Chapter One: Drinking is Fun

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A clink of drinks sounded through the bar, followed by a loud cheer made heard by many Mobians. Everyone there, or whoever could fit in the bar, were celebrating the most recent defeat of Doctor Eggman, or Robotnik, for those who knew him as that. The bar, especially, had its own joyful energy; anyone passing already becoming happier when they catch hearing of all the laughter, the talking, and the contagious feeling.
Yet, even if they were celebrating the blue hero himself, Sonic felt slightly anxious within the atmosphere. He had put on his normal cocky face, and his normal attitude, pretending everything was okay. But, of course, he wasn't really good with crowds. If he were allowed, he would probably just disappear and go run and escape outside. As fate would have it though, he couldn't do what he wanted.
    A hand appeared on his shoulder, and he turned around with another of his fake cocky smiles. "Oh, Ames! Uh, I was just gonna head to the bar and uh-"

"You were going to get a drink? I'll help you Sonikku~!" The pink hedgehog smiled before turning to all of the other Mobians in front of them, blocking the way to the bar. She put on a menacing face and yelled into their faces. You know, like an obsessive 'girlfriend' would. "Everyone, move it! I need to get my Sonikku a drink!" With that, they all scrambled out of the pink female's way, too frightened of her to try and protest. Sonic was even shocked, being dragged along soon after towards the bar.

Once they had gotten closer, the blue speedster saw a familiar black and red-striped hedgehog hunched over his drink, messing with the glass. Sonic almost snorted aloud, not having expected the anti-social hedgehog to be here. He normally avoided crowds whenever he could, but seeing him there made the blue speedster a little happier. Someone who he could actually talk to without feeling weird or apprehensive. Someone who he could race, someone he could tease, someone he...

"There we go, Sonikku~!" Amy's voice suddenly cut through his thoughts, as she pushed him onto a bar-seat, a few spots away from the black hedgehog. "Now you can get a drink!" She smiled, before leaning in closer, "Maybe a drink for me~"

Sonic leaned away from her, coughing slightly as he pushed away her face. "Uh, maybe. Hey, why don't you talk to Tails, or something? I'm takin' a break." He mentioned, his smile as fake as ever. The female smiled back, nodding as she ran back off.

"Bye then, Sonikku~ Love you~!" She mentioned, before disappearing back into the crowd to find her companions.

The blue hedgehog made a humming noise and his face fell to a mild frown. He sighed, calling over the bartender for beer. Once Sonic got it, he chugged half of it down, and only shuddered when it went down his throat, at the cold grating taste. He looked in Shadow's direction, and his eyes widened when he found that the ebon hedgehog had been looking at him, almost staring at him. As soon as he had looked though, the other hedgehog seemed to turn away his vision quickly, not having wanted to get caught. The blue speedster chuckled, and got out of his seat, plopping down next to the Ultimate Lifeform.

The ebon hedgehog looked up from his glass, and his normal frown was there, which only twitched slightly at the hedgehog now next to him. He had secrets of his own. One of which, was that he had feelings for the other, but didn't know exactly how to express them to the hero. So what he did, was scoff, roll his eyes at the beer, and looked back down at his own drink.

"I never knew you took to drinking, hedgehog." He commented, chuckling slightly.
Sonic looked back up at him, smirking. "There's a lot you don't know about me, buddy!" He responded, taking another swig. "'Sides, the feeling's mutual. When did you start to drink, Shads?"

    Although the ebon hated the nickname before, he didn't mind so much now. "Hmm... There were alcoholic drinks up on the ARK, and I was curious about it. Amazingly, I was left alone with it, and didn't retch because of my genes, even with how much I took in." Shadow confessed, sighing. Too bad he really didn't get drunk, or he would be absolutely hammered right now. He's had quite a bit since the party started, and even now he was only slightly dizzy. He didn't mind; He was just glad the other was in the mood to talk with him.

"Which brings me to another question. Why did you come here? I thought you hated crowds?" The blue hedgehog perked up again, finishing off his glass and quickly requesting another two for them both.

