Chapter 11

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In Andersen's Office....

Andersen: You are hereby banished. 

Flukey stayed silent as Andersen continued. 

Andersen: My orders were for you to investigate the power station. Not destroy it. Thanks to your little display up there, the power station was damaged beyond repair. All those materials, those facilities, gone. Wiped off the map. Two months. Those resources could have supported the entire Ark for two months. Now it's all been flushed down the drain, thanks to you and those Nikkes. Do you have anything to say for yourself? 

Flukey: No. No I do not. No matter I say I'm still gonna be banished. One thing about a higher-up, when they make a decision, not even God can make them change their mind. 

Andersen: Hm. I figured as much. Nothing you say could possibly excuse what you've done here. As of today, you and your squad are to be driven out of the Ark and banished to the Outpost. A barren wasteland. No man's land. But don't worry yourself too much. There are at least some resources available there. And I'll arrange an escort for you. Consider yourselves lucky I haven't thrown you all into a rehabilitation center. 

As Andersen talked, Flukey could care less what he was saying and instead was thinking about Rapi, Anis, and Neon. 

Flukey: What about my Nikkes? They're being repaired as we speak right? 

Andersen: Yes. They're undergoing maintenance and will be joining you once that is all finished. Now go pack your things and get out of my sight. 

Flukey simply gave a nod and left and got ready to head for the Outpost. 

A short time later with Andersen and Ingrid....

Andersen: Any update on the combat report? 

Ingrid: I've just finished analyzing it. 

Andersen: Well? 

Ingrid: Commander Flukey's certainly exceeded my expectations. When his Nikkes needed him the most, he pulled through and gave orders while composed despite the danger he was in. What surprised me the most was Rapi's report of him. How he saved her from getting her head shot by a Rapture and him helping her walk all the way back to the Ark. 

Andersen: Yes. It seems my assumption of Commander Flukey was right. He truly is different from all the other Commanders in his class. I'm glad he didn't allow the academy's brainwashing to corrupt his mind. 

Ingrid: I agree. A Commander as rare as Flukey should be protected and nurtured properly.

Andersen: Hence why I had him sent to the Outpost as a form of "punishment". It should keep him out of the eyes of the all-seeing Central Government. At least for a while. 

Ingrid: Hm. One more thing. 

Andersen: I assume you're referring to how those Raptures were able to operate human machinery? 

Ingrid: Could it mean that they're evolving? 

Andersen: What's their end game? 

Ingrid: It's one of two possibilities. They either want to wipe out the entire human race. Or they want to replace them. 

Some time later at the Outpost....

Some time had passed and Flukey was now at the Outpost via the escort that Andersen arranged. 

Flukey: So....this is the Outpost. Certainly what Andersen described as a barren wasteland. But it's my new home now and honestly I'm okay with that. The Ark always was a bit claustrophobic to me. 

There were only two buildings in the Outpost was the Dormitory and the Command Center. 

Out of the two, Flukey decided to check the dormitory first and see if it was decent enough for his Nikkes to stay at. Inside it was....manageable but could obviously be better. 

Then Flukey went to go check the Command Center and as expected it was a lot better than the dormitory. It even had running water which was gonna be a problem.

Flukey then remembered hearing about a construction group called Mighty Tools that excels at building and fixing just about anything. Once he gets himself together, he'll be sure to get in touch with them.

After he left the Command Center, he looked to see that his Nikkes had finally arrived. 

Flukey: *Smiles* Girls glad you could make it. 

Rapi: Maintenance took a little longer than expected but we came here as soon as we were done. 

Anis: So this is our new home huh? It's a lot worse than I imagined. 

Neon: I think it's pretty decent. Of course it could be better but it's not half-bad. 

Flukey: That's one way to look at it. The rations we have here are about to expire and there's next to no water running in the dormitory. The Command Center however does have water so you girls are more than willing to use it whenever you need it. 

Rapi, Anis, and Neon were pleased with Flukey's offer and then things took a serious turn when Anis spoke. 

Anis: Hey Commander....while getting repaired....I did some thinking and I wanna say....I'm sorry that I was such a bitch to you before. I thought that you were just another self-centered Commander who'd no sooner kick a Nikke to the curb than take a few seconds to check on their well-being. But after seeing what you did back at the power station. Saving Rapi's life and taking charge, making sure we all made it out of that alive. That alone showed me that you really care about us. To be honest, you did a lot more for me and Rapi today than our old Commanders ever did. So again, I'm really sorry for my behavior and I hope you continue to be my Commander and take care of me. 

The tone in Anis's voice was one of sincerity and vulnerability, a complete turn-around from her harsh and cynical outlook. 

Respecting Anis's maturity, Flukey next did something that once again shocked his Nikkes: 

He walked up to Anis and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug in the process. 

This understandably shocked Anis since she wasn't used to this type of affection, or any affection at all but she didn't hate it as her cheeks turned a bright red and even hugged Flukey back. 

She hugged tighter but not too tight to avoid hurting him, showing that she really needed this and Flukey did too.

Flukey: Of course. And I will continue to be your Commander for as long as humanly possible.

Anis: Thanks Commander.

After a few seconds, they stopped hugging.

Neon: Um....Master....can I have a hug too?

Flukey: Sure.

He held his arms out and Neon wasted no time as she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and he wrapped his arm around her too as he petted her affectionately.

Neon felt giddy as she nuzzle her face into his chest abd he chuckled.

When they let go, Flukey turned to Rapi.

Flukey: You want a hug too or....

Rapi: No that won't be necessary Commander. But I appreciate the offer. And thank you for saving me. I owe you my life.

Flukey: Debts aren't needed between us Rapi. I saved you because I care. Listen girls. I know Nikkes go through enough hell with Commanders and civilians that only see you all as expendable weapons of war or unholy abominations. But that's not what I see. I see sentient beings that deserve a lot more than what they've been given and let's be honest here, you Nikkes might be the only good thing the Ark has going for it. And I mean that with every fiber of my being. Now, let's take the time to rest for tomorrow. You girls can use the shower in my room. I'll go after you girls.

Rapi/Anis/Neon: Yes Commander/Master.

With that, the girls headed off to shower and Flukey waited patiently and when they were done, it was his turn and he headed in.

Inside the shower, Flukey allowed the warm water to run down his body as he exhaled in relief. As he washed his body, he noticed burn scars on his back and sighed, remembering what happened on that very day.

He tries not to think about it but sometimes the memory comes back and it reminds Flukey why he became a Commander in the first place, and why he has to see his goal through to the end.

After he finished showering, it was already getting late so he changed into his sleeping wear and went to bed to rest up, unaware of what kind of day tomorrow will be.

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