thirty five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Delaney wasn't surprised that she was the last person to arrive at the parking lot.

First, she'd had to lose her guard. Then she had her first taxi driver drop her off at some out-of-the-way place, just in case her guard had managed to track her taxi, and proceeded to walk on for ten minutes before hailing a second taxi to take her to the airport. She was probably being over-cautious, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The caution was worth the reward of seeing the faces of her friends. 

Delaney gave a crow of pure delight when she saw Clint, and ran straight for him, hurtling into his arms. He held her back, lifting her a little off her feet.

"It's good to see you again," she breathed. "Though, I'd rather have been reunited under better circumstances."

"You and me both. Retirement was far too short. The kids are going to be upset that I bailed on them."

"Ah, buy them a whole load of souvenirs from Russia. They'll forgive you."

Clint chuckled.

Delaney greeted Sam and Wanda next; she clasped Sam's hand, and embraced Wanda. Delaney make a quick inquiry into Wanda's well-being and scrutinised the younger girl's face as she answered, she she could be sure that Wanda wasn't lying. Delaney was relieved with what she found. Though she could tell Wanda was guilty over what she'd done to Vision, she was in a good headspace.

Steve kissed her on the cheek, and Delaney found herself confronted with Bucky Barnes for the first time. She smiled, unsure what to say or do. Bucky was paying particular close attention to her. No surprise. His best friend had just kissed her.

"So you're the famous Delaney Esquivel," he said. "Steve has told me a lot about you."

"Oh yeah? Good things?"

He laughed and outstretched his hand. "Enough to make me anxious to meet you. It's nice to finally do so."

Warmth flooded Delaney's body as she returned the gesture. "You as well, Bucky."

It was important to her, that Bucky liked her. Steve and Bucky were so close. She was glad that the last living person from Steve's past approved of her. She could tell they'd become good friends in the future.

Finally, she was introduced to Scott Lang, or Ant-Man, as he had introduced himself to Sam. Delaney took a liking to him instantly, especially since he seemed unfazed by her powers and greeted her like an old friend.

She could've stayed there for hours, getting to know Bucky and Scott, or talking to Clint and Wanda, but unfortunately time – especially hours – was a luxury they did could not afford. So when Bucky said, "We should get moving," Delaney resigned herself to the fact that she'd have to put time aside later to properly meet and greet the newcomers.

Clint nodded. "I got a chopper lining up."

As he spoke, alarms started to sound throughout the complex, and civilians started to move out in drones.

Bucky frowned. "They're evacuating the airport."

"Stark," Steve muttered.

Delaney's stomach clenched. "Tony?"

The mere name made her feel faint.

She'd been steeling herself for the time she'd have to confront all the consquences of her decision, but she'd thought she wouldn't have to even think about the situation until after their incursion to Russia. And even then, her reflection would occur while on her own, in some old building, where she had space to breathe and let her emotions loose.

She was not ready to face him, Natasha, and Rhodey now. In battle. She felt like a primary school kid in a high school honours class.

"Suit up," Steve said. He caught Delaney's arm as everyone dispersed to get ready, concern evident in the crease between his brows. "Are you okay?"

Delaney closed her eyes. "Fine... I'm just nervous about having to confront them. I wish this whole event didn't have to pass."

Steve pulled her into a hug.

"I understand. I'd rather avoid this, too. But the fate of the world lies in our hands."

"I know. That'll be the only thing that gets me through this fight."

He kissed her, and Delaney melted into it. Just knowing Steve and the others had her back made Delaney feel stronger.

This was where she found her true strength. In people. In their bonds. That meant more to her than anything else, after so many years in isolation and being denied true, close human contact and companionship.

Four walls made a house, she'd realised. A home was created by those who lived with you.

Their group quickly changed into clothes appropriate for battle and created a plan. Delaney agreed to join Sam and Bucky on the upper levels. It was with her knives and single gun strapped to her waist that she stood by the window beside Sam, watching what transpired below with bated breath.

Safe to say that things weren't going well. Steve had been surrounded by the others – including a figure Delaney recognised as King T'Challa of Wakanda , and a blue-and-red clad youthful figure she didn't know – after their ride was destroted.

Samn located alternate transport in the form of the nearby Quinjet. When he did so, Scott provided a method of intervention, and they all split up toward all the areas Delaney's team had located.