"Rouge had... forced me to come." I wanted to come see you. "She told me if I didn't go I'd do all of her work for a while." Shadow explained, hiding the real truth. He had no absolute idea what the blue hedgehog thought of him. He just hope he wouldn't be rejected. His heart would break, and it would feel like losing Maria again. But he wasn't the emotional person. Of course not. He'll only acknowledge the rejection as it came, and cry silently in his head. He'd be alright.
    "Oh, I see!" Sonic laughed, smiling brightly. "So you aren't the workaholic that everyone thought you were!" Shadow cracked a smile, shaking his head. He couldn't be all worried and anxious, not when Sonic had such a contagious attitude. And he caught on quickly. "Whoa! That's one of the first times I've seen you smile! You should do it more often, Shads~ It looks great on you." The blue speedster commented, smiling widely at him. The ebon hedgehog had to look away and back down at his drink, forcing down a blush. He... likes my smile... He chuckled, and looked back up to say something back, but stopped short. Was the blue hedgehog, fidgeting in his seat? It wasn't unnatural for the blue speedster to get antsy when he was forced to stay still, but he had come and sit next to Shadow on his own accord, right? Shadow frowned, placing a hand on his shoulder.
    "Are you alright?" Shadow asked, concerned for his crush. The blue one's head whipped to face him, swallowing worriedly.
    "Er, yeah, 'M fine, totally, fine." He cracked a grin, shuffling in his seat again. His breathing was slightly laboured, and the longer Shadow's hand stayed on the blue and peach furred shoulder, it seemed that Sonic was starting to get warm. Was he also uncomfortable with crowds? The ebon sighed, rolling his eyes.
    "You don't look fine." He mentioned. The blue hedgehog continued to look around at all the other's there, his eyes also wide and unfocused. He wanted to be out of here. Out of there and running.
    Sonic finally looked back at Shadow, eyes slightly pleading. "Y'know, I feel like going for a run. Shads, wanna come with me?" To the ebon, that translated to - I don't like it here, please find me an exit.
    Shadow nodded, finishing up his drink, and getting up from his stool, the blue hedgehog almost knocking his seat over as he struggled to hold onto his sanity. There were too many people in here. There wasn't enough space. He was too warm. Too tense. Too-
    "Damn, I can't get us out unless we go through the crowd to the entrance." Shadow's voice came close to his ear, as he talked over the loud music. But he noticed that Sonic wasn't even focused enough to respond. He seemed to have froze in his spot. Shadow roughly shook the other, growling. "Pull yourself together!"
    Sonic looked up at Shadow, barely acknowledging the rough shakes. "Please... Get me out of here..." He looked like he'd just seen Tails be taken away from him, forcefully, without any explanation. Or that he was told he wouldn't be able to run as fast as he could anymore. He looked that scared. Shadow almost felt his heart break, never wanting to have seen such an expression on his face.
    Shadow nodded, making a split second decision to use Chaos Control. He hugged the other close, (Screw what Sonic thought of him, he just needed to get Sonic away from his horrors) and said the command under his breath, quickly and effortlessly transporting them outside of the bar.
    As soon as they were, Sonic's tenseness flowed out of his body, relaxing completely in Shadow's hold. But only for a moment. Sonic took himself from the hug, smiling as if he didn't just have a panic attack moments ago. "Hey, thanks Shadow! I owe ya one!" He gave a thumbs up, before stretching in place, his mind on running. Although, he completely forgot about the alcohol in his system, and he swayed on his feet. It seemed like the alcohol had finally reached his whole system.
    "Oooooo~! Hey Shadssssss~!" He smiled lopsidedly, swaying again as he turned back to face his ebon rescuer. "How'sabout, you n' I... Have us a lil' race~?" The blue hedgehog leaned into Shadow, smirking somewhat seductively.
    "Sonic, I don't think it's such a good idea-"
    "Nahh~ 'S totally fine~" He reassured the other, looking right up into hardened and slightly worried crimson. Crimson that looked... so loving.. And pretty... and... was he, leaning closer to his lips...? He shook his head, blushing a bit as he straightened up. "What's the worst that can happen~?"
    Shadow sighed, rolling his eyes as he gave in. His drunk companion seemed to be somewhat coordinated enough. Hopefully. The ebon nodded, getting a squeal of joy from the drunker of the two.
    "Lass one to mah house loses~" And with that, he sped off in a jerky and swaying action, Shadow following closely behind in case of him accidentally tripping and what not. As fate would have it, that's exactly what happened.
    Sonic turned around and continued to race backwards, smirking drunkenly at his racepartner. "Hey Shasss~! 'M racin' backwards-" His foot came into contact with a slight dip in the walkway, and he reared backwards, curling up immediately as an instinct to keep him safe. He rolled through the traffic, dozens of cars honking and beeping at the sudden ball of spikes zipping through the traffic and into the nearby field, where he finally slowed to a stop, uncurling after a moment.
    Shadow was at his side in an instant, kneeling by the dazed hedgehog. "Sonic, are you-"
    "WOOOO~! Less do dat again!" He chuckled, a heavy blush on his face, drunk as ever. He turned, ready to get back up before hissing, grabbing his right leg. "Ugh, fuuuuck..." He cursed, feeling like he sprained his ankle. The blue speedster looked up, then, at the ebon above him, giving a slightly nervous chuckle. "Oh, hey Shads~" He cooed, suddenly noticing he was there. Had he always been there? Probably. He didn't care. Shadow suddenly seemed to be the only thing he wanted to think about right now anyway. Was he always this good-looking or nice too? Probably.
    "I need to get you home and make sure your ankle is okay." Shadow informed him, already curling his arms carefully under him, to attempt to pick him up.
    "Nnnnooooo~ I-it don't hurt~" He tried getting up again, before falling back onto his spiked back once more. Sonic growled at his failed attempt, crossing his arms.
    "The offer still stands."
    "...Fine. Just, get me home." Sonic finally complied. He didn't want to show such weakness of having to be carried just because he hurt himself a little bit. Shadow picked him up now, laying him in his arms. Immediately, the blue hedgehog relaxed as soon as he was, leaning into the warmth. Oh Chaos... He's so warm... And so nice... Why is he being so nice...? Came Sonic's thoughts, as Shadow started off again to Sonic and Tails' house. Can he keep being this nice...? I like this side of him... Do I like his other side, too..? ...Heh, yeah... I do... He blushed a little more, closing his eyes after a bit of hesitation. Was he being nice, because he was also a little drunk? Sonic thought, nuzzling the ivory fluff on the black furred chest. He purred softly, glad as well, he wasn't being forced to walk back himself. But then again, thanks to his stubbornness, that probably would have happened, because he wants to show that he's 'fine'.
    Sonic perked up a little bit as Shadow soon shuffled him into one strong arm, opening the door of the shared house, heading inside. Thankfully, Tails was still at the party, or else there would have been a bit of laughing going on at their position. With Shadow still holding Sonic, who looked ready to pass out already.
    The moment passed and Shadow set the blue hedgehog onto the couch in the living room and knelt at the base where his sprained ankle was, feeling it over. It sent a hiss from Sonic, and with that he confirmed his suspicions. "It's only sprained, it'll be fine if you just keep it from being moved and keep ice on it." Shadow informed the blue one, grabbing an icepack from the freezer and placing it down on the ankle; another hiss.
    "Uh.. Thanks, Shads.." He smiled, content with his current position. He was in just the right spot to see every one of Shadow's curves, and his lean muscles. Sadly, the ebon thought his job was done, and started to head out of the blue hero's sight, going back through the door. No matter how much the ebon wanted to stay, and make his move while the other was drunk, it wouldn't last through the morning, seeing as the two were rivals. He really did want to stay, but it were too much of a risk in his head.
"W-wait! Y-you're leaving already..?" His voice sounded hesitant, as if he didn't want to sound so sad about the other. Sonic's hand had outstretched towards the other, just barely brushing his hand as he tried to keep the other there. For some reason, his conscious wanted the other to stay. At least the night... Or maybe more?
The ebon stopped and looked back at the hero, and sighed, giving into his wants. "Fine... I'll stay." With that, Sonic smiled widely, sitting up in his spot from laying on the couch, for Shadow to sit next to him. The ebon huffed as he sat down, and blinked as Sonic's head rested on his chest, scooching up to sit up next to Shadow. A soft purring came from Sonic, completely content once more with his situation. Shadow's face heated up slightly, feeling the blue hero nuzzling into his chest fluff. Did his 'rival'... truly like him back?


