Part 7- First Meetings

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"Not that I've ever met you before to know what you look like but mud does not look good on you." Pragya said sarcastically as she got out of her car and made her way to stand in front of none other than Abhi, whose clothes and face were all covered in mud.

"You're the reason I'm like this!" Abhi yelled angrily gesturing to his condition.

"Oh really? How so? I'm sure I had nothing to do with this." Pragya said with a smirk, knowing exactly what happened.

"Yes, you did, because you were driving like a maniac!" Abhi accused.

"It was you who was standing in the middle of the street like a beggar!!" Pragya yelled defensively.

"At least I don't act like I own the roads!!" Abhi retaliated, taking a step towards Pragya.

"Ugh stay away from me you filth!!" Pragya yelled in disgust, referring to the mud, as she turned around to leave, only to slip because of a small pebble in her way...

Landing right into a pool of dirty mud water, the same puddle that had splashed on Abhi, sitting up on the ground, looking at her arms and hands that were covered in mud in disgust.

Only pausing when she saw an outstretched hand, looking up to see Abhi towering over her, offering a hand to help her get up, as she looked at him in confusion.

Hesitantly and slowly, Pragya put her hand in Abhi's, both of them becoming lost in each other's eyes, but as soon as Pragya held Abhi's hand he abruptly let go, turning around his back turned towards Pragya.

"Sorry, but I don't touch filth." Abhi said with a smirk repeating Pragya's words back to her, as he walked back to his car that he had told the driver to get him, got inside, and drove off with one last glance at Pragya, chuckling at how angry she looked.

"Jerk!!" Pragya yelled angrily as she watched Abhi's car speed away, hitting the ground with her hands, only to groan in disgust as more mud water splashed onto her, she needed a shower and she needed it now.

"Just because you see something first, doesn't make it yours." Dev said smugly to an angry-looking Amrit.

"If you take something by force that doesn't make it yours either!" Amrit yelled angrily.

"Oh hello when did I ever take it by force?! There was no one on this seat!" Dev yelled defensively.

"Yes, you did! You pushed me out of the way!" Amrit retaliated.

"No, I didn't." Dev said with a smirk.

"Yes, you did." Amrit accused. "Get up."

"Excuse me? Do you own this seat? I don't see your name anywhere on it. Then why should I get up?" Dev asked sarcastically.

"You-!" Amrit began to yell angrily, just as the bus came to an abrupt halt, causing Amrit to lose her balance and fall right onto Dev as he grabbed onto her shoulders to steady her, both of them becoming lost in each other's eyes.

"Eww get your hands off of me, you lowlife!" Amrit yelled in disgust as she tried to get away from Dev.

"Okay, if you say so." Dev said with a smirk, letting go, Amrit realized too late that Dev was the only thing that had been keeping her steady as she landed on the floor of the bus.

"How dare you?!" Amrit asked angrily.

"What? You told me to let you go, and I did." Dev said smugly as he got up from the seat realizing now that the bus had already reached its stop and that they were the only ones on it, everyone else had already left.

And as Dev made his way outside the bus, he turned around to glance at Amrit who had now stood up and was swiping dust off of her clothes, letting out a short chuckle at how annoyed she looked, before he walked away.

"Lowlife." Amrit whispered angrily under her breath as she watched Dev's retreating form before exiting the bus herself, silently vowing to never take the bus again.

The revving of engines and the sound of metal scratching against metal was the only thing that could be heard, as Purab and Alia got out of their cars, slamming the car doors shut, glaring at each other as they assessed the damage. Because when two cars are headed toward the same parking spot, they are destined to collide.

"Look at what you did!" Purab yelled angrily as he pointed towards the tiniest barely visible scratch on the side of his car.

"What I did?! This is all your fault!" Alia yelled in her defense.

"How so?! You're the one who tried to steal my parking spot!" Purab accused.

"I was here first! If anything you're the one who tried to steal my parking spot!" Alia retaliated.

"I saw it first!" Purab defended himself.

"Yes, I'm sure you can see for miles and miles with your toad-like eyes!!" Alia yelled sarcastically.

"Well, at least I don't have a duck face!!" Purab retaliated angrily.

"You." Alia whispered angrily, pointing a finger at Purab as she took a step towards him.

"Me what huh?" Purab asked he too taking a step forward, so that there was barely an inch of space left between them and it only happened for a second but their features softened for a bit, their eyes gleaming in amusement as they turned around and walked away in different ways opposite each other, without another word.

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