitor to her Café?' He reasoned. Natasha blinked at him.

'Let us just forget now that you a waitress and blah blah. Let us just hang out together. My place? Coffee?' Ved said casually.

'Excuse me?' Natasha sounded offended but Ved was clueless. She looked away briefly before looking back at him. She crossed her arms and glared at him, - 'We hardly know each other, and you are suggesting I come to your place? What do you take me as?' She accused him.

Ved's mouth dropped open. He shook his head and chanted, - 'No, No, No...'

Natasha exhaled loudly, - 'Just because I am a waitress and speak sweetly with people and you. Also, that day I suggested we hang out. Adding all this up, you thought you can easily take me to your bed? Disgusting.'

Ved is shocked. He pressed his lips feeling angry. Natasha glared at him, adjusted the sling of her purse and was about to walk away when he held her hand. She winced looking at their hands.

'Leave my hand, else I will shout.' She warned twisting her arm in his grip. Ved has always been a softie but her accusation angered him. He pulled her closer and stared into her eyes.

'I had genuinely come here to be friends with you. But seeing your mentality, I am disgusted by you.' He jerked her hand free and walked away. Ved didn't bother turning around as he left.


Uh-Oh, guys! Natasha is misunderstanding Ved *sad* But I have a feeling that something good is in store for our hero *winks*

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop in your comments *smiles*


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