    Sonic felt a little warmer than he should have been. He looked up sleepily at his 'rival', dazed with how relaxed he was. How relaxed the both of them were. His body started to raise a little, his head going closer to the tan lips. They looked gentle enough to kiss.. What was he doing again..?
"Sonic...? What are you..." Shadow trailed off, feeling his face get warm with a blush again. The blue hedgehog laughed softly, and still a little drunk, smiled at his rival with a bit of needy love.
"I-I dunno, hehe~" His head went further, their lips almost touching. They could both feel the other's breath, coming out in small hesitant puffs. "Wanna just.... Let it happen...?~"
A moment passed, before tan met peach, gently, softly, still quite hesitant. Shadow opened his mouth a bit to lock lips with the other, unknowingly making the other's dreams come true as well. A small moan came from Sonic, feeling his body heat rise, the slight pleasure going through his system. His legs opened a little wider, his member starting to heat more inside his pouch.
A few moments later, they had separated to gasp in some air, looking at each other with flushed faces of surprise, and subtle lust. Shadow crawled out from under Sonic, and knelt over him. Both of their pouches were heated from the kissing, and to contact of their warm bodies wasn't helping too much with either of their now erections. Shadow's knee subtly went to knead at Sonic's ruffled fur surrounding his pouch, unknowingly starting to coax it out further, but stopped when a mixed moan and cry caused him to stop. Under him, Sonic was a blushing mess, panting heavily as he continued to warm up, wanting release from the pressure.