The youth she'd spotted earlier can swinging toward her group. Literally swinging from webs, like a spider.

"What the hell was that?" Bucky spluttered as their trio ran.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Sam grumbled.

Delaney gave a sudden gasp. "Hey, weren't there videos of some spider-like crime fighter going around on Youtube -"

Before she could speak much more, the boy – for he looked far too lithe to be an adult – swung through the window, sending glass shattering in all directions. As Delaney threw her arms out to shield her head from the waterfall of sharp glass, their assailant landed a solid kick to her midsection. Delaney coughed as she was sent flying back; she just had enough time to register her shock that holy crap this kid is strong before she landed heavily on the floor, and her back crashed against a pole.

Stars danced before her eyes, but Delaney had suffered worse in training. She leapt to her feet and whipped out a knife, spinning it confidently in her hand before she ran to engage once again.

The boy had gripped Bucky's artificial arm, in a grip that Bucky couldn't shake. "You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude -"

Inexperienced. Has be even been in a fight before?

Delaney thought this boy was quite cute, but they only had limited time left to them, and she couldn't take it easy. She threw her knife, aiming just behind the boy – she had absolutely no intention to hurt him, or anyone else. She just aimed for surprise.

And that was what happened: in his shock, the boy spun around to locate the projectile that had shot past him, and his grip on Bucky's arm slackened. Sam utilised the opportunity to fly forward, activating his wings and sending both himself and the boy flying through the air.

"You have the right to remain silent!" she could hear the boy yell, and she couldn't help but laugh.

Why did Tony bring a youth to this fight?

Well, there was no stopping him by use of her powers: no doubt Tony had made sure this boy was protected. That would make things longer, but not unachievable.

Bucky had scrambled to his feet. Delaney picked up her discarded knife and they nodded at each other before following Sam.

Delaney didn't quite pay attention what was going on up ahead as they sprinted over the tiled ground, leaping over obstacles and skidding across the ground. As they neared Delaney looked properly and saw Sam fly off, and the youth crouch on a metal beam.

"I got this," Bucky said to her.

Delaney blinked, her mouth falling open as Bucky grabbed something very heavy in his metal arm – something she definitely could not have moved an inch, and lunged it at the boy, who leapt out of the way with a shout.

Super solider serum. Out of everyone present on the airport, Delaney knew only Steve could also have accomplished that feat.

Webbing shot out of a device connected to the boy's wrist, which latched itself to the object Bucky had thrown. "Hey buddy, I think you lost this!"

Delaney gasped and saw Bucky peer out behind the pillar where he'd taken shelter. "Bucky, get back!" she screeched, and he did just that before the object hurtled into the pillar, landing where he had been just seconds ago.

Sam took off, knocking the boy off his perch and once more sending them both flying through the air. Delaney followed quickly, Bucky soon catching up with her thanks to his superhuman speed.

They found Sam had been trapped against a glass barrier, both his hands pinned to the structure by the webbing. And the two were talking. Delaney chuckled to herself. He's a good fighter, I will easily admit that, but he's still got a lot to learn.

The boy took off. Delaney aimed at the webbing and threw her knife, the blade cutting clean through the material and for a moment, sending the boy plummeting uncontrollably through the air before he shot more of the stuff at the ceiling. It still wasn't enough to protect Sam: as Bucky jumped in front of him, the youth's leg just managed to connect with their bodies, sending them falling to the ground below.

Delaney grabbed a second knife as Bucky too was pinned to the ground, webbing securing his metal arm to the floor. Delaney peered out behind a column, grinning to herself. The boy had forgotten about her.

Not surprising, really. Bucky and Sam had done the most in this fight while she had been a background figure.

The boy was babbling on about impressing Tony. Delaney's gaze narrowed in, locating a good place to throw her knife. One disadvantage about her weapon of choice: it was difficult to throw and not hurt someone.

Distract first. Then engage.

Delaney chose to throw it before the boy's eyes. She nodded to herself, took a second to aim, and then with her well-practiced hand hurtled the knife with incredible speed.

The suddenness and speed of her weapon caused the boy to jump back, his eyes following the knife's path. As he did so Redwing – Sam's little robot, soared through the air and, as the boy released webbing, flew in its path. Redwing continued to fly through the air, sending the boy flying off with it, both crashing through the window and landing somewhere on the outside.

