Chapter 23

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Rapi, Anis, and Mihara....

In the kitchen, Rapi, Anis, and Mihara were busy cooking with some troubles here and there but nothing they couldn't handle together. 

While Rapi did most of the work, Anis and Mihara helped out too as best they could, mostly cause they weren't good cooks compared to Rapi. 

It was a bitter pill to swallow but they went with it, not allowing their pride to be the very instruments to ruin the dinner. 

During the cooking time, Mihara's phone rang and she checked it to see that it was Yuni calling.

Mihara: Oh it's Yuni. I gotta take this. 

Mihara left Rapi and Anis to cook by themselves and talked to Yuni in private. 

Mihara: What's wrong Yuni?

Yuni: Oh nothing's wrong Mihara. Just checking to see how the cooking's going.

Mihara: Everything's going fine Yuni. Thanks to Rapi, the cooking's going really well. I shouldn't be surprised. Cooking is a pretty common expertise for girls like Rapi. But cooking should be ready in a few more minutes. Are you keeping the Commander occupied? 

Yuni: *Giggles* Yep. Neon and I are doing a good job keeping the Commander in his room. He doesn't suspect a thing. 

Mihara: Good job Yuni. We'll let you know when we're done. 

Yuni: Okay. Can I have a reward when this is over? 

Mihara: Of course Yuni. Keep up the good work. 

Yuni: Will do. 

With that, Mihara ended the call and went back to cooking with Rapi and Anis. 


Yuni went back to the Commander's room to find him blushing beet red with Neon sitting in his lap while still playing. 

Immediately, Yuni took offense to this. 

Yuni: Hey no fair Neon! I wanted to sit in the Commander's lap!

Neon: Well you're gonna have to wait your turn then. I'm not done enjoying Master's comfy lap.

Neon wiggled in Flukey's lap as he grit his teeth while blushing. 

He was trying his absolute best to not get an erection from Neon's actions but it was easier said than done. 

And things only got worse when Yuni decided to join in and it became a booty-shoving match between her and Neon.

Flukey: *Blushing beet red* G-Girls.....please stop.....

Neon: I'll stop when Yuni stops! She already took Master's first kiss! I won't let her take Master's lap too!

Yuni: I was just thanking the Commander for what he did for me and Mihara! It's not my fault you're too scared to go for it!

The matter would only get worse but luckily it stopped when Rapi knocked on the door.

Rapi: Commander it's me. Food's ready.

Flukey: Perfect! I-I'll be right there!

With that, Flukey squirmed his way from Neon and Yuni and left the room, careful to not reveal the erection he had.

Now it was just Neon and Yuni in the room.

Neon: This isn't over. 

Yuni: it is not. 

But for now, they'd call a truce and went to go join the others. 


Nighttime had come and swept over the Outpost and Flukey and Countess was having a dinner together. 

Flukey: Mmm girls I gotta hand it to ya this is really good. Did you cook this all by yourself? 

Rapi: Not exactly. We did have to use the cook book.

Anis: Seriously I didn't expect cooking to be that complicated. 

Mihara: But the important thing is that it's done and the Commander loves our cooking so I'd say that's a win in my book. 

Anis: True. 

Flukey: And clever idea keeping me distracted girls. This was quite the surprise. 

Neon: We're glad you enjoyed it Master. You certainly deserve it after everything you've done for us. 

Yuni: Especially after what you did for me and Mihara. 

Mihara: I agree. This can also be considered my way of apologizing for doubting you. 

Flukey: Ah you don't have to apologize for that. To be honest, I'm surprised it worked out in the end too. I was expecting Enikk to give a harsher punishment but she took notice of my grades back in the academy and that was another advantage I had. 

Anis: Can't say that I blame her. I can't remember the last time there was a Commander that took their academy training so seriously.

Rapi: Or influenced by the belief that Nikkes are disposable instruments to a Commander. 

Flukey: Honestly I find it very concerning how easy it is for people to just believe anything that they're told. If I was like all the other brainwashed Commanders, I'd probably be dead at this point. 

Neon: And it's a good thing you're not like the other Commanders Master. I want you to stay just the way you are!

The rest of Countess agreed. 

Flukey: I'll do my best to make you girls proud. 

With that, it was a nice dinner for Countess and they decided to turn in for the night but not before being informed by their Commander that it's back to work tomorrow. 

And so they all went to bed to rest up for the big day tomorrow. 

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