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Dear Wirt,

I really hope you and Greg are doing okay. The transition back to Gravity Falls from The Unknown for me was a little messy; is has been a week since I left the hospital. But now I'm feeling great.

Right now I'm lying in the sun in the garden, watching Mabel play with her pet pig Waddles, and I can hear my great uncle trying to rip off some tourists inside the Shack. I wish you were here to share this moment with me. Everything seems like it's back to normal, but I miss you more and more every day.

My leg is badly broken. It's so annoying- I can't do anything without help. I can't play with my sister or even get up and down the stairs by myself. It's so awful, but at least it will heal eventually; it would be a lot worse, I suppose.
Apart from that, I've only got a broken rib and some pretty nasty cuts. Turns out my accident which sent me to The Unknown involved me falling out of an upstairs window... I know, pretty dramatic, right? I've got to keep my ribs binded (which is just another thing to bind when I get up, if you know what I mean,) and change the dressing on my deeper cuts every other day. It's exhausting! I should really still be at the hospital, but I couldn't stand it in there: as soon as I could stand on crutches, I was home.

Mabel is the only one I've told about The Unknown. She doesn't really understand, but she doesn't judge me on what I tell her. I don't think she fully believes me... I mean, she doesn't think I'm lying, she just thought it was a really vivid dream while I was asleep.

Of course I told her all about you and Greg. She was sceptical at first, but I convinced her and she believes you're real! LOL. She's excited to meet you.

Oh, that reminds me, next summer we are coming back to Gravity Falls, and you and Greg are invited to stay with is in the Shack. Our grunkle is fine with it. What do you say? Let me know as soon as you can.

Hope to see you in not too long,

With love,


Dear Dipper,

I'm so glad to hear you're doing okay(ish- that leg sounds like such a pain! I'm sorry.). Greg and me are fine, all Greg had was a bump on his head, and I'm covered in scratches but apart from that we're all good. I feel great, anyway. My mum and Greg's dad-

Here, Dipper noticed the cross out and rewrite:

-Mum and Dad were so happy to have us both home and safe. Greg and me agreed not to tell them about The Unknown, but I told them about you- I told them that on the night of the accident, you found me and helped me. They're really grateful, obviously. They want to meet you and thank you in person, so when I got your letter and asked if we could go and stay, they were more than happy to let us. They also want to meet your great uncle, so they're going to drive us over and speak to him when they drop us off- is that okay? Thanks very much for the invite.

Everything at home seems much better than before the accident. Me and Greg are much closer, and although I've got to go back to school soon, I've got the memory of you and now next summer to look forward to and keep me going.

Thanks again, and we'll see you very soon. :-)

Lots of love,



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