Delaney breathed and dashed to the others, who were struggling against their unusual bindings. She caught a snippet of their words, something along the lines of, "You could've done that earlier." "I hate you."

"My, my, look at you two bugs caught in the spider's web," Delaney drawled. She stood over them, hands folded across her chest and smirking.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Tease us later, Lane, we're on a bit of a tight schedule."


Delaney knelt down by Bucky as cut away the webbing with her knife, then freed Sam's wings and arms from the stuff. She couldn't help but admire it as she worked. Had the boy made it himself, she wondered? It was incredibly strong material – the scientist buried within her was working overtime, calculating just how he could have accomplished such a feat.

"Come on, you lazy lugs," she said, and helped Sam to his feet. "Steve needs us."

They dashed out of the building and entered the open air. Delaney caught the others running, in one group. She, Sam, and Bucky veered to join them and they were like a pack of wolves; dangerous, with a common goal in moan.

"There's our ride!" Clint called, pointing.

He indicated a hanger, where the Quinjet was parked.

"Come on!" Steve urged.

They sprinted harder, the way clear, and Delaney could taste opportunity on her tongue –

Until their way was barred by a sudden jet of light. They skidded to a halt and saw Vision float ahead.

"Captain Rogers," the Vision called. He had some strange authority to his voice, a type that never failed to get everyone near him to listen to his words. "I know you believe what you're doing is right. But, for the collective good, you must surrender now."

Tony, Natasha, Rhodey, T'Challa, the youth and Vision grouped in front of them, the final barrier between them and these super-soldiers that could possibly be unleashed against the world.

Time seemed to come to a stop. Delaney's hands were clammy, her heart in her throat. She could barely breathe as she took in the faces of her friends, all who were ready to stop her and everyone on her side of the divide. She couldn't bear to meet Tony's eyes (that would cause her heart to rip to pieces), and she definitely could not look at Natasha (forget her heart – her very soul would splinter).

Nonetheless, she reached her shaking hands down and clenched the hilts of two of her knives. She produced them, feeling slightly faint, yet determined.

We have to do this, for the good of the world.

Yet she couldn't stop trembling in her boots.

She absolutely detested this. She wanted to run to the others right then and apologise – which she would have done, if the fate of the world didn't hang in the balance.

"What do we do, Cap?" Scott asked.

Steve looked grimly at the others, their teammates, their friends – people who were practically brothers and sisters – who stood just before them and ready to do battle.

When he spoke, his voice was grim.

"We fight."


The fight passed in a blur.

Delaney didn't want to recall most of it. She didn't want to recall clashing weapons against her friends – seeing the knives Tony fashioned for her make deep scratches in his armour; see Clint and Natasha fight; see Rhodey bear down at her before Sam drew him away. She stuck close to Steve: they both knew they were better like this, together, working as one unit. They knew each other inside out, and it was as effortless as breathing.

It had been a relief to fight the young boy once again. He was a stranger, someone she didn't have inside jokes with or knew secrets of, or shared pizza with as they laughed about a movie.

Eventually she found herself crouched behind a crate with Steve and Bucky. All three of them were breathless, sweat drenching their foreheads. Delaney peered over the side. Neither side was making much progress – they were still even. She could literally feel time slip from her hands like water through her fingers.

"We've got to go," Steve breathed.

Bucky agreed. "That guy's probably in Siberia by now."

"We need a plan, fast," Delaney said.

Steve frowned and surveyed the situation at hand.

"I'm going to draw all the fliers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet."

"No, you get to the jet!" Sam called over the comms. "Both of you, and Delaney as well! She might just be our one chance to stop them in their tracks. The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

Delaney felt a fit of cold fear in her stomach. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Sam was right: if the soldiers didn't have the protection against her ability, then she'd be able to make them literally freeze in their tracks. If there was that chance she could so easily stop this horrid future from unfurling, she most of all needed to reach Siberia.

But if it meant sacrificing the others? Her family? The people she'd vowed that she would never abandon again?


"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're going to win this one, some of us might have to lose it," Clint agreed.

"No!" Delaney shrieked. It was the image of Clint, her oldest and closest friend, in chains because of her that made her hyperventilate. Her skin crawled, desperation clawing at her chest like some savage beast. She could feel frustrated tears pool in her eyes and she wanted nothing more than to punch something. "I'm not leaving my family. Not again!"

