Chapter 1

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"Good morning!" The bus driver said a little bit too perky

I gave her a small smile and started to walk down the bus aisle

There were a whole bunch of different teenagers on the bus. There were jocks, nerds, rich kids, goth kids, wanna bees.

I finally found a seat and sat down.

"Hey! It's a new kid." Said some one in the seat behind me

I turned around to see two boys. One had blonde hair and was wearing a black Jean jacket with a white shirt. The other one had black hair and he had those round stylish glasses with a beanie and was wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt

"Um, hi..." I said

"Hey. I'm Aaron" said the boy with the black hair "And this is-" he started but got cut off by the blonde boy

"I'm Josh" the blonde said

"I'm Cameron" I said

"So, how does it feel to be the new kid?" Asked the blon- Josh

"Uh, it sucks, I guess" I said

"Joshie here" Joshie... "knows how you feel. He was the new kid too" said Aaron

"Dude, don't call me Joshie, it makes us sound gay or something" Josh said, rolling his eyes "Yeah, I know, it really does suck"

I guess I was the last bus stop because before I knew it, we were at school.

I walked off the bus and started to head for school

"Hey Cameron, catch up with you later?"

I turned around to find Aaron and Josh

"Yeah" I said

"Great! See you later!" Aaron said while Josh was waving at me

"Yeah, bye." I said waving at both of them

I can't believe I actually have friends... I mean, if they even are my friends. I thought to myself while I was walking to my new school


There were all sorts of these comments people said as I was walking down the hallway

"Who's that?"

"I guess he's good looking..."

"Is that the new kid?"

"Thought he would be hotter"

I was just strolling down the hallway, trying to ignore the comments when a girl was right in front of me and our faces were inches apart

"Hey, aren't you the new kid?" She asked, raising her eyebrows

"Um, yes..." I said inching away from her

"That's what I thought..." She said, examining me

"So, what are you doing?" I asked

"Just trying to get a good look at you" she said

"Uh, yeah. I should be-" then I got cut off by the bell

"I guess I should be going." She said

"Yep... Um, see you later, I guess" I said

"Yeah. I'd like that" she said with a smirk then turned around and started to walk down the hallway

Wonder what that was about... I thought to myself

I was about to walk to my class but stopped myself

"Hey, I never got your name..." I said. But when I turned around to say that she was gone

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