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**Yugi's P.O.V**

"HEBA!" I laughed as we rolled down a hill together, he giggled and started to tickle my sides, just as some horses cantered into the area.

"Come on Yugi lets ride!" He jumped onto a horses back and galloped off, I followed his example and followed.

"Get back here!" I yelled laughing, it felt like I had lived here my entire life but there was still a whole in my chest that was yet to be filled, I kept trying to remember what it was but nothing ever came to mind.

"Catch me if you can!" Heba called back but slowed his pace to a trot "Yugi you looked troubled" he said concerned "is everything alright" a small headache formed in the back of my head.

"Yeah I'm fine Heba" I nodded but he didn't look convinced, but just shrugged.

"Okay let's go see what the others are doing" he jrged his horse on and cantered down the hill, the headache was a migraine now.

"Okay!" I laughed and just tried to ignore the pain.

**Yami's P.O.V**

I sat on the chair next to the hospital bed, staring at my love scared at all the wires that stuck into his arms "oh
Yugi" I whispered, the door flew open and the gang burst into the room, Tèa gave a small scream when she saw him, and the others all looked scared.

"You okay Yami?" Joey asked putting a hand on my shoulder I didn't hear him, all I could hear with the blood pending in my ears, Joey gave a sigh and pulled up a seat next to me, we sat there for a minute before Joey broke down into sobs.

"Yug! you got to wake up bud!" He yelled and Kaiba came and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll take him home" Kaiba said and I gave him a small nod, he picked up Joey bridal style before walking out the door, Marik and Mailk looked at me with a concerned expression.

"It's all my fault" I whispered putting my head into my arms "I should of helped him"

**Bakura's P.O.V** (oh look another view change, sorry about these, ill try to make less use of them)

I watched the smoke that made and image of the dream land that I had trapped Yugi in "the plan is almost complete" I laughed "he's almost mine" a stood up off my throne and clapped my hands, the demons that took forms of humans in the dream land zapped into the room "its time for step 2" I pointed at the one that looked like Seth and Jono "you two wipe his memories" I looked over at Mana and Marik "you don't have any need" they let out a scream as I waved my hand and they exploded into dust "and you" I looked over at 'Heba'

"What is it master" he mumbled bowing.

"I want you to be the one who does the process" I grinned and the demon nodded.

"We will do what you wish" the three remaining demons disappeared and I sat back down onto my throne to watch the show unfold.

"Hey Jono, how are you Seth?" I watched as Yugi went up the others.

"Where good thanks" Seth said and Jono acted like he was about to take a bite out of an apple till Seth swiped it and handed it to Yugi.

"Hey!" Jono cried reaching for the apple, but Yugi giggled and took a bite, instantly his expression became confused then blank "good job" Jono laughed and Heba came around the corner, they both grabbed Yugi and appeared in my throne room again.

"Heba finish it" the demon nodded "begone you two" the Jono and Seth faded away into the darkness, Heba started to chant and dark smoke moved around Yugi's body "yes" I whispered "yes!" Lightning crackled inside the smoke and Yugi let out a scream before sitting up and grinning, his eyes where two different colours one pure black and the other his normal purple colour.

"What's going on?" he asked and when he saw me he grinned "ah hello Bakura" he looked over at the Heba demon and it gave a small squeak under Yugi's gaze before turning into dust "it feels good to be here"

"Yes it is good to see that you have taken the change well" I laughed and he nodded before standing and running into my arms and kissing my cheek "and it's good to se that you have taken that change as well" a hugged him back and put my chin on his shoulder and giving him a none to innocent kiss on his neck, he gave a small shiver and pleasure.

"It's good to back in your arms my love" he whispered "but I cannot stay"

"What do you mea-" I started but a knife moved and stabbed me in the heart, I doubled over in pain and Yugi took a step back "why my love" I begged and he just gave me and evil grin, his two different eyes shinning in the dark.

"I don't like to be used as a love puppet" he whispered and the last thing I saw was the knife flying straight for my head.

**Yugi's P.O.V**

I laughed crazily as the knife stabbed Bakura in the head, something inside me had snapped maybe it was from being trapped or the fact that my personality was now spilt into two, on or the other

"Now it's time for little Yugi to wake up!" I giggled and the throne room disappeared ands hen I opened my eyes again I was in a hospital bed, I sat up slowly ignoring the pain, the first thing I saw was Yami holding onto my hand tightly and he was asleep, I grinned perfect.

"Yugi" he whispered and rolled over in his sleep still holding my hand, I ripped the wires out of my arms and flung the stupid oxygen mask off, I slid of the bed and moved to stand next to the window, I looked over and saw my old cloths folded on the end of the bed, I picked them up and quickly changed.

"Your Aibou is longer here" I grinned in the dark before giving Yami a small peck on the cheek before walking out of the room "it's time for Yugi to have some fun" I snuck out into the corridor and stuck to the walls, few moments later I was walking out into the fresh night air "wow escaping that place was easy" I said out loud "now where too go" I saw that there was a commotion going on just down the street "how about there"


Legacy: you wouldn't hurt me would you

Yugi: I'm evil!

Yami: my boyfriends evil!

Legacy: well it's time for me to leave *runs off*

Yami: get back here!!

Yugi: Legacy_Solider does not own Yu-Gi-Oh or the characters

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