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It must have been a few hours before sunrise when Dipper felt cold fingers close around his. His hand was slack as he lay in a fitful slumber, Greg snoring lightly with his head on Dipper's knee. He was sat with his back against a tree, his legs crossed, and his hand still in Wirt's.

Dipper jerked awake immediately and stared wildly around at Wirt. He was lay on his side with his knees bent up to his stomach, one arm outstretched, his hand in Dipper's, and the other propping himself up on the elbow to look at Dipper. His eyes were shadowed and tired looking, but they were their normal deep brown. Bill was long gone.

"You're awake!" Whispered Dipper, not wanting to wake Greg up just yet- he needed the sleep, and anyway, Dipper wanted to speak to Wirt alone about that had happened.

"Just about," murmured Wirt hoarsely. "W... Can you tell me what happened?"

"Yeah..." Dipper gently shifted Greg off him and moved closer to Wirt. Wirt pushed himself up off the ground and groaned.

"Are you hurt?" Dipper asked quickly, helping Wirt sit up and lean against him.

"J... Just sore," Wirt muttered. "So..?"

"Right." Dipper took a deep breath. "What do you remember up to?"

"Bill," Wirt said quietly. "We took the deal. I shook on it. Then- no. Nothing. Wait... Just..." He turned to look at Dipper with wide eyes, and he breathed, "Mason."

Dipper closed his eyes. Of course.

"Yeah... so, about that..." He sighed and put his head in his hands. "I'm sorry you found out like that. I would have told you. Probably."

"I don't understand," Wirt frowned. "All I remember is the name. I can't remember what it meant. Can you tell me what happened? Everything?"

"Yes, yes, of course I can," Dipper said. Well, at least now he had a proper chance to tell Wirt himself...
"So, when you shook hands with Bill, he possessed you. It's happened to me before, but I was conscious outside my body, and no one could see me. I just sort of floated above everyone and watched. Maybe you couldn't do that because... We're all dead? I don't know, maybe your soul can only be in your body and no where else in The Unknown. That would make sense. Anyway, Bill used your body to try and get the lantern off the woodsman, but he was mean to Greg, and then he smashed the lantern and it set fire to a tree. I grabbed Greg and you when Bill came out of your body and we ran- we ran so far that I'm fairly sure they can't find us here. The Unknown must be huge. That's all... Except I told Greg I'd wake him up as soon as you were awake... Only..."

"Mason?" Asked Wirt, who had been gazing at Dipper as the events of the evening unfolded, a horrified look growing on his features as he heard the actions Bill had committed in his body.

"Yes," sighed Dipper, looking at his hands. "I want to tell you properly."

"Go on," said Wirt gently, placing a hand on top of Dipper's. "It's okay."

Dipper managed a smile, then began:

"I've got a twin sister. Mabel.We're identical-"

"Doesn't that mean-" Wirt interrupted.

"Yes." Dipper looked at him full in the face. He refused to shy away from this. "That means I was born a female."

"Oh..." Wirt looked intently at Dipper.

"Mason Pines, Mabel Pines. Adorable twin sisters. Hah!" Dipper scoffed. "I always knew something wasn't right. My parents were sceptical at first... They thought I was just going through a phase... Mabel was always great about it though. She helps me with my binder... I'm not old enough for the operation, see. As soon as I am, it'll be final. I can't wait."

Dipper ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you have any idea what it feels like being stuck in someone else's body?" He asked Wirt, looking searchingly into his face, willing him to understand.

Wirt thought about it, then slowly shook his head. "No..." He said. "Sorry, I don't think I can say I do. It must be awful."

"Yeah..." Dipper sighed. "Its hard. I'm insecure about my voice, I've got to wear a shirt to the pool, I've... Heh, I've always wanted to be called Tyrone. It was a fantasy when I was younger. I'm trying to accept that being Mason was a part of my life, but I'm past that part now. I'm not Mason anymore. And that's okay, because I'm happy being Dipper, but... That's why it was so awful for me when Bill possessed me... Someone could see everything I was going through, a boy's brain in a girl's body. And it wasn't even someone I trust. It was someone who abuses people and takes advantage of them and tricks them."

Dipper's hands had curled into fists.

"And the second I have the chance, I'm going to do anything I can to get rid of that disgusting demon. He can do anything he wants to my body, but touch my friends and he's done."

Wirt smiled at him and said,

"You know, this doesn't make me think of you any differently. You're my friend- that's all I need to know. Girl, boy, neither, both... It doesn't matter to me. Because in the end, when you've got friends who would smash a dream demon for you- race, gender, age, religion, belief system, sexuality... None of that matters. I'm just glad you're here for me. I'm just glad you're my friend."

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