"Lane," Sam said gently yet insistently, "This isn't the real fight. You know that."

Delaney opened her mouth, but closed it again. Her hands balled into fists, her arms shaking with the force of her anger. Not at Clint, but herself, for being helpless yet again while her friends suffered.

First Sokovia, Pietro, Wakanda – now this?

She bit her lip so hard that she drew blood. Delaney rested her head on Steve's shoulder and breathed in, trying to steel herself.

"Fine," she said, between gritted teeth.

She hated that she had to accept this damn awful idea – but if it was their only opportunity to stop a horrible future occurring, what other choice did they have?

Steve squeezed her arm then spoke once more into the comm. "Alright, Sam, what's the plan?"

"We need a diversion, something big."

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long," Scott piped up. His breathing became laboured – it was as though he was sprinting. Delaney squinted around the battlefield, trying to find him, but he was nowhere in sight. Perhaps he was tiny at that current moment. "On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me."

"He's tearing himself in half?" Bucky echoed, while Delaney spluttered incoherently.

"Are you absolutely certain it is necessary to do this?" she exclaimed.

"I do it all the time. I mean once... in a lab. And I passed out."

"Scott -"

Before she could say much more, a spectacle burst to life before their very eyes: Scott Lang, growing to the size of a giant within the span of a few seconds, towering over them like a mountain. Delaney gaped. She suddenly felt very small and insignificant.

"I guess that's the signal," Steve said blankly.

He, Delaney, and Bucky locked eyes, before they all pushed themselves off from their position and ran like one-hundred metre sprinters toward the hanger.

Delaney's muscles burned with the intensity she was running, but she had put herself through gruelling training, and her body was more than up to the task. She pumped her arms faster, Steve and Bucky pulling slightly ahead of her due to their superhuman speed. Steve reached a hand out behind him and Delaney latched onto it, her legs flying across the group in a manner she'd never experienced to the point she almost felt like they were flying.

A jet of light shot overhead, severing a tower structure near the hanger, meaning to close the entrance to the Quinjet. Delaney cried out, her spirit sinking, but soon picking up again when she noticed the red light from Wanda's hands catch the debris mid-air and hold it there.

Thank you, Wanda, Delaney thought in her mind. I owe you one when this is over.

Just hurry! I'm about – AH!

Their connection cut off, Wanda's piercing screams filling the air. Delaney whipped her hair behind her to see her friend clutch her head as though it was about to explode, an expression of utmost agony contorting her features.

"Wanda!" she screamed, but knew she could do nothing. They had another objective in mind, one that involved leaving the others behind.

Delaney gnashed her teeth together and let a single tear fall from her eyes as they ran through the hanger, just in time to avoid being crushing by the falling debris.

We'll come back for them. We will. Once this is over, there is no way we'll let them remain locked up for this.

Delaney blinked and looked up. Her heart dropped into her stomach as their trio slowed. There was one final obstacle, and it couldn't have be worse.


Along with Clint, her oldest friend. The person who had always been there for her, her constant, steadfast friend, now their final obstacle to escaping.

Natasha's face was expressionless. "You going to stop?"

"You know I can't."

Natasha sighed. "I'm going to regret this."

She raised her arm.

Delaney was crumbling from the inside. "Nat," she whispered, in a voice so desperate that just hearing it come from her mouth made Delaney want to cry. She was begging, searching for a sight of Natasha's soul, her own so very close to shattering. In that one moment, Delaney felt as fragile as glass. "Please, listen -"

Natasha fired.

Delaney tensed, waiting for the inevitable moment she froze and could no longer move, but the shot never came. She gasped and turned around. Her mouth fell open.

Natasha hadn't aimed at them. She'd aimed at T'Challa, who had followed them.

"Go," Natasha urged.

Delaney caught the eyes of the other two. They didn't need a further prompt; their hearts in their chests, they clambered into the Quinjet.

Delaney made eye contact with Natasha one last time before the doors closed between them. I'm sorry, she thought, putting all emotions into her words in a way she never could have done if she'd just spoken the words aloud. There was always something raw about communicating directly via one's mind, where you had no chance of withholding anything.

Natasha smiled. It was a little sad.

I know, Delaney. I understand.

Delaney smiled hesitantly back, and wiped away her tears before she turned and ran to join Steve and Bucky.

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