"H-how about, ahh~, w-we go to a better suited place, f-for this~?" Sonic stuttered out, trying his hardest to not look or sound as submissive as he felt. Shadow snapped out of his thoughts, and nodded, getting off of him. He then picked the other up carefully, not minding that the ice pack would be discarded for now, only focusing on his crush. He carried the other into the hedgehog's bedroom, tossing him gently onto the bed and kneeling back over him again, smirking lustily. It wasn't, of course, his first time doing this with anyone, (Rouge had gotten drunk and found a way to make the hedgehog comply) but it was his first time doing this to a male. And he knew that there wasn't any other place to put himself but into the hole located just under the blue tail. He looked back up at the blue speedster, hoping he wasn't moving too fast. But when he met with a panting and still red faced hedgehog, his thoughts were answered easily; the other wanted him just as Shadow wanted Sonic. Shadow smirked with renewed determination, and pushed into the tight ring of muscles slowly, not wanting to hurt Sonic right away.

A small hiss came from Sonic, as his eyes tightly shut against the sudden intrusion, tears threatening to break free from him. Shadow stayed right where he was, not moving a muscle, in the case of letting Sonic get used to the feeling. A few moments passed and Sonic moaned slightly in pain, re-opening his eyes to look up at Shadow. He still looked like he was in pain, and even sounded like it, but his face said otherwise.

