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A/N: This one-shot is set in Race to the Edge s1e10 Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 1. Heather and Hiccup talk in the stables and after sharing a hug, it leads to something more. Hope you enjoy it!

"Eat up girl. You'll need all your strength for what we've got coming."

Dusk had settled on Dragon's Edge, and Heather was caressing her Razorwhip, Windshear, along her snout before gesturing to the trough of sea slugs. Once Windshear began eating, Heather could hear the sound of a footstep and a metallic clanking, and she didn't even need to turn around to see that it was Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III.

"Heather, uh, we should talk,"

"Sure. About what?"

"About the ship, the one that you and Windshear destroyed."

Tensing, Heather's jaws clenched as she replied weakly. "Oh. That ship."

"Heather, what're you doing?"

Looking over her shoulder, Heather replied quickly. "I'm just taking care of business. It's nothing you need to worry about."

Grabbing her shoulder pauldron, Hiccup forced Heather to look him in the eyes as he remarked sternly. "But I do worry about it. If dragons are attacking ships, I worry."

Heather soon hugged herself, her countenance fell, and sadness encapsulated her. She wanted to trust Hiccup and tell him exactly why she was hunting for Dagur the Deranged, but she couldn't. There gets to be a point in people's lives that when they've been repeatedly harmed by others... they lack the innate ability to form meaningful trusting relationships, even when they yearn to connect. There's this constant internal dialogue taunting you, saying that you're destined to be alone, that everyone will leave you because everyone always has. It becomes a game of fighting yourself and somehow reversing negative beliefs you've held for years.

And Heather has been trapped in that game ever since Dagur and his Berserkers massacred her village and took away her family.

"Look, Hiccup, a lot has happened in the last few years. We're not kids anymore," she then added bitterly, "everything's changed."

Shaking his head softly, Hiccup retorted. "This isn't you. It can't be!"

"It is now," Heather replied coldly, "the last time you saw me, I—" unable to even find the words, the raven-haired beauty groaned. "Nevermind. I-If you want me to leave—"

Placing a gentle hand on her back, Heather looked into the eyes of her friend, who had certainly grown far more handsome than he had any right to be. "I didn't say that. No, whatever it is that you're going through, we can help. All of us," referring to both himself and the Riders of Berk, Hiccup continued to speak soft, yet firm words of comfort. "There's always another way, Heather, you don't have to go whatever it is that you're going through alone." Feeling a pleasant warmth in her belly and giving Berk's heir a genuine smile, Heather couldn't help herself as she wrapped her arms around him, embracing him fiercely. Their shadows became entwined, as they were in this moment of comfort.

"You're so sweet," nuzzling into his neck, she murmured with heartfelt gratitude. "Thank you, Hiccup. You've always been a great friend to me."

Heather had forgotten that there are genuine people like Hiccup out there. She's gotten to such a low point that, even though she's in the company of friendly people, she doesn't think she belongs with them. She believes she's been cast out alone, and that's how life will continue. But now, as she's in the arms of this kind, caring, and strong Viking, Heather wanted to be in Hiccup's arms for as long as she had. Her path of vengeance could very well lead to her getting killed, and if she was to meet a warrior's end, so be it, but before she met her end on her quest of avenging those she held close to her heart, she wanted to be with one she has been thinking about for three long years— Hiccup Haddock III.

"I'm here for you, Heather, and so are the others. We'll help you out— mmph!"

Breaking their embrace, Heather then took a leap of faith by taking Hiccup's face in her hands and going in for a deep, passionate kiss. Hiccup's eyes were wide and a deep blush graced his cheeks as Heather kissed him. He could feel her tongue skating along his lips, begging him to let her in, and soon enough, Hiccup melted into the kiss, opening his mouth and moaning softly as Heather's tongue entangled with his own. Hiccup's hands soon found themselves wrapped tightly along her lower back, crushing her body against his as the two of them kissed heatedly.

The sudden sound of Toothless barking out in greetings to Windshear caused the two to break their kiss and look at their dragons who were playing around. Smiling softly at the sight, Heather looked back at Hiccup and took his hand before asking softly. "Do you think we can take this somewhere... private?"

"Follow me."

Leading Heather to his hut, Hiccup could scarcely believe that this was happening, he only wanted to comfort his friend, and now this had taken a completely different turn and it would soon lead to something more than just friendship between the two of them. Once they were away from prying eyes, Heather pushed Hiccup against the door of his hut and continued to kiss him deeply, Hiccup returned her enthusiasm, kissing her with fervor while carefully unfastening her sharp, Razorwhip shoulder pauldrons and forearm gauntlets.

Laughing lightly against his lips at his carefulness, Heather teased him. "Scared you might get cut, Haddock?"

"That and losing a hand, yeah."

Sharing a laugh, Hiccup watched as Heather undid her Razorwhip scaled skirt and let it fall to the floor before grabbing him by the front of leather armor and bringing him in for another kiss. As Heather began undoing Hiccup's armor, his hands began to wander and roam his friend, now lover's body. With her Razorwhip skirt out of the way, Hiccup's hands took two handfuls of her pert backside and began to squeeze, causing Heather to moan in approval as she finally managed to undo most of his leather armor. They separated only to remove the remainder of their clothing until the two of them were naked.

