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**Bakura's point of view**

I lay down on my bed thinking, but only one thing was on my mind at that time Yugi, the way his eyes danced in the light and his smile that could light up the whole room, the only thing that I desired was to have him in my arms and his lips on mine but one thing was keeping me from that. The pharaoh every time I tried to get close to Yugi to say how I felt about him the pharaoh his 'Yami' was always there to stop me, I was never going to hurt the boy but the pharaoh didn't trust me last time I had gotten close to Yugi he freaked out


I watched Yugi walk down the street he looked so beautiful, I moved out from the cover of the bushes and moved towards him, he looked up at me smiling "hello Bakura how are you today" their was no fear in his eyes, this boy was so forgiving, all the bad things that I had down to him and his friends had been forgotten to him.

"I'm very well thank you Yugi, do you mind if I walk with you?" He smiled an adorable smile at me.

"Sure thing Bakura we are friends" he took hold of my hand and pulled me along the sidewalk laughing at my expression "don't look so surprised" I grinned at him and laughed.

"I'm just not use to people being this friendly towards me" I said simply but some pain did leak into my voice, Yugi noticed instantly.

"Bakura are you okay, you look sad" he moved to brush some liquid from my eye "no crying okay I forgive you and isn't that enough?" It hurt to see him like this so beautiful but not mine, I held his hand to my cheek and closed my eyes, his skin so soft, but it was all gone when his hand was yanked from my grasp.

"What are you doing here" Yami growled, I just stood there and made my face bank "leave stay away from us!" Yugi fought against Yami but he had a tight grip on the boy.

"I'm sorry" and I walked off towards the cover of the bushes again, Yugi was telling Yami off for being rude but Yami just acted to be sorry he just wanted to protect his Hikari from the darkness which was me.


"I won't let you keep him any longer" I snarled and sat up from the bed "he will be mine" I opened the window and slipped out into the cool night air, it was refreshing but it didn't clear my head, the only thing that could do that was to have the boy in my arms, I started to walk down the street towards the game shop "you will be mine Yugi and by the end of the night you will be in my arms where you belong"

**Yugi's point of view**

I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweet, the dream that I had just had was anything from pretty, I shook my head and went to open a window to get some fresh air.

/Aibou are you okay?"/ Yami's concerned voice came through the mind link /Aibou?!/ he said once again after I didn't respond.

\I'm fine Yami\ he mentally sighed in relief \go back to sleep okay, it was just a bad dream, I'm fine now\

/okay my Hikari goodnight/ the mind link cut off, but I stayed by the window something compelled me to stay just a bit longer, I saw a familiar white haired friend walk down the side walk and stop at the front off the game shop, he must be lonely, everyone didn't really like him hanging around and Ryo was still scared of him even though he said he was sorry for all those bad things he did.

"Hey Bakura!" I half yelled, his head snapped up and looked at me "come over here" I motioned for him to walk forward he smiled and did so "can you climb up?" He nodded and took a running jump and managed to reach the window, I helped him up into the room "hello Bakura"

"Hello Yugi" he rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes "Yugi I have something to tell you" I nodded, I wasn't afraid of him he wouldn't hurt me.... would he? "Yugi I....I..I" I moved to sit beside him and held his hand.

"It's okay Bakura what is it?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Yugi I love you" I stared at him flabbergasted, his lips pressed against mine and his arms wrapped around waist, it felt nice but I pulled away.

"Bakura I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way" his eyes filled with sadness and he turned his head away from me "I'm so sorry" his arms fell back down to his sides and some small tears started to fall from his eyes.

"I know Yugi I was a fool to think you would feel the same" he stood up and moved towards the window, but stopped and looked at me smiling "but little Yugi I won't let you go that easy" I gulped and moved into the corner of the room "don't be afraid little Yugi I would never do anything to hurt you" the Millennium ring started to glow around his neck and the shadows started to form around him.

"Bakura please don't do this" I started to cry, he kneeled in front of me and forced me to look at him "please" he just grinned at me and the shadows moved closer and I let out a scream and then everything went black.

**Yami's point of view**

I jolted awake when Yugi's terror ran through the mind link /YUGI/ I yelled through the mind link but there was no response his mind and soul felt dead, I jumped out of bed and sprinted in Yugi's room "Yugi!" I stopped when I saw who was in the room "you" Bakura smiled at me "where is Yugi" he shook his head

"Now now pharaoh that's no way to act" I gritted my teeth and the eye of Anubis appeared on my forehead "let's not get nasty shall we"

"Where is he!" I yelled if anything had happened to my lovely Hikari I would never forgive forgive myself "tell me!" He just smiled at me and a small figure moved out from behind him.

"Aibou?" I spoke to the boy he looked like Yugi but his hair was black his purple tips where missing and an evil smile was on his face, he was wearing his normal cloths but instead of navy blue it was midnight black, I feel to my knees.

"Yugi, Aibou what did he do you you" I spoke softly and dark Yugi just laughed, oh his laugh so evil all the innocences and light was gone from it, my soul felt like it was suffocating and a million knifes where being stabbed into it.

"Is something wrong Yami" he spoke but his voice was so cold "is my appearance putting you off" he held onto Bakuras arm and Bakura just stood there smiling at my pain and my weakness.

"I thought we promised to keep the young ones out of this" my grief was now being replaced with anger, my light was now a shadow a dark and Bakura had made him like this.

"Yes but this was the only way" he jeered, I grabbed the puzzle from around my neck and held it in front of him.

"Take it just turn him back" I spoke my voice never wavering, but Bakura just shook his head.

"I have something much more powerful then that" he leaned down and kissed my Aibou, I took in a ragged breath but what really hurt the most was the fact the Yugi kissed back "goodbye your majesty" Bakura laughed and gripped Yugi's hand and jumped out of the window Yugi giggled and waved to me before running with Bakura out into the night, that's when the pain really hit.

I scream of pure agony and pain ripped itself from my throat "AIBOU COME BACK"

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