"Are you sure you still want to do this...?" Shadow asked, giving a sympathetic look, checking just to make sure. The pained hedgehog nodded, swallowing thickly.
    "Y-yeah... I wanna..~" Sonic managed to get out, smirking somewhat cockily up at the other. "Especially with you~" This made the Bio-Hog blush again, as he chuckled.
    "Alright... Just tell me when you want me to stop~" He warned, before starting to move back and forth in a nice paced rhythm, causing quiet gasps and soft moans to come from the submissive blue. Sonic could barely speak when the ebon started to move within him, feeling the member scrape at his delicate insides, and heating him up further. His mouth only made noises such as loud moans, and and cries of pleasure, unable to think between the pleasure. The member was thick with pre-cum anyway, which made the entrance and thrusting much easier to deal with. If he could have this happen everyday, especially with Shadow, he'd be as horny as a bull.
A harsh hit to his sweet spot made him drawl out his loudest cry yet, stars flying through his vision, as he gripped the sheets underneath him. Yeah, he and Shadow were both glad the young and innocent fox were still out at the party. It would practically scar the young fox, and knowing that, Shadow went faster, hoping to take care of the climax before it would be too late. Another cry came from the blue hedgehog, his fingers clawing into the sheets once more. It was all getting to be too much for the Sonic, as he started to feel a small bit of pressure start to develop in his abdomen, signaling his eventual release. He groaned, looking up at the other, face flushed red, panting, tongue hanging out of his mouth as Sonic felt the member continue to ravage him. Chaos, he didn't want this to end! He moaned out once more; they both were so close to releasing, it felt hard to breathe.
"I-I'm, I'm gonna-" Sonic started, already watching his member tense, just moments from climaxing.

"Then cum for me~" That was all that needed to be said, before Sonic threw his head back onto the pillow, crying out in ecstasy as his seed spurted up from his member, sticking to Shadow's and his chest. Only moments later, Shadow sunk himself into the other, releasing his own load deep into the other's hole. Sonic huffed, feeling the strange whiteness come into him. Again, it was such a strange feeling, but he craved more. The lust died down in him, as his member flopped flaccidly, pulling it back into its sheath. Shadow pulled out slowly, watching a bit of the cum fall back out of the hole, taking his own member back into his pouch.

The ebon laid heavily next to the worn out blue hedgehog, sighing with content. He paused slightly, as he felt the other curl into his form, purring a little bit. His arm wrapped around the top of Shadow's stomach, pulling him in closer.

//Questionable/ NSFW End// IT HAS ENDED

"That was..." Sonic mumbled, looking up at the ebon. "It was amazing..." he smiled, chuckling softly. He laid his head back down onto the fluffy chest, sighing once more. Both of their wishes came true.

"It really was..." Shadow responded, nodding slightly. He frowned, looking to the side. "But... Do you..." He sighed, uncomfortably stumbling over his words as his face flushed in slight embarrassment. The ebon growled slightly, angry he couldn't get his words right away. "Do you want to be... with me?" He had asked vaguely.
Sonic looked up at his discouraged mate, his face full of serious emotion. "Shads... I... I like you. I really do. I have liked you for a long time... I just..." He blushed, chuckling anxiously. "I guess all I needed to do was get drunk to finally say something.." Shadow blinked, eyes widening at this. A small smile spread his lips, as he kissed the top of the blue head. He was glad, hearing his words. It meant they each had been avoiding their feelings too long.

"Sonic..." He muttered, chuckling softly. "Oh, Sonic... You have no idea how happy I feel.." He sighed, nuzzling the blue fur. "I... I love you..." There it was; the cat was out of the bag, his tongue no longer tied and unwilling to say such a thing. He felt pride when saying it to his lifelong crush, (ever since they saw each other), and couldn't help but smile when saying so. He just hoped the other felt the same as him.

Although, Sonic had stilled. Weren't they moving too fast in the relationship to already say that he loved the other back as much as he did? He looked up slowly at the ebon, blushing. Well, screw it. He thought. I've wanted to be Shadow's since the day he warmed up to me, gay or not. He smiled, coming out of his thoughts. "I love you too, Shadow...~"

The ebon smiled a bit, nuzzling the other. "Good..." The two hedgehogs cuddled in bed like such for a while, both passing out in each other's arms

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