Feeling self-conscious as Hiccup eyed her, Heather tried to cover herself, but Hiccup stopped her. "Don't you dare hide from me," leaning in, he murmured against her ear while caressing her shoulders and arms. "You're beautiful, Heather. Despite everything you've gone through and suffered, you're desirable." Touched by his words, Heather kissed him again and moaned at the feeling of their naked flesh melding together. As their kisses grew more heated and lust-filled, Hiccup lifted Heather off of her feet and carried her up the stairs of his hut and to his bed. The move surprised the raven-haired beauty, although Hiccup wasn't the most physically imposing Viking, he was still strong, and Heather was thrilled in that.

Carefully setting his lover down along his bed of furs, Hiccup loomed over her and took a moment to admire the naked beauty splayed out on his bed. Her smile was infectious, a blush graced her cheeks, and her chest heaved softly in anticipation.

"Gods, look at you," Hiccup breathed softly before leaning down and kissing along her face and jawline. "I don't expect anything in return for this, Heather. But right now, let me make you feel cherished, safe, and loved." Heather's reply was a moan as Hiccup gently cupped her mound. His fingers softly raked the neatly trimmed triangle of hair before grazing her wet folds.


Closing her eyes and giving in to the pleasurable sensations washing over her, Heather allowed herself to trust Hiccup in this most and make her feel safe and wanted. Murmuring reassuring words against her ear, Hiccup began to fondle her labia with his fingers until she was wet enough for him to slide fingers inside of her. Grabbing lean, wiry arms, Heather held on for dear life as Hiccup gently pumped his fingers inside of her, each thrust was almost a reassurance that told Heather that he wasn't going to hurt her in any way. She could feel tears swelling in her eyes rapidly, both because of the overwhelming pleasure she was experiencing and because of Hiccup's tender affection.

The mix of emotions, feelings, and pleasures Heather was experiencing led to her reaching a premature climax. She let out a choked cry of pleasure, burying her face into the crook of Hiccup's neck as he loomed over her to keep all of Dragon's Edge from hearing her. Now covered in a light sheen of sweat and panting heavily, Heather could see Hiccup smiling down on her with a tenderness that made the tears she was fighting back spill.

"Heather? Are you alright?"

His concern for her made her heart beat faster and she nodded furiously while wiping her tears away. "I'm fine, Hiccup. It's just... that felt so good," it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either.

At that moment, as the two came together for more kisses and caressing naked flesh, Heather imagined if she gave up her quest for vengeance and joined the Riders of Berk, and... being Hiccup's woman. It was a beautiful thought, now that Heather thought about it— a home, surrounded by people who would welcome her with open arms, and have a partner to have your back in whatever circumstances you found yourself in. But the horrors and atrocities she'd witnessed at the hands of Dagur had stained her mind and ambitions. Now, with her current interest in seeing Dagur pay for what he's done, Heather knew that Hiccup would disapprove of her motives and argue that what she's doing isn't justified. Despite the good she's done in distributing the thieving vessels of the goods they had to the victims of those who suffered at the hands of Dagur, she's made and will make wrong choices that hurt others walking down this path. But given her background and the tragedy she's suffered, Heather prayed that Hiccup and the other riders could be understanding given her painful circumstances. After all, they're Vikings, revenge is part of their way of life.

And frankly, the fear of always being alone, that suspicion even the nicest people will have to leave you behind, nice people like Hiccup, it is HARD AS HELHEIM to unlearn.

Heather pushed away such negative thoughts and wanted this to last for as long as possible. At this moment, Hiccup was the only person in all of Midgard that was making her feel like she could leave behind vengeance and a life of loneliness, and try to live for a brighter future. As their kisses grew more heated, Heather flipped them over, causing Hiccup to let out a sound of surprise. Now straddling her lover, the raven-haired beauty placed her hands on his chest and began to grind against his cock, which was painfully erect.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do—"

Placing a finger against his lips, Heather smiled at Hiccup, acknowledging him before reassuring him. "I want this, Hiccup. I want you," reaching down for his cock, Heather ground herself against him before slowly raising herself up and then slowly taking him inside of her, inch by pain taking inch until they were flushed together. Both sharing a moan, Heather closed her eyes and bit her lower lip, savoring just how big and warm he felt inside of her. "Good gods, Hiccup!" Gasping in pleasure, Heather's hands returned to his chest and she slowly began to ride him.

"Mmm, yes. Heather, you're so tight."

Hiccup's hands, which were on her thighs soon moved to palm her pert breasts, causing Heather to moan in delight as he kneaded his lover's supple mounds like dough. His ministrations were a welcome distraction from the initial pain of having her lover inside of her, but the sting soon faded, and Heather, despite her best efforts to stay quiet began moaning in pleasure as she began to ride him at a pace that she favored and savoring Hiccup's hands on her breasts.

Laughing softly, Hiccup teased Heather. "Do you want the others to hear just how well a hiccup can please a woman?"

His words caused Heather to laugh as she then leaned down and smirked playfully. "And if I do, what then?"

"Then I think you'll bruise Snotlout's ego,"

Laughing together, Hiccup then leaned up and suddenly wrapped his arms around her lower back and kissed Heather soundly, causing her to return his kiss and wrap her arms around his neck while continuing to ride him. The blistering heat, the whirlwind of emotions, and the easygoing atmosphere between the two of them made Heather so relaxed that she wanted to stay in this tender, intimate moment she was sharing with Hiccup forever. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and despite what Heather wanted, she knew that if she didn't stop Dagur, he would just keep going on a killing spree and hurt others the way she was hurt.

Hiccup's attentions snapped Heather out of her thoughts as he then kissed between the valley of her breasts and along her toned stomach, causing Heather to arch back, and ride him at a harder pace. Their current position was so intimate, that eye contact was unavoidable unless either of them closed their eyes or buried their faces into each other's necks. Heather, however, watched as Hiccup worked with her rhythm, thrusting up into her while mouthing at her breasts and groping her backside.

"H-Hiccup, I'm close!"

"Same!" He growled softly along her right breast before taking her nipple in her mouth and tugging the swollen bud gently with his teeth. Savoring the sharp cry of pleasure that elicited from Heather, Hiccup felt her ride him frantically now, desperate for release. "That's a good girl," he cooed before smiling at her. "Are you close?" Nodding furiously, Heather ground herself against him as hard as she could, feeling the coil within her ready to snap. "Let go, Heather." And let go she did. She came with a sharp cry, one that Hiccup silenced with a deep, passionate kiss. Returning his kiss, Heather's cry intensified when she felt her lover thrusting up into her before pulling out of her and bursting his seed along her backside and the small of her back.

Falling on top of Hiccup, sweaty and panting heavily, Heather began to feather her lover's face with kisses before kissing him soundly, one that Hiccup returned. Now entwined together, the two lovers placed their right hands together before lacing their fingers and enjoying the afterglow of their intercourse.

"How are you feeling?"

Pressing a soft kiss against his chest, Heather looked up at Hiccup and gave him a warm smile. "I'm great. Because of you," kissing his cheek, she then murmured. "Thank you, for being there for me." Nodding at her, the two shared another kiss and simply laid together, naked and entwined.

Heather wished that this moment could last a little longer, but she needed to get her rest before meeting with Johann and finding out exactly where Dagur was located. Even after what they shared and even though she knew she could count on Hiccup and the others for support, Heather wanted to face Dagur alone, and she couldn't do that if Hiccup was insistent on following her. And so she decided to tire him out and keep him from following her.

Trailing a hand down his toned stomach, Heather spoke in a sultry tone. "I hope you aren't done yet, Hiccup. Because I'm not through with you yet." She playful smile then turned to grin when she felt Hiccup's cock twitch in excitement at her touch.

"I just hope you can keep up," he shot back playfully.

"Oh, you're on."

The two came together and continued in their tryst until they were sleeked in sweat and unable to move. As she settled into Hiccup's embrace, Heather had never felt safer in all her life. It would be so easy to forsake vengeance, and just become a Rider of Berk and possibly explore the possibility of being in a relationship with Hiccup. Unfortunately, vengeance had consumed her, and she needed to see Dagur's innards spilled and become food for crows. And so she would leave her lover and Dragon's Edge under the cover of darkness and seek out Johann and see her family and tribe avenged


The early morning darkness allowed Heather to move to the stables and lock the pens of her friend's dragons. She felt awful for doing it, but she couldn't let them stop her from seeing this done. As she began to lock Stormfly's pen, the Deadly Nadder began to awaken, but Heather cooed reassuring words to Astrid's dragon, telling her that it was okay.

"Sorry guys. Nothing personal," Heather sighed after lifting her face veil over her mouth and ran to Windshear who was waiting for her. Taking one last look at Hiccup's hut, the raven-haired beauty closed her eyes and murmured. "I'm sorry, Hiccup. But I need to do this alone." She Heather mounted Windshear and took to the sky, wishing that the circumstances were different and that she wasn't consumed by loss and revenge.

Heather, however, failed to realize that Toothless was hanging upside down like a bat while obscuring Hiccup in his wings. Once he was on his dragon's back, Hiccup patted his dragon's jaw. "Okay, bud, let's get some answers." The duo took to the sky, slowly trailing Heather and Windshear. Whatever was going on with Heather and why she was being so secretive, Hiccup was determined to get to the bottom of it. Because the last thing he wanted was for his lover to get herself killed, and that wasn't something he wanted to think about, not after what they shared.

A/N: So, what did you think? I'm gonna try doing some other one-shots in the future maybe pairing Snotlout up with Minden, or Astrid with Eret, just for the sake of spicing things up. Some of you may not like it, some of you might. Regardless, I'm gonna write what I want. Anyway, I gotta get back to working on my other stories!

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